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Reject Sangat Tv!


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Sorry For the text language... im typing on my phone...

Recently it has come to everyones attention about the views of upinder the main presenter on Sangat TV, about his low disregard for sant jarnail singh ji and various Gursikh groups. After repeated emails and comments by users on facebook on sangat TV's fanpage they continue to promote this hysterical and misguided presenter. Bare in mind this is the same channel that showed Sant Ji speeches...

In addition one has to question the judgement of Sangat TV to use Sonia Deol as a presenter!? ...I usually keep calm about such issues and wait for a Uturn as sometimes mistakes can be made as shown by Sikh Channel! However I am losing patience and considering pulling my direct debit from them. I suspect other Sikhs will follow suit...

The question is, is sangat Tv losing its orginal intended auidence in attempt to pull non-sikh viewers? In that case they are no longer a Sikh Channel... and sikhs shouldnt feel obliged to support them!

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Sangat TV have dug themselves into a hole. Upinder Randhawa is now bigger than Sangat TV. Due to the idiocy shown by the channel they have made a fool like him into a celebrity. They need him to keep their non-Sikh viewers who only came across the channel due to his reporting on the riots. Conversely they will lose many Sikh viewers who cannot stand someone with his views being a presenter on a Sikh TV channel. Like I said, they've dug themselves into a hole.

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There is no community in this world without differences but I think every community have learned to live, help and do its parchar together other then Sikh community.

I agree brother. These days they have forgotten what a Sikh is that is why. They behave like athiests, like thugs, like animals. These people are enemies of Sikhism, they forgotton they have to attack 5 vices everyday and not abuse individuals with different political views. They have become the enemy within, we have got a big problem on our hands if they do not sort themselves out.

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i think sangat tv do a great job overall. they have pro khalistan views, they have given time to controversial topics, like grooming and genuinely help sikh families with health and advise.

I think upinder was bought in to be a normal topical presenter rather than a Sikhi parchaarak. I think this initial plan was a good idea to lure moderate sikhs to watch the channel on topical issues- and hopefully continue to watch for Gurbani.

I think the last few days were not planned at all.. and upinder became a reporter& parchaarak at the same time. I think hes a genuine guy, but hes cringe worthy comments just put me off big time.

I think a Sikhi based channel should preach Sikhi only, and Sikh principles. Upinder should stick to interviews and reports without doing parchaar. The parchaar should be only pro sikhi. otherwise he should join other "universal love" hippy type yoga channels.

I'm not against love and respect to everyone (who deserves it).. but this a Sikh channel and should always maintain a pro sikhi view.

Theres no need for us to justify our loyalty to this country. we gave 200'000 lives to give them freedom even after they had looted, raped and hung our young brothers and split our beautiful punjab.

This man is OTT.. his message of love peace in EVERY single sentence is getting pathetic. Deol is jumping on bandwagon.. for her she had no choice.. either join sangat or join in with the looters.. silly unemployed turd!

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I agree with you here SarabhaPanjab, good points. They need to maintan a balance between westernised Sikhs and the more religious Sikhs, if that balance is not reached properly it can turn off alot of viewers. And it should be only a channel that is addressing Sikh issues. I dont want the channel to be hijacked to promote faiths or extremist viewpoints of some Sikhs. These kind of people will make people turn off. A balanced approach is needed some kids or uneducated people do not have the braincells to comprehend what that means and so try to bash anything they see on sangatTV as anti-sikh and must be shut down. You got liberal extremist Sikhs like Bobby friction threatnening to report that channel to ofcom and you got right wing extremists in here telling us to boycott the channel. Daft people alround, we need more balanced people to give people a chance.

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You comments would be correct if it weren't for Muslay blowing each other up everyday.

May be i am wrong because my only source to whats going in other communities is newspaper and tv but I havent seen any muslim abusing other muslims on the bases of quran muhamad namaz or daily routine. Nor i have seen them in news telling each other to boycott certain groups due to on any religious issue.

But in todays news paper i read panthic morcha calling sant samaj golak choors and sant samaj calling panthic morcha as congress planted agents in sgpc polls.

anyways i dont want to hijack this thread i have no idea what sangat tv is just heard it a couple of times that to on this forum only

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