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Wh Y Hair-Cut Is Not Allowed In Sikh Religion .........


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Thats ok brother , but if perfect one has made us perfect , then why we cut our nails , since they are also created by Shri Waheguru ji !

And baby is born without clothes , then why do we add to his creation by wearing clothes .?

Have you ever seen a horse pull a carriage? If you notice its hooves are filed and they have metal horse shoes nailed to them. This helps the horse to pull the carriage on the roads. The horse shoes have to be periodically removed, cleaned, the hooves re-filed, and then the horse shoes are nailed back on.

If you look in the wild, where the horses are running free, nobody is there to take care of their hooves and yet they thrive. God didn't create the horse to pull carriages, just like he didn't create man to spend all day typing away on a computer.

It is man-made society (illusion of Maya) that requires us to adapt from our natural form and purpose (Hukam). Now if you don't cut your nails, they grow long and impede you from fulfilling your duties to this society. When man was just discovering fire, his nails didn't grow long because he used his hands for hunting, fighting, digging, etc. Primates don't need to cut their nails because they spend all day climbing trees, opening fruits, and grooming each other. They are in their natural environment, doing what God meant for them to do.

Sikh dharam instructs us to live in society, but remain detached. Even if you place a lotus flower in a cesspool, it will retain its natural beauty.

Your question about clothes is a bit puzzling. They are not a part of our body, and they are not made by God (as the veer has pointed out above). If you wear clothes, it is to protect you from the elements and preserve your modesty. That is why we wear kachera.

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Here is the passage in gurbani. Kabeer ji is explaining how society has us doing things that God never meant for us to do, as I mentioned above.

Raag Aasaa 481

First the son was born, and then his mother.

The guru falls at the feet of the disciple.

Listen to this wonderful thing, O Siblings of Destiny!

I saw the lion herding the cows,

the fish of the water on a tree.

I saw a cat carrying away a dog.

The branches are below, and the roots are above.

The trunk of that tree bears fruits and flowers.

Riding a horse, the buffalo takes him out to graze.

The bull is away, while his load has come home.

Says Kabeer, one who understands this hymn,

and chants the Lord's name, comes to understand everything.

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I go out with my friends ( who all are moneh and clean-shaven ) , they ask me one thing

"Sarabjeet , God has blessed you with such a cute looks and your fair and handsome , then why you spoil your looks with this beard and long hair ?"

aww what a coincidence! I know a guy, who works in a chocolate factory, his job is a fudge packer, he has friends, like you sarabjeetS, they also fudge packers and they also think their friend has cute looks, and fair, and handsome.... weird eh

I have a contrary view to most people when it comes to Kesh and Identity. I believe when you put on the uniform, Kesh, dastar, bana you are representing Akal Pukh ki fauj. You should be able to carry yourself, have moral and darmic disciple. Have attributes that reflect your position as a Singh. When you have sell-out singhs gettin up to no good, the whole Sikh saroop gets tarnished. Like alchi singhs, smokers etc etc. Wouldn't it be better if they we not repping the dastar all together?

Same with Singhnia.. wearing dastar then getting up to all sorts.. whats all that about?

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aww what a coincidence! I know a guy, who works in a chocolate factory, his job is a fudge packer, he has friends, like you sarabjeetS, they also fudge packers and they also think their friend has cute looks, and fair, and handsome.... weird eh

I have a contrary view to most people when it comes to Kesh and Identity. I believe when you put on the uniform, Kesh, dastar, bana you are representing Akal Pukh ki fauj. You should be able to carry yourself, have moral and darmic disciple. Have attributes that reflect your position as a Singh. When you have sell-out singhs gettin up to no good, the whole Sikh saroop gets tarnished. Like alchi singhs, smokers etc etc. Wouldn't it be better if they we not repping the dastar all together?

Same with Singhnia.. wearing dastar then getting up to all sorts.. whats all that about?

It is because of arrogant people like you that sikhism is becoming uncommon these days ! whats with so much superiority complex ?

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Here is the passage in gurbani. Kabeer ji is explaining how society has us doing things that God never meant for us to do, as I mentioned above.

Raag Aasaa 481

First the son was born, and then his mother.

The guru falls at the feet of the disciple.

Listen to this wonderful thing, O Siblings of Destiny!

I saw the lion herding the cows,

the fish of the water on a tree.

I saw a cat carrying away a dog.

The branches are below, and the roots are above.

The trunk of that tree bears fruits and flowers.

Riding a horse, the buffalo takes him out to graze.

The bull is away, while his load has come home.

Says Kabeer, one who understands this hymn,

and chants the Lord's name, comes to understand everything.

No this passage shows the glory of God and the falsness of the knowledge and illusions that we have been programmed to believe since birth. We are bound to earth and maya by our wordly knowledge only, there is no significance in keeping hair in Gurbani for we are Formless beings- God lives beyond logic i.e everything we know to be real. We believe each other before we believe God himself...

It is impossible for a trunk of a tree to bear flowers yet Kabir Ji has seen this to be possible, He saw a fish that belongs in the water floating on a tree- in the world of True Sikhi, Anything is possible- the grass can become blue, 'Nothing is as it seems' and I mean Nothing- as quoted in Gurbani.

The prime example is that God lives in the heart, yet there is no heart, how can someone possibly explain this Truly through language. The answer is that language is limited, it must be felt and experienced through eradication of mind i.e ego i.e bulls*t worldly knowledge.

A high level bhagat who has thrown all worldly logic out the window and accepted every single thing we see hear and feel to be false would only Truly understand this hymn, others would apply their worldly knowledge(black demon of ego) to it to twist it to meet their own needs...

If one were to see the symbolic imagery(everything is symbolic imagery) of the 2nd energy or 2nd world as baba Nanak called it,(astral realms) one would understand that there are people in the world who have demons from hell actually living inside of them due to their indulgence in maya(5 thieves), they'd see that angels fly around helping people-

When one doesn't need this imagery anymore the real bhagti begins- we get rid of the mind and even the visions and just feel within our being- and that's when we reach the state of Nothingness(1st energy or world as described by Guru Ji) where God/truth is felt. Through samadhi(deep mediatation that eradicates the mind so we can Only feel within our being-by attuning onself to the Truth frequency which is what God himself did to discover who He was) we experience this state then we realise all to actually be Nothing but nirboah and nirvair...

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