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Why Follow A Strict Rehat Maryada

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Some are just real deeply attached to the ego, where they seek out Punj Pyare that won't give them a strict Rehat Maryada.

ive never encountered this with anyone, as the rehat is about 95/97% the same between all samprdayes or jathas

I dont think anyone can say we took amrit with a lax maryada

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Outer rehat is Easy, it is the inner rehat that is what challenges us to truly rise above maya.. To Control the 5 thieves (ie, our Identity/ego/whatever your name is...) is what the Gurus said they would bow at the feet of the spiritual warrior for- and what merges us with Him/Truth and His court.

I wouldn't say "easy". Initially when starting out on the path, outer rehat is THE most difficult hurdle to overcome. But, as you suggested, when the outer rehat has been mastered and you really get into the flow of things, the constant battle with your innerself to be the best Sikh you can possibly be is the true test. That really does separate the men from the boys.

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No, outer rehat is not the most difficult, the amritdhari may perhaps find that slander that may come with it is very difficult to overcome, but there is nothing difficult about keeping outer rehat. And in fact, some who keep outer rehat do not even bother about keeping inner rehat as I'm sure you well know- they're living too comfortable thinking they've got it on lockdown just by donning the amritdhari dress, waking up at amritvela and keeping away from meat, alcohol etc(all Easy as pie).

With inner rehat comes challenges that the bhagat never saw coming, the tests that lead one into moments of deep depression, into hell realms, at times slandered continuously- the bhagat begins to see, feel, smell and taste the filth all around, until they become psychologically sound by recognising it is only Him everywhere, in the at times bordering on unbearable pain as well as the pleasure. The world as we know it becomes a completely different place, the demons are rife everywhere(human beings with a hellish psychology who cause this age to be Kalyug)- these tests are the most difficult to pass, of loving all equally no matter what, of accepting His hukam no matter how bad it gets..

The Gurus children were killed, two young ones were tortured- yet he accepted this as sweet hukam, as it was all God himself- this is the kind of great great psychology that the bhagat must adopt to destroy the thieves- how can this even be comparable to outer rehat?

What you say may be true, but without a doubt, this all important inner rehat is impossible to keep without the outer rehat. That is exactly why outer rehat is a prerequisite to being given naam (during amrit sanchar). To be honest its best not to make such differences between rehat. Rehat is simply Guru's hukam, all we have to do is obey, the nature of the hukam doesn't matter.

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...they're living too comfortable thinking they've got it on lockdown just by donning the amritdhari dress, waking up at amritvela and keeping away from meat, alcohol etc(all Easy as pie)...

You should visit the Gupt section once in a while. Some amritdharis asking about where to obtain motivation to wake up at amritvela, cease the act of....self-pleasure, etc. Its not as easy as some think. For some its a constant challenge, especially for youngsters who may have taken amrit but were not emotionally mature enough to fully understand the huge responsibility it entails.

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This discussion of outer rehat vs. inner rehat has no merit in it. Before distinguishing between the two ask where the two came from? "Outer" rehat is not an outer rehat at all if you understand where the "outer" rehat comes from. From Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji Maharaj to Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj, they have told us that this so called outer rehat is tied in with the "inner" rehat. You can't discriminate between the two. Here I'll give an example:

An Amritdhari goes out in bad sangat (bars, parties, etc), doesn't watch, where he eats from, uses foul language, flirts with girls, listens to songs filled with the 5 vices, and just indulges in maya, but doesn't commit any of the bujjar kurihets and does his paat and goes to the Gurdwara. He really doesn't fit in to the crowds of people, who indulge in this maya, but pretty much becomes a tag along. Say he falls into depression and feels like he doesn't fit in or no one accepts him. Now if you read the "outer" rehat that Satguru left for us. It says to stay away from such activities. First ask yourself why Satguru Sri Guru Gobind SIngh Sahib ji Maharaj said stay away from such activities? Then ask yourself why this guy would be depressed? (Everyone knows how deeply depressed and frustrated many Amritdhari youth are today and this goes both for boys and girls) (and the ones that are not Amritdhari are even more depressed in a state of complete denial but take drugs to feel some happiness in life) A person's environment completely has an affect on them. A person that goes into the above mentioned activites has not done bhagti. They have read Gurbani and maybe studied Gurbani to a certain degree. A person that has done bhagti will stay away from the above activities because he knows the messenger of death are waiting for him there to trick him. The messenger of death tricks a person by making them think I can go into such activities (the messenger of death makes him indulge in ego) and not be hurt (let my jeevan be negatively affected) by it (this is where the ego brings out lust, anger, attachment, greed). If he had stayed humble and said i need to follow the "outer" rehat as Satguru gave it to me, then he would not have been troubled by depression. The "outer" rehat is not at all about an outer appearance. It is to move a person from just reading Gurbani, to actually doing bhagti. This "outer" rehat comes from Gurbani and gives the person the tools to actually do bhagti.

To put it a different way. When we study for exams for courses. Do we take with us the friends that are going to talk the whole time, distract you by calling other friends, and get no studying done? Or will you take friends with you that will help you study, clear up some questions you have, and actually study themselves? Doing Bhagti works in a similar manner, but its not just a 3 hours thing. It's all day and every day activity. To do bhagti the "outer" rehat cannot be disregarded for one second.

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ive never encountered this with anyone, as the rehat is about 95/97% the same between all samprdayes or jathas

I dont think anyone can say we took amrit with a lax maryada

There is one rehat given that is vague when it comes to defining what Amritdharis can and can't do. It leaves room for a person to intrepret the rehat to fit their life style. I won't mention where this rehat is given, but I'm pretty sure you figured it out, which rehat i'm refering too. I don't want to mention where this rehat is given because some people might see it as an opportunity for an ease way out. I wasn't aware of it until, I heard a person refering to it and speaking about how they can do many things because that rehat doesn't speak against it.

Another excuse some Amritdharis use when it comes to rehat is that, the Punj Pyare didn't tell me anything on a certain topic, so i can do as i think is correct. Then these Amritdharis give the famous line, Gurbani doesn't say its wrong, so i can do it.

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  • 2 months later...

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh ||

With Maharaj's Kirpa i have ome across various stories from the lives of recent and Puratan Gursikhs who had Darshan of Kalgidhar Patshah Ji. They asked him about finishing an Akhand Path in 48 hours ut my Satguru Ji this was just a Rehat started by My Sikhs I never gave such A Command. After this incident in his life Sant Harnam Singh Ji Rampur Khera Wale would even with Maharj's Kirpa finish Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji in 72 hours .

While i know there is a topic on this i just have to ask: Are Singhni Allowed to do Kirtan In Sach Khand Sri Haramndir Sahib Ji .

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh ||

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