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Riots Throughout Uk

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I am only relaying the info I was told this morning. Apologies in advance if anything has been missed. Someone who was actually doing Security sewa in East London/Ilford may have more details to last nights events.

Besides reports of missles being thrown at Barking Gurdwara earlier in the evening the rest of the East London / Ilford Gurdwaras appeared to safe through the night.

There was some tension around 12am when cars full of black/mixed race youth were continually circling a perimeter of Barking and they passed the Gurdwara several times. The presence of Singhs was then largely increased at Barking Gurdwara which acted as a strong deterent for any potential opportunist attacks.

There was some disorder earlier in the evening around the surrounding area of Seven Kings Gurdwara and Karamsar Gurdwara, some shops were rushed. Again a visible presence of Singhs around the Gurdwaras also acted as a deterent for any potential opportunist attack.

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Acting police commissioner for the Met has just stated on the BBC that a large number of police will be on the streets of London tonight, with police officers from as far as Yorkshire coming to help. What worries me is the copycat rioting that is breaking out around the country, and whether local police forces are prepared for it.

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The disorder effecting Punjabi/Asian areas in London is not hitting the mainstream news! Below are some updates on the aftermath of the East London raula last night.



East Ham




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Just received a text from local singhs saying there is a message going around that apparently they are going to "hit up" the streets of southall, mainly targetting jeweller shops around 6pm in the evening. Please be aware and keep an eye out. If you have or know anyone that has a shop on broadway then tell them to be on alert, if not please get to Gurdwara in those areas, especially Ramgharia and Miri Piri which are located directly on the broadway. Also nearby is Park Avenue and around that time there is alot of local Sangat so there should be Singha Da Pehra to protect the Sangat if need be. If anyone can provide any more information would be good...

On a quick side note just want to say take a step back and just look at what is happening... all across UK everyone has lost their values, principles and honour yet still Guru Ki Laadli Fauj continues to protect Maharaaj and the Honour of the name of Sikhi, heard loads of stories about last night and how Singhs protected Guru Ghar all over UK, just makes me feel proud that Maharaj has blessed me to be on this Path and kept me from being involved in this mindless violence. Another thing that we need to look at is how Maharaj has told us that all this was gonna happen in Dasam Bani and Sau Sakhi. It is this time where we need to have Faith in our Guru and follow that Path as that is the only thing that can protect us. Singhs need to be armed not only physically but mentally aswell to be ready for what is going to come in the coming stages...

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I am only relaying the info I was told this morning. Apologies in advance if anything has been missed. Someone who was actually doing Security sewa in East London/Ilford may have more details to last nights events.

Besides reports of missles being thrown at Barking Gurdwara earlier in the evening the rest of the East London / Ilford Gurdwaras appeared to safe through the night.

There was some tension around 12am when cars full of black/mixed race youth were continually circling a perimeter of Barking and they passed the Gurdwara several times. The presence of Singhs was then largely increased at Barking Gurdwara which acted as a strong deterent for any potential opportunist attacks.

There was some disorder earlier in the evening around the surrounding area of Seven Kings Gurdwara and Karamsar Gurdwara, some shops were rushed. Again a visible presence of Singhs around the Gurdwaras also acted as a deterent for any potential opportunist attack.

East London/Ilford Update

Further to the above. Last night there appeared to be a continous survielance by black, mixed race and white youths on scooters and cars until 4.30am around areas of Barking Gurdwara , Seven Kings Gurdwara and Karamsar Gurdwara. The number plates were passed on to the Police.

Last night's security sewa went well and tonight's is expected to be well organised too. The Police have been notified at the top level of the security measures Sikhs in the local area will be taking.

There will be a meeting tonight at 8pm in the Gym in Seven Kings Gurdwara to arrange the protection that may be required around the local Gurdwaras tonight. All help appreciated.

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UK Riots: Government Prepares Troops, Martial Law

Eyewitnesses: Police stood back and allowed rioters to loot private businessesPaul Joseph Watson


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Following numerous reports of failures on behalf of police to arrest looters or adequately respond to the riots in London that are now sweeping across the entire UK, curfews and troops on the streets are now being readied as authorities prepare to enforce martial law to quell massive civil unrest.

BBC News twice reported this morning that troops were being readied. The statement was first made by a reporter at 8:30am and then repeated by a Metropolitan Police representative who said "all options were on the table".

U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May confirms that the government is considering "military support for the police".

Curfews are also being discussed as authorities prepare to transform Britain into a locked down police state.

