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Prof Dhunda - Need A Few Videos - Plz Help

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OSingh you have made valid points. When countering these heretics it is important that one not use the words of Sikh scholars associated with a particular group or sampradah. Even though in my view Sant Gurbachan Singh Bhindranwalay and BSB Randhir SIngh Jee's words are authoritative enough, but these heretics do not. They only beleive in the words of Singh Sabha scholars as being authoritative i.e. Prof Sahib Singh, Prof Gurmukh Singh, Giani Ditt Singh and to a lesser extent Bhai Veer Singh Jee.

In fact these modern missionaries are even contradicting Sikh missionary collage's own literature. While Sikh missionary collage never really believed in all of Sri Dasam Granth but they didn't discard it all and certainly not Dasam Bani including in the Nitnem.

Prof Sahib Singh Jee has written a lot of books on Sikhism. I have read many of them and clearly Prof sahib Singh Jee believes in Dasam Granth, Sikh traditions, Naam Simran(he has even written a book on the subject of Naam Simran). When countering them it is best to use Gurbani translations done by Prof Sahib Singh Jee or in accordance to Gurbani Viakaran.

SRM from Akal Takht Sahib is also a good source since these heretics pretend to be upholding the Panthic SRM which is a lie since the SRM promoted Amritvela, Naam Simran, Dasam Banis and other Sikh traditions.

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Bhai osingh ji

From guidelines of this site it is clear that this site considers Dasam Granth in entirety to be bani of Dasam pita. hence it is obvious

they do not allow any propaganda against Dasam Granth sahib. nevertheless there have taken place extensive discussions on writings

of Dasam Granth sahib here.You need to check this site or google dasam granth discussion , you will find that sikhsangat will be there.

You wrote

I am now 100% convinced that sri Jaap sahib is rachna of sri Guru Gobind Singh ji.

Not only jaap sahib we consider entire Dasam granth from Guru Gobind singh ji. It seems you had doubt on jaap sahib also.

Here quite a few have read entire dasam granth sahib and are not affected by propaganda of heretics. These heretics have been

invited for discussion on Dasam Granth sahib in person and on public platforms. They do not agree to come forward for that. This

shows they nether have read it nor are sure what they are talking. Their mission is to indulge in propaganda. May be you can motivate

some from that group to come forward for public discussions.

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johny101 wrote

They only beleive in the words of Singh Sabha scholars as being authoritative i.e. Prof Sahib Singh, Prof Gurmukh Singh, Giani Ditt Singh and to a lesser extent Bhai Veer Singh Jee.

None of above scholars raised a question against Dasam granth sahib.They wrote extensive literature with full belief in Dasam Granth sahib.

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johny101 wrote

None of above scholars raised a question against Dasam granth sahib.They wrote extensive literature with full belief in Dasam Granth sahib.

True, which is why I mentioned them in particular because they are not associated with any select group/sampradah plus they are the authoritative scholars of the Singh Sabha to whom these heretics pretend to follow.

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This dhundha is notoriously mentioned on many other sites.He used to travel with darshan ragi as hiis bodyguard.


Waaheguroo jee kaa Khaalsaa! Vaaheguroo jee kee Fateh!!

The website ######.org that has been consistently critical of Akhand Keertanee Jathaa jumped on the vile video commentary that an anonymous user created ridiculing the Simran done at AKJ Samaagams. They took the opportunity to expand on it and show a dog making sounds similar to Singhs doing Simran, and some clips of Parcharaks (including Prof Sarabjit Singh Dhunda) criticizing Gurmat-Bibek. I can't help but make the following comments for their consideration although I am sure that being the intellectuals they are, they are are already aware of these and CHOSE to ignore them and just target Gurmat anyways. These are the crimes of the literate.

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I should have also included Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha in the list of scholars to quote from since his words are also considered authoritative by these heretics and Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha was a believer in Dasam Bani and Sikh traditions that these heretics discard.

I think the main reason why these heretics use the name of Singh Sabha scholars like Prof Sahib Singh, Prof Gurmukh Sahib, Giani Ditt Singh, Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha is because these scholars have an authoritative status from amongst the Sikh intellectuals, Sikh leaders and general Sikh population. This is probably the reason why they also like to use the name of Sant Jarnail Singh bhindranwalay even though he was associated with the Bindran Taksal Sampradah which these heretics love to hate.

