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Solider Of Allh Muslim Gang Taunting Sikh Community

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Blame the punjabi culture that's destroying the youth.

Lustful songs= mostly likly relationships occuring

Caste songs= yet again division amongst Sikhs

Gigs= our so called punjabi singers luring Sikhs into clubs and pubs to listen and dance.

So westernised society= punjabi culture

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bhai sahib is pakistan punjab not our homeland also which is occupied by muslims, what about our singh who was beheaded recently for not converting to islam, wat bout the tax non muslim have to pay in parts of pakistan

Bruvs, Its not my function to speak up for the image of Pakistan. I'm not its foreign affairs spokesman. That country has terrible social . religious problems....just as India has. But I do know that those Sikhs that were either beheaded or had taxes imposed upon them have enjoyed 70 years of protection from their respective pathan tribes. Terrorists came to those tribal mountains and not only beheaded one sikhs and imposed a tax on a dozen others but actually murdered many hundreds of local muslims.....especially the ones that stood up for the sikhs. There were many victims of those terrorists. For us to only count the one sikhs as a human being and 'forget' about the many thousands of muslims from those same villages doesn't bode well for our sense of humanity.

As for the Pakistan Punjab as our homeland : The day we start to make totally unrealistic demands that come under the heading of fantasy....is the day we can kiss goodbye to any idea of freedom. Right now.......everything happening in the world is pointing to the fact that we will.....within our lifetime....be free of Indian rule. On the one hand we've got realists in the world understanding that having India and Pakistan at loggerheads....with both having the fingers on the nuclear button....is a severe danger to all mankind........and how there is a real need for a neutral buffer state between the two ; Khalistan. And now......there are signs that there is an unstoppable wind of 'seperation' and 'independance' about to hit the world like the world has never seen before. Just a few days ago even the King og Belgium acknowledged that the national Belgium Day was probably going to be the last one ever. The Wallonns and the French national government are in official talks right this very moment for Belgium to split on ethnic lines. If that happens....and it definately will.....there is no way the Canadian government will be able to prevent Quebec going the same way. The European Union acknowledge that the effect will be that Catalonia will break from Spain. The Basques will finally attain their own state......The wind will hit Scotland and they will leave the union with England.....and so on and so forth. Our time......our opportunity my friend....is coming. The wind of change is just around the corner. But if we start down the route of totally impossible dreams of taking Pakistan as well then we are doomed.

bruv ur right most our girls talk and walk like skets

but they still call them selves sikhs these girls need to wake up

Not sure what a 'sket' is but if most of our girls are skets than most of our males must be complete utter lumps of dog turd. I've said it before many times and I'll say it again : We are not muslims...we are sikhs. In sikhism there is complete and utter equality between the sexes. You can't have one standard for the females and another for the men. How the hell can fathers and brothers that go drinking, clubbing and fornicating not expect their daughter or sister not to do the same ? The day we men set the right example is the day we'll get the kind of females you'd approve of.

Is west Punjab not our land? where was Sikhi born? answer: Nankana Sahib. Where were most of the lands located in the Sikh state of Maharaja Ranjit Singh,answer: in Pakistan. Before partition 45%(that's almost half) of the Sikh population was located in West Punjab, but they were ethnically cleansed permanently. 1947 was ten times more bloody than 1984 in terms of Sikh lives lost

Bruvs......is district Jalandhar not THEIR land then ? After all....pre-1947 they were the majority of doaba Punjabis before we drove them out.

So....going by your logic....is Amritsar not THEIR city ? After all, since the very beginning Amritsar was always a distinctly muslim majority city right up until 1947 when we drove them out.

My friend.....We don't have a monoply on suffering in 1947. More muslims were murdered than sikhs. especially in rural doaba where my elderly relatives have related to me how they used to form into jathas and go hunting for muslims to kill. Men, women and babies.....it didn't matter who they killed as long as they were muslim.

Like I said before....our slave masters are clever. It suits them to divert your attention. Make you busy fight a new enemy so you forget who the real enemy is.

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it is both the sikh girls and boys fault, on 1 hand the girls dress like skets and on the other hand the boys tell them they look great and feed them <banned word filter activated> that makes them feel good, therefore the girls will continue dressing this way, the girls go out to gigs dressed like skets the paki guy sees this and takes advantage of it, cuz the sikh guys dont understand the problem with the sikh girl goin out with the paki they dont speak up and they just let it happen, it all happens cuz the boys and girls are ignorant of what our ancestors went through, im 17 and half my mates dont even know what happend in 1984!

since my knowledge of asian history of 1947 is somewhat lacking ill refrain from posting a view on it, just that i hope everyone can sumday get along and just stick to their religion and their own homeland.

