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Disrespect To Turban At Gurdwara Matrimonials From Sikh Females


is there too much hate towards sikh turban in gurdwara matrimonials?  

92 members have voted

  1. 1. is there too much hate towards sikh turban from sikh females in gurdwara matrimonials?

    • yes
    • no
    • possibly
    • I do not know anything about gurdwara matrimonials

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Regarding the point about matrimoinals, I think that the Gurdwara has to point out differences and preferences. Regardless of whether or not they are in keeping with Sikhi, these differences and preferences are important to the Community itself, hence the reason that they have been highlighted in the first place. Plus, regardless of whether you agree with it or not, people should be allowed to make the choices they want. It also avoids problems and misunderstandings later down the line when the families and/or individuals meet.

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the problem is, the gurdwara is not promoting enough respect or duty towards turban. Also there is not enough parchar and awareness about the lack of respect toward turban WITHIN the gurdwara and gurdwara matrimonials, and that the people who join and promote this anti - turban sentiment aren't made aware of what they are doing!

They are coming to gurdwara to ask for marriage, yet aren't showing respect to guru or community! And this is not on high alert either, the sikh channels and radio stations barely touch on this subject. The problem is increasing but why are the gurdwaras involved in increasing this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got to agree with some of the sentiments expressed in this post, Gurdwaras should not be involved in anti-dastaar activities. Anyone looking for a non-dastaar wearing partner should employ other means to find one. The very form/identity of a Sikh is that of the kesh and dastaar.

In the 52 Hukams Of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji we find the following, there is no real argument here, it's clearly an anti-Sikh, anti-gurmat activity to promote and encouage Sikhs to have non-Sikhi saroop partners, the almost certian effect of this is the next generation, i.e: children of such couples will most like be non-Sikhi saroop as well...and so the effects are much bigger than just this generation...

"Sir munae noo kanaiaa nahi daeni. Uos ghar daevni jithae Akal Purukh di sikhi ha, jo karzaai naa hovae, bhalae subhaa da hovae, bibaeki atae gyanvaan hovae -"

Do not give a daughter's hand to a clean shaven. Give her hand in a house where God's Sikhi exists, where the household is not in debt, is of a good nature, is disciplined and knowledgeable.

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It is very simple, but, we choose to complicate because we can !

Gurdwaras and their committees exist to promote Sikhi as according to the Akal Takht Mayada -whilst Sikhi promotes equality amongst all of humanity, it does NOT allow the promotion of anti Sikh tenants.

The very nerve of stupid people (exceptionally) to ask for clean shaven boys is blasphemeous.

My local gurdwara, Singh Sabha, southall Has a marriage service. Very well run. Unfortunately it allows anti-distaar requirements from prospective girls.

I need backup against the anti dasam Granth heretic committee to ensure they only allow positive promotion of the distaar -please post me for a peaceful demonstration.


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It is very simple, but, we choose to complicate because we can !

Gurdwaras and their committees exist to promote Sikhi as according to the Akal Takht Mayada -whilst Sikhi promotes equality amongst all of humanity, it does NOT allow the promotion of anti Sikh tenants.

The very nerve of stupid people (exceptionally) to ask for clean shaven boys is blasphemeous.

My local gurdwara, Singh Sabha, southall Has a marriage service. Very well run. Unfortunately it allows anti-distaar requirements from prospective girls.

I need backup against the anti dasam Granth heretic committee to ensure they only allow positive promotion of the distaar -please post me for a peaceful demonstration.


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  • 5 months later...


TURBAN DISCRIMINATION IN THE LARGEST GURDWARA IN EUROPE: A turbanned male was banned from the Singh Sabha Havelock Southall matrimonials Facebook group, for promoting respect for turban and expressing the amount of discrimination against turbans promoted by many of the female members of the service, for which this gurdwara service doesn't bat an eyelid. The image above shows another member arguing with group admin against the ban, instead of receiving an answer to his 2nd post, he was also subsequently banned. The matrimonial service is held INSIDE the gurdwara, so Guru Granth Sahib is parkash is on the floor above the service.

Link to group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/41021874437/?ref=ts

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Why on Earth is Havelock Road Gurdwara even letting a Sikh and 'Hindu' Matrimonial Service to take place. It's a Gurdwara for heavens sakes, why is it providing services for Hindus? No offence to Hindus but obviously by doing this, we are bound to have problems arise like this one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If hostlity towards turban is being allowed in the gurdwara, at such high numbers (I have evidence of the high numbers which I will hopefully upload on the net soon), then what does that say for the future?

I am pretty sure the sangat at the gurdwaras, such as the Havelock Singh Sabha Southall which would have a huge number in sangat, are mostly unaware of these services promoting such turban hostility inside gurdwara sahibs right below the sangats' noses. If only there was a way of making it sangat knowledge of what happens inside the gurdwara, although it doesn't happen behind closed doors, its still goes unnoticed. But seriously, the numbers are shocking!!!!

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