So the words of these authoritative figures should be extensively used to show the general Sikh population and people brainwashed by them that these Kala Afghanis are nothing but heretics who have nothing in common with the authoritative figures they pretend to associate their ideology with. Youtube videos and articles/pamphlets in this regard should be produced and massively distributed all over. In the field of propaganda, these Kala Afghanis are ahead of us. We need to catch up and eventually surpass them in their own game.

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Bhai osingh ji

From guidelines of this site it is clear that this site considers Dasam Granth in entirety to be bani of Dasam pita. hence it is obvious

they do not allow any propaganda against Dasam Granth sahib. nevertheless there have taken place extensive discussions on writings

of Dasam Granth sahib here.You need to check this site or google dasam granth discussion , you will find that sikhsangat will be there.

You wrote

Not only jaap sahib we consider entire Dasam granth from Guru Gobind singh ji. It seems you had doubt on jaap sahib also.

Here quite a few have read entire dasam granth sahib and are not affected by propaganda of heretics. These heretics have been

invited for discussion on Dasam Granth sahib in person and on public platforms. They do not agree to come forward for that. This

shows they nether have read it nor are sure what they are talking. Their mission is to indulge in propaganda. May be you can motivate

some from that group to come forward for public discussions.

OSingh has done a praiseworthy job in defending Jaap Sahib and Sikh traditions. His arguments can be used by us if we ever find ourselves face to face with a Kala Afghani. In fact, after reading the entire thread, I'm actually quite impressed by OSingh's method of debating with them. He has clearly won the debate even though he was all alone against multiple Kala Afghanis including a clearly bias admin. I have saved that whole debate on my computer for future reference. Good job OSingh Jee.

Also, for all Singhs interested I would advice them to please read and study the book by Giani Harbans Singh Jee on Sri Dasam Granth. He has proven wrong point by point Ambala who was a predecessor heretic to Kala Afghana. Giani Harbans Singh Jee is no ordinary scholar, he has translated all of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. He is also an authority on Viakaran and has written a pretty good book on the subject.

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Vjkk Vjkf

Need a few videos of prof dhunda, ones where he talks anti jot, narial, toof, dasam, vaheguru simran, anti sants, anti ithas, anti bhagats, anti everything

I have the jaap sahib one,

Am looking for the one where he says baba deep singhs head didnt come off, and bhai taru singh jis hair didnt turn to metal, and ** main one is when him, dilgeer and thailand wala gurbachan are sitting together and cussing simran''

Could the sangat please post these videos up or pm me with the links etc.

Thank You - we all need to be weary of such parcharaks and put up there bakwaas to let the other sangat know.

Vjkk Vjkf

Need a few videos of prof dhunda, ones where he talks anti jot, narial, toof, dasam, vaheguru simran, anti sants, anti ithas, anti bhagats, anti everything

I have the jaap sahib one,

Am looking for the one where he says baba deep singhs head didnt come off, and bhai taru singh jis hair didnt turn to metal, and ** main one is when him, dilgeer and thailand wala gurbachan are sitting together and cussing simran''

Could the sangat please post these videos up or pm me with the links etc.

Thank You - we all need to be weary of such parcharaks and put up there bakwaas to let the other sangat know.

If anyone has the videos can they please post them. if they could point out the minutes/time onthe video when they say the above that would be great.

The reason I ask is because I have seen some of our Sikh sky stations playing his videos

Vjkk Vjkf

Need a few videos of prof dhunda, ones where he talks anti jot, narial, toof, dasam, vaheguru simran, anti sants, anti ithas, anti bhagats, anti everything

I have the jaap sahib one,

Am looking for the one where he says baba deep singhs head didnt come off, and bhai taru singh jis hair didnt turn to metal, and ** main one is when him, dilgeer and thailand wala gurbachan are sitting together and cussing simran''

Could the sangat please post these videos up or pm me with the links etc.

Thank You - we all need to be weary of such parcharaks and put up there bakwaas to let the other sangat know.

If anyone has got the videos I would like to see them too

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I think the main reason this guy has been flourishing is because some other moorakhs like myself go and listen to his stuff and never question him. Some Singhs/Kaurs who are scholars in Gurbani (from both Sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee and Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Jee), Bhai Gurdas jee's vaaraan, Bhai Nand Lal jee's ghazals and Puratan Panth parmaanat Rehitnaamey should call this guy to debate, in public, telecast it live, plus record it as well.

Fer pata laggu kinne ku paani ch hega.

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