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What is comes down to is that there is really no use blaming the Muslims. We need to come to grips with our own faults first then point the fingers at others. Firstly, if our Sikh girls see nothing wrong with going out with Muslim men, then there is a serious problem with their thinking/mindset which comes from one's upbringing.

All is still not lost. We as a community need to teach indoctrinate or brainwash our children since childhood that marrying out is not an option. Going out with non Sikhs is not an option. Give them traditional values. Traditional values is not doing Bhagra or Giddha and partying as we are mostly doing. Traditional values are promotion of modesty and chastity amongst our girls, respect for elders. Teach them about Gurmat and how Gurmat is the greatest of all religions. Teach them the examples of the mothers, sisters and daughters of the Guru's household as ideal examples of Sikh womanhood.

Look at what Muslims do. They teach there girls to be chaste and modest. They teach them to care about the family and the Umma. They teach them to follow the examples set by the Muslim women relating to Prophet Mohammad. As a result you will mostly see Muslim women being chaste, modest, feminine and religious. Muslim women have the concept of Sharam while Sikh girls do not.

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Like I said before....our slave masters are clever. It suits them to divert your attention. Make you busy fight a new enemy so you forget who the real enemy is.

Oh, the hindu bashing, hey, dear me, as to real enemy, well, those that want to convert the kuffars will end the religions, but lets be clear these number of individuals that do are not the majority in Paksitani community, as get on well with those in our local community, and we show friendship towards each other, just as during partition when all faiths lived together in Punjab, until fascist 2 nation theory spread by muslim league, who kicked of the ethnic cleansing, which prompted a response from non muslims:


Bu then we had people like Allah Baksh, sind 1st premier who was against partition:


then we had Abdul Ghaffar Khan in NWFP, who too was against partition, and in fact his party and Congress won the election in NWFP STATE in 1946, and it was Badshah Khan nwho ensured minorites lived fairly there, hence Sikhs people are fine in that area untill the Taliban far right come along


Real enemy are far right in any faith, those that communalise all as bad, are just as bad, as spreading hate towards any group wholesale is wrong.

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yes please

Oh, the hindu bashing, hey, dear me, as to real enemy, well, those that want to convert the kuffars will end the religions, but lets be clear these number of individuals that do are not the majority in Paksitani community, as get on well with those in our local community, and we show friendship towards each other, just as during partition when all faiths lived together in Punjab, until fascist 2 nation theory spread by muslim league, who kicked of the ethnic cleansing, which prompted a response from non muslims:


Bu then we had people like Allah Baksh, sind 1st premier who was against partition:


then we had Abdul Ghaffar Khan in NWFP, who too was against partition, and in fact his party and Congress won the election in NWFP STATE in 1946, and it was Badshah Khan nwho ensured minorites lived fairly there, hence Sikhs people are fine in that area untill the Taliban far right come along


Real enemy are far right in any faith, those that communalise all as bad, are just as bad, as spreading hate towards any group wholesale is wrong.

you dont live in the real world. Pakistanis hate us.

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I hear my fellow Sikhs (including my own relatives) saying nasty things about islam every day. '<banned word filter activated>' this....'<banned word filter activated>' that.....Even saying terribly hurtfull things about their prophet.

So.....just how rational would it be for muslims to be on their message boards right now making threads and comments about the 'evil' sikhs.....simply because a a gang of uneducated unemployed sikhs in Heston make nasty comments ?

My Pakistani friends and the Pakistani friends of my mother (whom I call massi ji's) are the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. They always show so much respect to Sikhism. In fact, a couple of years ago when we had a langar at the gurdwara here, we ordered all the grocery for the langar from a Pakistani shop owned by a friend of one of my mum's friends. They came in their van to deliver...full of respect...head covered...and refused payment. I think the total bill was near to £200 and they refused to take any money. Said it was an honour for them to supply the materials for the langar and couldn't possibly wish to make any money for such a great thing. And these wern't even my mum's friends. These were friends of her friends. Cn you imagine that ? Can you imagine any sikh shop doing that ? I can tell you the saving came in usefull to us because the gurdwara bill was constantly topping up.....Charge for use of gas.....Charge for use of chairs......Charge for use of pots and pans.....Charge for use of tables.....and so on. One of the reasons why organising a langar or akhand path at the gurdwara is becoming beyond the financial reach of many working class families.

So.......no my friend. Don't send me a personal message with the link. I play no part in constant vilification of a community. My enemy is the foreign Hindustanis. Not my fellow Punjabi blood from across the border.

My last best friend was muslim and she began to call me her sister. I was closer to her than I was to my own sister and many of my other best and good friends have been muslim(guys and girls). Baba Nanak said, 'no hindu no muslim'- we cannot ignore this gyan that he shared with the world and must apply this gurbani to our own lives in order to be able to succeed on the path of the bhagat (the aim of being a Sikh(student) of Truth).

