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Why Does Waheguru Keep Testing Me?

Guest Raj k

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doing path without wanting anything will be the hardest thing for you to get your head around

dont listen to the people who say you need a mahapurakh to guide you when you have your guru you dont need anyone else.

when your doing paath concentrate and dont pray for things pray for happiness. seems your still stuck in a world of maya and ego and pride whereby you judge others on what they have or how much paath they do, when really you should concentrate on making yourself a better person

dont take the tablets its the weak way out sikhs dont commit suicide because the pain and hole you leave behind for your loved ones will be huge and its the cowards way out!

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My faith is shaken- no matter what I do- seva, paart, nothing goes right. I see people all around me, who haven't got or can't be bothered to make time for waheguru yet they have it all. No worries in their lives. Why is my life filled with them? Abused by my uncle at a young age, I still believed, married into a family who make my life s misery, I still believe, debt up to my ears so that I can give my children what they need, I still believe. When is waheguru going to listen to my pleas? Please tell me that waheguru will support me through this difficult time- don't think I can take much more.

We live in kalyug, born into an age where the majority of the world live in a hellish state of mind, so of course there will be crap wherever u go, the world is full of dic*heads. But this age is the most blessed for those who believe in Truth because it is in the darkest Pitts of hell that we are able to strike back and penetrate through the dark with the strongest light. Either u get buried by maya, consumed in and attached to your own pain/hell or u step in the path of the Bhagat and realise that hell/pain does not exist, only truth does. It is in dukh that we turn to truth hence dukh is the medicine- it leads us to detach from the khel and the bulls*it.

Maya will always be there, learn to detach by applying gurbani to your life- practice it and reap the benefits of this darkest age. Also realise that life could be a lot worse, nuclear war, famine, torture etc- look at that town in Syria that was gassed- women and children massacred. Look at the holocaust of Jews, the massacre of Sikhs- the torture our gurus and ancestor endured.

The pain u are going through can be detached from- that was physical torture.and pain. We see others who seem to have a lot of Sukh, but understand that is their own KAram- and if they are attachéd to it- they'll have the same amount of dukhi eventually- only in detachment are we free.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest Guest

I don't know why we get bad in return of gud.I am waiting for the moment wen I will go to the waheguru nd cry n cry in his lap.my life is a joke.I was married nd my husband left me cuz he did not find money from me.he lost like a dream from my life

after five years I took chance and listening to my parents I got married again.my husband and my in laws are so dominant dat they treat me like a servant.I try to protest sometimes but I was dominated.and my husband and my in laws did not tell me dat it is third marriage of my husband.I found it wen I got here in USA.I asked them and its nothing for them.'coz all they do is right I cry n cry everyday.they don't let me talk to my parents on phone neither I tell my parents about the third marriage of my husband so dat they don't get hurt.what shud I do I am dying day by day.

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I don't know why we get bad in return of gud.I am waiting for the moment wen I will go to the waheguru nd cry n cry in his lap.my life is a joke.I was married nd my husband left me cuz he did not find money from me.he lost like a dream from my life

after five years I took chance and listening to my parents I got married again.my husband and my in laws are so dominant dat they treat me like a servant.I try to protest sometimes but I was dominated.and my husband and my in laws did not tell me dat it is third marriage of my husband.I found it wen I got here in USA.I asked them and its nothing for them.'coz all they do is right I cry n cry everyday.they don't let me talk to my parents on phone neither I tell my parents about the third marriage of my husband so dat they don't get hurt.what shud I do I am dying day by day.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest Tanveer Singh

Hey Everyone , I was very upset and sad . Was feeling like most you . I searched on google for "waheguru why so much pain" and found this topic. It is very good to hear some of questions and answers. I just remembered something by Bhagat Farid Ji that made me realise .

"Farida main janya dukh mujh ko, Dukh sabha ae jag

Uche chadh ke dekhya, Taañ ghar ghar aeha agg"

Farid, I thought I was in pain, the whole world is in pain.

When I climbed up and looked around me, I saw this fire

in each and every home.

We are going through a difficult time but dont lose hope as waheguru will always be with us and guide us . Lets just look deeper inside and work hard for achieving for what came to do this in world. I AM SINNER WAHEGURU AND YOU ARE THE FORGIVER. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR HELPING ME TODAY .

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  • 4 months later...

My faith is shaken- no matter what I do- seva, paart, nothing goes right. I see people all around me, who haven't got or can't be bothered to make time for waheguru yet they have it all. No worries in their lives. Why is my life filled with them? Abused by my uncle at a young age, I still believed, married into a family who make my life s misery, I still believe, debt up to my ears so that I can give my children what they need, I still believe. When is waheguru going to listen to my pleas? Please tell me that waheguru will support me through this difficult time- don't think I can take much more.

I'm extremely sad at 'My faith is shaken'.

You do seva because your heart says so - not to receive something back.

You do your paart because your mind becomes part of God and He becomes part of you.

How do you know your assumption that 'those who have it all' is correct - are you privy to every aspect of their lives? You only get a tiny percentage of a person's real life and base your judgement upon that. If your measuring happiness with a new BMW or a posh house that's pretty shallow. Real wealth is what a good person does not what a bad person has.

Abused by your uncle - horrific. This man should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Go to the police.

Your married into a family that make your life a misery - move out with your husband and children.

Sometimes we give more to our children than they require. They won't be damaged if they don't have the latest phone or toy. Teach them at a young age to receive little things, they will then learn to appreciate the milestone bigger things. Don't keep buying on your credit card, remember your paying £118 for every £100 spent. If you haven't got the cash in your purse, leave it. You don't want your debt to grow.

You must never, ever ask or pray for material things. You must have courage in you to ask forgiveness when you have done something or thought something wrong. You must look around you and see the things you have and be thankful. Be genuinely happy for someone, they will then be for you. Let go of thoughts about other people and their lives, focus on you and your family. Always, always think happy thoughts about sharing, helping, respect and love.

The positivity in your mind will flow like running water across a depressing desert.

Sister, I say this from the heart, don't give up on the Lord for He hasn't given up on you.

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  • 9 months later...
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