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Wh Y Hair-Cut Is Not Allowed In Sikh Religion .........


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we keep hair to be in puran saroop.

guru ji says, that those faces are ujal, radiend, and "beautiful" which serve the guru by brushing the charan of the guru.

sy dwVIAW scIAw ij gur crnI lgMin@ ]

sae dhaarreeaa sacheeaa j gur charanee lagann i|

Those beards are true, which brush the feet of the True Guru.

Anidnu syvin guru Awpxw Anidnu Anid rhMin@ ]

anadhin saevan gur aapanaa anadhin anadh rehann i|

Those who serve their Guru night and day, live in bliss, night and day.

nwnk sy muh sohxy scY dir idsMin@ ]52]

naanak sae muh sohanae sachai dhar dhisann i|52|

O Nanak, their faces appear beautiful in the Court of the True Lord. ||52||

muK scy scu dwVIAw scu bolih scu kmwih ]

mukh sachae sach dhaarreeaa sach bolehi sach kamaahi |

True are the faces and true are the beards, of those who speak the Truth and live the Truth.

scw sbdu min visAw siqgur mWih smWih ]

sachaa sabadh man vasiaa sathigur maahi samaahi |

The True Word of the Shabad abides in their minds; they are absorbed in the True Guru.

only those faces are beautiful (sohne) that have a sacha dari, which is shown by becoming gursevak, and kamaa-ing sach.

so it just depends if you wana be beautiful in this world, or the next world. again, make the choice.

the beauty of this world, is only knee deep. the beauty of the world ahead, parlok, is infinity, and dont change. our >>kes<< (not hair n beard - hair is hair) kes give us charecter. it can be thought of a way to understand what kind of charecter god wants you to be. there is no better or worse charecter (associated with the "style" of the dari). just like there is not any flower that is not beautiful. they all are. just different varats (types).

so make the choice bro. :glomp:

if this guy in the pic can do it volentarily, y cant sikhs ?


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All I say is Muhammed had long hair (it is written he had long curly hair and a beard) Krishna had long hair, Jesus Christ had long hair, Buddha had long hair. Hair is important, it is the will of the Almighty. Samson had long hair, and when his wife tricked him and cut off his lock he lost his super strength. It is said God has long hair too, also the Bible says ''We are all created in Gods image'' so why then do we want to change this? All are within his Hukam.

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God also gave us nails . Why don't we let them grow as well ? Why do we cut it ?


Q: Why Sikhs do not cut their hair but they cut their nails?

A: It is often argued that hair and nails are similar, but even a superficial study of the two shows them to be extremely different from each other. Hair is not a hindrance to anyone. Because hair can be placed in a bun and kept clean and does perform a number of functions, it is only pragmatic to realize that hair is not bad. On the other hand, nails are an important part of the human body, having long nails is a hindrance to the body. An individual with long nails cannot functions and do everyday chores comfortably. In order to ensure that one can perform the tasks of everyday life, nails are trimmed.

In addition, whereas the hair grows from a tubular pit (hair follicle), formed by sinking in of the most actively dividing layer of the skin (stratum germinativum) into the lower dermis, the nails are only modifications of the upper dead layers of the skin (stratum corneum). Further, the base of every follicle bulges out forming an inverted cup, which receives blood capillaries for nourishment and nerve fibers to make the hair sensitive. An oil gland, known as sebaceous gland, opens into every hair follicle, the secretion of which lubricates the hair. A muscle is also attached to the base of every hair for bringing about movement. Pigments are added to the shaft of the hair as it grows. None of these features is associated with the nails.

Structurally also, hair is extremely strong, and resists breaking due to its elasticity and flexibility. Strength of hair can be estimated from the following facts, a human hair laid on a bar of steel and then passed through a cold rolling mill would leave an imprint on the face of the steel. A hair of a man's beard is about as strong as a copper wire of the same dimensions. If a rope were made out of strands of long hair, it would be strong enough to lift an automobile. Nails, on the other hand, are very brittle and rigid, breaking off easily. Hair are countless (upto 1,25,000 on head region alone), thereby increasing the surface area, as if to meet a specific requirement.

The differences between the two do not end with the structural features. Even the body's response towards the two is totally different. Our body, throughout life, tries to maintain a particular length of hair. And if the hair is cut anywhere, the body responds by growing it again to the specific length. It clearly indicates the link of the body with the hair all along its length. The body shows no such response to the nails, which grow from birth to death at the same rate, irrespective of whether cut or not. It follows, thus, that cutting of nails does not tell on the body at all, whereas, cutting of hair puts extra load on the body. To sum up, if there is anything on the head that can be compared with the nails, it is dandruff!

Nature knows best what to discard or retain. Whatever is retained is not without purpose. Hair is a gift from God, not a burden. Guru Gobind Singh Ji, in his infinite wisdom, commanded us to respect hair and refrain from tampering with it. This is the visible token of his affection for us, as well as our faith in him.