Yes there are many upon many decent muslims out there(although we are all great sinners in this dark age), and there are also very bad apples, as there are with our own 'sikhs'. This is all His Hukam, it would be beyond wrong to target all muslims as perpetrators- that would be playing the same game as muslim extremists, not gurbani. Remember that many muslims became sikhs, that is proof in itself that the same god that resides in us also resides in muslims- they are really not muslims, just fools like us living in the darkest age known to mankind, they are all god really.

Where wrongdoing is committed and ignorance shown, speak the Truth as Guru Gobind Singh Ji did in Zafarnama- such is the love of god that he teaches us even when we sin, the dukh and karmas we pay off are lessons within themselves- maya teaches us that it will only let us ruin ourselves but truth sets us free.

The problems in Birmingham are still bad, yes- this is why we need more brahmgyanis, This age is dark, negativity is everywhere- people need to get up and start living gurbani, becoming bhagats, instead of simply reading it. God is wherever Truth is practiced and spoken, more light is needed in this darkness.

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In regards to a post about clubs/gigs. I don't know but I'm guessing these types of things happen at night so why do the parents let them out or don't question where they are going. Shouldn't the same treatment be implemented to Sikh men too because it's wrong just because A is a girl she can't go out but B is a boy and he can. Remember that he will be looking at other peoples sisters in the wrong way it's the same principle.

There is too much discrimination against genders because of peoples perceptions within our community. Guru ji gave equal rights.

as I said before if Sikh girls go out dressed like slags what do you expect the muslim population to think they are going to think they are up for it. then they will end up going out with them you would then hear the speech about I love him. Later it will be he raped me what did you expect a house and happily ever after. Buried too much in fairy tales some of these girls. Some have so much attitude it's like they think they are gangsters or something. noone is brainwashed Sikh girls go out with muslim guys of their own will it's been proven and it's been proven now.

Education, knowledge and understanding is the key to resolve issues and never get into them in the first place and we wouldn't have these problems. It's all well talking about isssues but actions get things done.

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Also people who daytimers both Panjabi's and the Muslim type are in it for the same thing. Dollars and hoes.

In clubs, the number of Muslim girls is negliable. However Girls from a Panjabi/Indian background are plentyful. Muslims boys also are plentyful just like Panjabi boys. Just forget for a second what a girl dresses up like. However most Panjabi boys get drunk, try to womanise and act like complete idiots when intoxicated. Sober muslim boys can then slap up these fools without even trying most of the time. So some Panjabi girls think yeah he tough, he half decent looking, he sober, he okay to talk too and he ain't a drunk fool.

Both young men and some old men are there to get what they can anyway they can in some way, happens in all communities. While most women are more concerned with finding the 'one' and being in love. Give a woman time and attention with a bit of sweet talk every now and then then watch what happens, it a simple as that. Obviously there are the loose women who don't care where they are are and whos around. There are also a few cases of strong coersive methods used.

The typical most common tactic used is piling girls with drink, beacuse most drink because it is accepted within our community. On one hand you have both Panjabi boys piling girls with alcohol in pubs and clubs to get their leg over. So what does it matter if it is a Muslim man does it? They can use the justification and mis/interpretation of their Dharam to engage in these thing depending on what their views are of Kuffars. Whats the excuse of Panjabis? What because they are simply Kanjars? The only real difference is that Panjabi lads don't go round ACTIVELY pursuing Muslim girls in all levels of society and then getting them high on liquor and drugs for them to only become pieces of meat for sexual gratification, to then in certain cases be pimped out etc or for them to embrace another faith after the girl has fallen in 'love' or been blackmailed.

Even more importantly is that Muslims have PRINCIPLES instilled in them (whether they may be tright or wrong to others is another matter) through going to the Mosque daily or Sunday school at the Mosque or are made to submit to the will of their elders on way or the other. This is why very little of them elope with other people from other communities. While Panjabi's, well what can be said, too much free will without a cultural education, understanding and solid PRINCIPLES (be it from religion or other) and without good role models doesn't make for clued up kids at all. Most Panjabi's have role models in their own families of people who drink smoke, have open double standards and emphasise just making money is the most important thing in life etc this leads to clueless Panjabi's BOYS and GIRLS. While in schools Muslim kids are clued up and Panjabi's don't know kak about their faith except to chat crap about what 'caste' they are from which is nothing to do with religion.

Girls from another community is easy 'work', while doing it within your own community for Muslims and getting caught may lead to becoming the next headlines. While in Panjabi communities its accepted because boys do it to other boys sisters, but then don't want that in their own household when it their sister. Ultimately does it make a difference if the girl is a SLAG or the BOY is and if he is a MUSLIM SLAG or PANJABI SLAG? Something to ask yourselves?

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