"Armoured vehicles have been brought in to clear the streets for the first time by police to tackle what senior officers say is the worst rioting and looting in living memory," reports the Guardian.

"I have not heard of a curfew on mainland Britain in the past century. [it's] very difficult to impose. I'm not saying that it is definitely the way forward but it is something we have to consider," Diane Abbott, Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington told BBC Breakfast.

Former London mayor Ken Livingstone called for police to use water cannons to disperse the rioters.

Having started in poorer areas of London, the riots have now spread to other major cities including Bristol, Nottingham, Liverpool and Manchester.

There can be little doubt that the vast majority of the rioters are products of the country's broken society, nihilistic youths who care little about political grievances and are primarily focused with exploiting the chaos to steal as much booty as they possibly can while getting off on mindless violence. This behavior ensures the public will overwhelmingly support whatever measures are proposed to deal with them, even to the point of outright martial law.

These youths should not be seen as the vanguard of some kind of genuine revolution against an abusive system. If that were the case they would be rioting outside of Downing Street, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace. Instead they are burning down private homes and businesses while looting high-end electrical goods and clothing.

But what has exacerbated the situation is the lackluster police response, with numerous reports from the public that police stood back and allowed looters to pillage both large department stores and private small businesses for hours on end.

During the initial riots in Tottenham on Sunday night, police were criticized for "standing back and allowing rioters to cause havoc." This trend has continued throughout the three nights of mayhem, with eyewitnesses bewildered at how the police have obviously been ordered not to arrest looters and rioters in some instances.

We have been predicting the onset of widespread rioting and civil unrest for years, particularly in the UK. Last year we wrote that crippling austerity cuts would force the economically deprived to "take to the streets with a mind set of nothing to lose if the government handouts they have become dependent on are drastically reduced."

Make no mistake about it, these riots will be hastily exploited by the system to turn Britain into an even more controlled and surveilled police state than it already is. The riots achieve absolutely nothing aside from making the establishment look reasonable in whatever response it takes, measures which will be fully supported by a public bombarded with images of chaos, looting and burning.

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taken from sikh youth-projects facebook status

Also a BENTI to ALL Singhs, today EVERYONE needs to ring each other and meet at their towns Main Gurdwara between 6:30 - 7pm and then mobilise into groups to ALL Gurdwara in affected areas..Hopefully the Police will prevent further rioting tonight, but if they don't we need to be prepared to protect our Guru Ghars from mindless vandalism!! LETS UNITE, lets put our differences to aside and come together!

For Coventry Sikhs we would request to meet at GNP Gurdwara 7pm

Ilford/East London - Meeting at Gurdwara Singh Sabha 7Kings Gym, High Road, 8pm

All Southall Singhs meet at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Park Avenue for 6pm!!

All B'ham Singh's meet at Smethwick High Street Gurdwara for 6:30pm, and then we all split up to go to other Gurdwara in B'ham.

spread the word

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When people don't have nothing to lose, they go insane. This society produces materialism, and because of the economy, which the government engineered to crash, people will do anything, to get their voice heard. Sure people should not riot, and cause harm, however it was society and the government that made people into this. in the first place.

But what these rioters and looters don't understand, this is what the Government wants them to do, so they can impose more laws. And the sheeple are like "yes, give the government more authority over us, makes us more servile government we love you, take cares of us, oh yes bring in the troops to take care of them." But what you people don't understand like the rioters don't understand that it is being used to enslave us all. MARTIAL LAW. They are controlling both sides we need to wake up.

A true revolution would be peaceful, and would involve non-compliance with whatever the government says. We would become our own government.

Protesting and rioting is just using the weapons the Government has given us. If we really want change we need to not comply with the Government in the first place! Then do things ourselves. We don't need anyone to babysit us. We should start by not paying taxes! Thats peaceful and it lets the message get heard!

Society encourages us not to keep armed, and let the police and government look after you. This is totally opposite to Sikhi, we should take responsibility for ourselves. We need to keep armed. They can't loot us, if we have our own weapons. But no, if you keep weapons, the police will then arrest you. We can't win, unless we unite and take responsibility for ourselves.

Its like the recent killer in Norway, if the public was encouraged to keep weapons, there wouldn't have been any shootings, because the people would look after themselves. A criminal is not going to rob a store, if he knows the people their are armed. But because the so called "good" people don't have weapons, yet criminals have weapons, so they can take advantage of us. And the government want it this way. We need to take matters into our own hands, police ourselves. We shouldn't let anyone babysit us.

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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