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Death Penalty In The U.K - Are In Favour Of It?

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An on line petition has exceeded 100 Thousand in favour of Capital Punishment, which means has to be debated in Parliament.

I am in full favour of Capital Punishment.

I would say some of the major Religions support capital punishment some not as directly as others, for example we believe in Righteousness and Justice.

I believe it's a deterrent, to murders, rape, and Pedos.

It's also cost effect, as the tax payers wouldn't have to pay for scum to live and have 3 meals a day, and a warm bed, while victims and their families suffer.

It would also mean less people in prison which would more means standard criminals i.e. thieves can be accommodated in prison for longer.

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And what about when someone is wrongfully convicted(as they are all the time..).

Sajjan Thug murdered many, and became Guru Nanak's devotee etc. We need to think about this aswell...

Science is very advanced in solving crime, with DNA.

Ian Huntley who killed the two girls from soham, MiraHindley, who killed many children, should be hung.

What bout Sajjan Kumar who organised the Delhiriots he should be hung.

You change your ways we don't have door mat believes,wrong doers should be delt with

Indra Ghandi

Michael o Dwyer

Lala Jagat Narian

Gen Viadya

Catch my drift

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As sad as it may sound, maybe in a small country like England the message that if you do wrong, you will get punished severely and that may prove to be a deterrent to some criminals?

Some people are animals and don't understand anything but harsh force. You can reason and plead with these people as much as you like, but it won't make a difference to someone who is "evil". I guess if people are afraid of miscarriages of justice, the police and the law will have to work extra hard to ensure there is NO doubt. If there is doubt, the death sentence should be taken off the table.

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As sad as it may sound, maybe in a small country like England the message that if you do wrong, you will get punished severely and that may prove to be a deterrent to some criminals?

Some people are animals and don't understand anything but harsh force. You can reason and plead with these people as much as you like, but it won't make a difference to someone who is "evil". I guess if people are afraid of miscarriages of justice, the police and the law will have to work extra hard to ensure there is NO doubt. If there is doubt, the death sentence should be taken off the table.

If people are worried about miscarriages of justice then there's something wrong with the Justice system.

Its not some thing which Is acceptable in a highly developed country like the UK in 2011.

The middle class mps and their families are not likely ever to be victims of horrific crimes which is why they wont implement Capital Punishment, they have no idea.

The inner cities are sess pit and a jungle with all sorts of psychos, there's only one way to deal with them

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I am in full favour of Capital Punishment.

I believe it's a deterrent, to murders, rape, and Pedos.

What led you to "believe" that then Singh ? All the evidence suggests that the rate of henious murders are alot higher in states which have the death penalty. Probably because the sanctity of human life is lessened and cheapened. In other words, killing becomes more acceptable in places where the state also practices killing.

Be carefull what you wish for Singh. In other words, put a bit more thought into the things you wish for.

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in the kingdom of maharaja ranjit singh...execution was outlawed...however amputations of hands, feet, nose or ears were used as punishment to criminals and acted as a determent to those who contemplated committing crimes...but a humans life should never be taken from him if their is an alterior method of punishment....they should always have the chance to reform...as this human life doesnt come aound often....they should still have the oppurtunity to meet waheguru....for the likes of jagdish tyler and sajjan kumar i would prefer them rotting in prison than being executed...the only reason kharkoos assasinated anti skh individuals responsible for the murder of thousands of sikhs was because that was the only option they had in punishing these people and bringing them to justice....if kharkoos had control of prisons of their own..dont you think that would be the first place they would of sent these mass murderers....too many innocent people have been executed by governments in history...i dont trust them to send someone to the gallows...especially in this high tec age where governments can easily plant evidence against political enemies

watch this....most these kids were sentenced to death when they were oonly 17/18...how is that fair...human should be given the chance to reform themselves...

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Science is very advanced in solving crime, with DNA.

Ian Huntley who killed the two girls from soham, MiraHindley, who killed many children, should be hung.

What bout Sajjan Kumar who organised the Delhiriots he should be hung.

You change your ways we don't have door mat believes,wrong doers should be delt with

Indra Ghandi

Michael o Dwyer

Lala Jagat Narian

Gen Viadya

Catch my drift

However, these people never became good. Even being given opportunities to become good they never did, as these people have clearly been programmed (sent by god) to be like this, this is their karam, they have to be like this in this life, therefore we have to do something about it. If they turn around and actually ask for forgiveness and begin to do some acts of righteousness then chardhee kalaa!

Who the hell do we think we are to take dharam raaj's authority into our own hands?!?!?

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I believe it's a deterrent, to murders, rape, and Pedos.

No its not the countries with the death penalty have the most murderers rapists and pedos and the countries without have the least

It's also cost effect, as the tax payers wouldn't have to pay for scum to live and have 3 meals a day, and a warm bed, while victims and their families suffer.

Prisoners have the right to appeal after that it makes the death penalty cost millions for each prisoner

It would also mean less people in prison which would more means standard criminals i.e. thieves can be accommodated in prison for longer.

Again prisoners have the right to appeal which takes years and most inmates spend decades in death row

"It is better to risk sparing a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one." ~Voltaire

all that needs be said

Also if some one murdered one of my family members id want him to spend the rest of his life in a cage knowing that he will never be free again instead of being executed which is the easy way out and that if dna evidence comes out in the future that hes innocent it wouldnt be too late and he could be released and given full compensation

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