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Wh Y Hair-Cut Is Not Allowed In Sikh Religion .........


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Well thats a good question,. Why do we keep hair? Simple God wants us too.

Well here is another question, why does God want us to do this. Is God on a ego trip?

God doesn't want you to do anything. If He did, then He wouldn't have given us free will. Our gurus have outlined a dharam for us to follow, and we are free to accept it or reject it.

We believe God's design is perfection. That's why we don't alter it. No piercing or tattoos either.

Haumai is ego. Acccepting Hukam eliminates one's haumai. People make hairstyles out of vanity. Its their haumai that keeps them attached to maya and prevents them from becoming jeevan mukht.

Hairstyles come and go. 30 years ago, people had mullets and afros. They were the cool guys. Now they look like fools. Man made things always die and fade, only He is forever.

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We believe God's design is perfection. That's why we don't alter it. No piercing or tattoos either.

The response someone would say too that is why wear clothes etc. why hide, modify god / wahegurus creation. Why do we not accept God / Waheguru's will and accept cold and heat as we are made perfect.

Instead of using this argument which can be proved to be wrong, why not concentrate on providing Gurbani which tells us of the importance of Kesh, Or the message of our guru's.

Please I'm a mona I would rather have some bani which can inspire me to keep sikhi roop rather than personal views which can be flawed easily.

Off course I know it was hukam of gurumaharaj ji but there must have been an underlying reason?

Theres loads of rebuttals scientifically, but so what, if there is spiritual signifacnce please share.

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its not gods ego trip. thas as stupid as saying u walk forward cuz u wana fall over. : /

kes is a tool given to us by god to jup naam. if each hair was turne into a tongue, then every monent of our existance would be spend doing 50 billion billion wahegurus, opposed to just using our single tongue. this is in jupji sahb.

its up to us whether we step up to our destiny. or not, as per the case. : /

read my other post on a different forum. iv posted the link in this thred :?

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The spiritual significance is one of being close to the lord, through our natural state. We leave his beautiful gifts as they are in this case the long hair. Our hair, its daily upkeep and the beautiful grandeur when its displayed via a dastar, all make us remember Waheguru and our promises to him.

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Instead of using this argument which can be proved to be wrong, why not concentrate on providing Gurbani which tells us of the importance of Kesh, Or the message of our guru's.

Please I'm a mona I would rather have some bani which can inspire me to keep sikhi roop rather than personal views which can be flawed easily.

Off course I know it was hukam of gurumaharaj ji but there must have been an underlying reason?

Theres loads of rebuttals scientifically, but so what, if there is spiritual signifacnce please share.

Siree Raag 90:

-3rd Mehl-

O Nanak, those who worship and adore the Lord's name day and night, vibrate the string of the Lord's love.

Maya, the maid-servant of our Lord and Master, serves them. (Instead of us serving Maya)

The Perfect One has made them perfect; by the Hukam of His command, they are embellished.

By the Guru's Grace, they understand Him, and they find the gate of salvation.

The self-willed manmukhs do not know the Lord's Command; they are beaten down by the Messenger of Death. (they follow their own will instead of God's will)

But the gurmukhs who worship and adore the Lord, cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

All their demands are erased, and replaced with merits. The Guru himself is their Forgiver.

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The response someone would say too that is why wear clothes etc. why hide, modify god / wahegurus creation. Why do we not accept God / Waheguru's will and accept cold and heat as we are made perfect.

Instead of using this argument which can be proved to be wrong, why not concentrate on providing Gurbani which tells us of the importance of Kesh, Or the message of our guru's.

Please I'm a mona I would rather have some bani which can inspire me to keep sikhi roop rather than personal views which can be flawed easily.

Off course I know it was hukam of gurumaharaj ji but there must have been an underlying reason?

Theres loads of rebuttals scientifically, but so what, if there is spiritual signifacnce please share.

A person that loves his Guru only needs his Gurus word to do something. I say this is a poster that will try to put other members into circle reasoning and put doubts in others minds. Its typical for this kind of a poster to say I need inspiration to keep hair. What kind of inspiration did this poster need to believe in God. Scientifically God doesn't exist. This poster knows there is no Gurbani from Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj that directly says to keep hair uncut. So hes going to use this excuse as a way to say we don't need to keep hair. This is the same reason why these type of poster don't accept the Khalsa Panth. There is a praise to the Khalsa Panth by Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj. But this praise is not in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj, so it's not accepted by these monehs.

Word of advice for the rest of the posters. This member is looking for only to prove that there is no Bani that says keep hair uncut. But Satguru's Bani is equal to his Hukam and his Hukam is equal to Bani. So leave him alone. Can a person who can see give a complete description of what the world is to a blind person? Only a person that lives a Gursikh life can experience the lifestyle of keeping hair uncut as Satguru instructed him.

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Siree Raag 90:

-3rd Mehl-

The Perfect One has made them perfect; by the Hukam of His command, they are embellished.

All their demands are erased, and replaced with merits. The Guru himself is their Forgiver.

Thats ok brother , but if perfect one has made us perfect , then why we cut our nails , since they are also created by Shri Waheguru ji !

And baby is born without clothes , then why do we add to his creation by wearing clothes .?

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Hey Sarabjeet,

I have seen you in Mumbai many times with your friends.......I will only say this - along with wearing the turban you need to have a sikh way of life. You are lacking that, which is why you are tormented by what they say. You want the love and companionship of a women, you are very weak and need to read gurbani and apply it to your life.Just keeping a turban, which is what you have been doing all your life, without learning the sikh way of life will only lead you to these troubles.

Why do you want to be attractive to women? Are you so low that all you want is a women? Then why are you wearing a turban?Decide which side you are on first then ask the question about hair. If all you want is a women and to fit in with friends, nobody will be able to convince you about the hair. Are you a man or a cock who just needs to get it out?

Why do you worry and run after your friends who are going to dis-own you eventually anyway - stand up and be a man, learn about sikhi and what gurbani says about women, wealth and self-praise.

Nobody here will be able to convince you about hair........stop wasting everybodys time - first YOU decide where you stand. If you are a true Sikh then read gurbani and meditate and stop fooling around. If not go get lost and do whatever you want.

You are not in the right mindset to ask the questions, you want to fit in with your friends not live a sikh way of life, which is why what they are saying makesa big difference.

No religion has allowed cut hair, it is all games of the weak mind like yours. Only those after the women cannot keep there dharam in order. Read Gurbani and your answers on hair will be answered.

If you were a true sikh you have been able to answer there challenge to your dharam, but you are weak and want women and have disgraced our dharam. This dharam is for the pious not weak. Leave such bad persons company otherwise they will make you weak.......

Don't ignore my words............read them over and over and learn about something others than women and fooling around.

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Thats ok brother , but if perfect one has made us perfect , then why we cut our nails , since they are also created by Shri Waheguru ji !

I'm not sure how you missed this long post, but read this


And baby is born without clothes , then why do we add to his creation by wearing clothes .?

So what you are saying is waheguru ji didn't make clothes?

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