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Reject Sangat Tv!


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This upinder guy does look a bit dodgy, the way he acts and the way he talks almost sounding like a Muslim when he keeps saying 'peace' all the time it's getting a bit boring. Although sangat tv did do a great job in spreading the live riots on TV, I think it's gone a bit over the top in a way I think it's going to attract the wrong sort of people (less educated on Sikhism) we really need an amritdhari Singh as a presentor not some guy who doesn't even speak properly mixing a bit of punjabi and English together in the same conversation.

However it did bring in the Muslim community in but will this not create disagreements in the future, they already think their religion is the best. I'm not considering anyone as enemies but Sikhs and Muslims do not form well together completly different in every sense. It's ok helping each other I'm not denying that I just think that this upinder guy might start promoting all faiths on sangat tv it won't longer be a Sikh channel it would be like a universal channel. Helping community in times of need is good but I wouldn't trust a Muslim and now facebook has so many groups on sangat tv riots mixed with Sikhs and Muslims which I'm afraid that people will start getting converted.

Forgive me if I offended anyone, it's just my views on the matter.

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Maybe get an elder to talk with SikhTV's upinder? Sometimes that's the best thing to do and they can educate Upinder on Babbar Khalsa, the kalay kachay wale (black cats who ruined the Khalsa reputation), Sant Jarnail Singh and the 1984 lehar.

An elder who has seen all the sides and still remembers it all is great for discussing these issues with people like Upinder who have a very limited view on what happened.

SangatTV has done tremendous sewa for the Sikh kaum, don't kick them in the butt over issues that you can VERY MUCH solve! No one is perfect, but if we come together as one Panth we can make it perfect, regardless of petty differences that eventually we can solve.

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Randhawa has done a great job presenting for the past week or so.

BUT he needs to change some of his views like the one above.

Pretty disgusting that he is saying these things on facebook...

Does he not understand the army was there to kill a Sikh population, not get Sant Jarnail Singh? Sant Jarnail Singh said he would gladly be arrested and he was with no proof at all and they released him after that.

This is ridiculous that he is saying such things. Hard to over look this despite the good he has done on SangatTV...

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Universal Love(Equal Love of both the slanderer and the Saint) is Nirvair and comes into being with Nirboah(No fear in the recognition that God is Everywhere/ is Everyone/ Everything(even the tsunami, the serial killer, the torturer and the torture instrument, the gigantic hairy spider) so what is there to fear).

Hence knowing God Is All allows one to Love all and Fear nothing...

Through bhagti, the bhagat discovers this physically- this is the state of being psychologically sound in all situations- it is the Gyan of God...

God calls the ignorant 'Fools' in Gurbani, Jesus said 'Forgive them Father for they know not what they do', Only when one sees god in all can he understand and accept the concept of Hukam- that every single little thing that happens is Perfect and pre ordained by God himself....

nice.. very nice...

anyways.. in a GuruGhar only Gurbani and Sikhi should be preached. All other religions have been dismissed by our Guru Sahibs as rituals and holy books dismissed as not knowing the true virtues of God.- That's not me saying it, That's Gurbani.

I expect the same from a SIKH tv channel.

There's only so long you can keep up with a universal message- because there is far to many contradictions in between faiths and unless we abandon our faith to adopt a new universal hippy love we will always have reht/theology conflicts with every other regions.

Saying that I happily respect all other faiths whilst appreciating their limitations according to Gurbani, and the virtues of the followers of these faiths.

My loyalty is to the Panth only.

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Sangat TV is funded by Soho Rd Gurdwara a pro Indian institution ,alongside pro Indian Businessmen/Personalities who have very close links to Badal

Sangat TV is funded by Soho Rd Gurdwara a pro Indian institution ,alongside pro Indian Businessmen/Personalities who have very close links to Badal

They're sucking up to the muzzies for publicity the Muzzie youth are all arrogant anyway,this would never happen in London or be allowed to.WHERE WERE THE JIHADIS/MUJAHADEEN WHEN THE LOOTERS WERE OUT???? SO MUCH FOR GLOBAL JIHAD THESE LOT ARE PATHETIC AND SO ARE SANGAT TV AND THE SOHO RD GURDWARA LOT ALONG WITH THEIR PRO INDIAN CRONIES.

When the race riots with the paks and blacks kick off DONT BE SURPRISED if they come for Sikhs as well due to Sangat TV and Sikhs sticking their dumb heads out ,the community up north will all be headless chickens when the paks run and hide,not to mention these new unity groups - its okay in the short term to pissss off the Indian Govt as they hate Sikh Muslim relations BUT in the long term UK wise its not gd due to our girls running off with them and our public image

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