If one does not clip the nails, they will grow too long and limit your ability to work and lead a healthy purposeful life. The hair offers no such problem. In life we have to make lots of choices...and the choice about what to do with our bodies and with nature are ever expanding. We can get tatoos, pierce our ears, nose, eyelids, and stomach. We can have implants in our breasts, chins, nose, buttocks...Some choices we make for healthy living. This is a good reason for a Sikh. Other choices we make to overcome our sense of insecutiry, or to feel fashionable or to belong to a particular group. A Sikh does cut his/her toenails, brushes his/her teeth, takes medication, etc., since these actions are required for healthy livng. We reject body piercings, circumcision, tatoos...and haircuts because they disfigure our bodies and are either useless for health or are quite unhealthy. The same approach can be used in our dealings with the Creator's other manifestations...animals, plants, rivers, oceans...
Aye, but some one would say, "Well, if the human body is the fabrication of a benevolent and wise artificer, and if we are unjustified to clip the hair and beard, are not the nails on the tips of the fingers and toes by the wish of the same Manufacturer? If they are, why should we feel no hesitation in paring them?" To such a one, I reply:

"Inquisitive inquire, why do you raise a question on 'cutting the nails,' rather than on combing the hair; for, verily, the nail-cutter and the comb perform exactly the same kind of functions. The former removing the 'dead nail' and the latter the 'dead hair'. And on no account I solicit you to keep such things. While in the act of combing, by negligence or through any fault of the instrument, if a single live hair is plucked off, what immense pain is felt; and similarly, how exceedingly miserable becomes the condition of a person whose 'live nail' is injured or separated in any way! Again the Creator has already fixed a limit beyond which one may cute nail; for farther than that extremity the nail is dead and decaying. But there is no such hint concerning hair. And either the head should be shaved entirely, like chin and cheeks, or else every part kept natural. And he who adopts the former customs the same must shave the whole body, including eyebrows, eyelashes, hair of axilla and the pubes. For the Deity has made no note of distinction, above or from which place one may cute or remove the hair, as in the cause of the nails. And, therefore, either all which have no limit should be cut right off or kept altogether, being no one considered wise to interfere with the Supreme Design, and draw his own marks of limitation."

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All I say is Muhammed had long hair (it is written he had long curly hair and a beard) Krishna had long hair, Jesus Christ had long hair, Buddha had long hair. Hair is important, it is the will of the Almighty. Samson had long hair, and when his wife tricked him and cut off his lock he lost his super strength. It is said God has long hair too, also the Bible says ''We are all created in Gods image'' so why then do we want to change this? All are within his Hukam.

Isn't God formless ( aroop ) ?

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Isn't God formless ( aroop ) ?

You are right, but also wrong at the same time.

The concept of sargun and nirgun is at play here. The nirgun side does not have a roop but the sargun roop does. Many instances in Gurbani describe God's Sargun roop. Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Nanak Sahib Jee, in Raag Vadhans

qyry bMky loiex dMq rIswlw ]

thaerae ba(n)kae loein dha(n)th reesaalaa ||

Your eyes are so beautiful, and Your teeth are delightful.

sohxy nk ijn lµmVy vwlw ]

sohanae nak jin la(n)marrae vaalaa ||

Your nose is so graceful, and Your hair is so long.

In Jaap Sahib Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Gobind Singh Jee says

'namastwan aroopey' (I bow to you oh form less one)

But he also says

'namo sarb roopey' (I bow to all your forms)

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All I say is Muhammed had long hair (it is written he had long curly hair and a beard) Krishna had long hair, Jesus Christ had long hair, Buddha had long hair. Hair is important, it is the will of the Almighty. Samson had long hair, and when his wife tricked him and cut off his lock he lost his super strength. It is said God has long hair too, also the Bible says ''We are all created in Gods image'' so why then do we want to change this? All are within his Hukam.

I love this post of yours. In fact, this can be the best answer to anyone who asks a Sikhs "why don't you cut your hair?"

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where there is not a soul in the body, you have a corpse. our soul is in every cell of our body. under the microscope, when a cell commits suicide, it flashes white. thas the soul leaving our cells. (our hirda is in our chest area, not soul - soul is everywhere in our body.)

reason for stating this, we disguard everything that is dead from our body. we cut the dead nails, and coumb the dead hair from our heads from our body.

why do u need to try to make a case against hair? if u dont wana keep it, dont. no need to create doublemindedness in ppl and try to mae a "case" against hair.


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Q: Why Sikhs do not cut their hair but they cut their nails?

A: It is often argued that hair and nails are similar, but even a superficial study of the two shows them to be extremely different from each other. Hair is not a hindrance to anyone. Because hair can be placed in a bun and kept clean and does perform a number of functions, it is only pragmatic to realize that hair is not bad. On the other hand, nails are an important part of the human body, having long nails is a hindrance to the body. An individual with long nails cannot functions and do everyday chores comfortably. In order to ensure that one can perform the tasks of everyday life, nails are trimmed

Right on. Hair isn't a hindrance, unlike nails.

The ideal aim of every Sikh is to become Jivan Mukta. To do this you have to open your eyes to Hukam, which is God's will.

The sun rises and sets according to Hukam. The seasons change according to Hukam. Also, you hair grows according to Hukam. Even if you cut it, it will grow back. You cannot throw His Hukam out, no matter how hard you try.

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Guest Kluivert

Well thats a good question,. Why do we keep hair? Simple God wants us too.

Well here is another question, why does God want us to do this. Is God on a ego trip?

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