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Why Does Waheguru Keep Testing Me?

Guest Raj k

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The only solution to this is Meditate on Waheguru ,its the 5 inside that are playing you up Karm,Krodh ,Lorb Mor ,and Hankar,when you do simran listen to your voice and chant slowly

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Dear _Raj k_ ,

first of all, how do you exactly know Wahiguru is testing you?

Believe it, if He started testing us, nobody of us will feel comfortable.

He already knows, how weak we are, how much moorakhs or mugadhs we are. In eyes of the world, we may appear clever of awaken, but spiritually we are blind, and if such is our state, can any normal person with a bit of common sense test a blind one?

It is His inmense love for us, which makes Him overlook our faults, and is eveready to forgive us, if only we turn our faces to Him.

So what is that turning our faces towards Him?

It is nothing else, but to love Him from the bottom of our hearts, and fully engaging ourselves in that activity which makes us go nearer and nearer to Him, which as repeated many times, is His Naam Simran alone, nothing more.

If we take a step towards Him by doing His chintan, He takes a hundred steps towards us.

He is much more eager to reunite us with Him as a lovely Father, than what we can ever imagine, cause we think we love Him, when the fact is, it is His pull from within, which makes us nearer to Him.

For if it depended on us all by ourselves, we would not even think about Him. Such shameless people are we....

I just have a pledge for you and all, howsoever life maybe difficult, or the situations be absolutely adverse for us due to our very own karmas, even then we should not let go the only anchor we have, and that is Him.

To ill speak of Him, and make Him responsible for our own demerits, is the biggest foolishness and crime we can ever commit, and thus strongly enchain ourselves in the " Chaurasee ka chakar".

For as the Bani says: Toon mere pran ke adhaar.

Just as oxygene can never be bad for us, for our lives depend on its inhalation, in a similar way, Wahiguru is the base of that oxygene we inhale, so how can we even think of blaming Him?

He, Wahiguru, is so adorable, that He is worthy only to be loved. more and more, that´s it.

Sat Sree Akal.

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Nice post Harsharan Ji.

"I just have a pledge for you and all, howsoever life maybe difficult, or the situations be absolutely adverse for us due to our very own karmas, even then we should not let go the only anchor we have, and that is Him."


ਕਰਮੀ ਆਪੋ ਆਪਣੀ ਕੇ ਨੇੜੈ ਕੇ ਦੂਰਿ ॥ करमी आपो आपणी के नेड़ै के दूरि ॥ Karmī āpo āpṇī ke neṛai ke ḏūr.

According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven farther away.

ਜਿਨੀ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਇਆ ਗਏ ਮਸਕਤਿ ਘਾਲਿ ॥ जिनी नामु धिआइआ गए मसकति घालि ॥ Jinī nām ḏẖi▫ā▫i▫ā ga▫e maskaṯ gẖāl.

Those who have meditated on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of their brows -

ਨਾਨਕ ਤੇ ਮੁਖ ਉਜਲੇ ਕੇਤੀ ਛੁਟੀ ਨਾਲਿ ॥੧॥ नानक ते मुख उजले केती छुटी नालि ॥१॥ Nānak ṯe mukẖ ujle keṯī cẖẖutī nāl. ||1||

O Nanak, their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord, and many are saved along with them! ||1||

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When will the foolish world ever stop blaming Wahiguru for all their misfortunes?

That also when they are wholly responsible for their condition.

How can we be so harsh with our Sachay Patshah?

We should stop taking Wahiguru, as the genie of Aladino´s Lamp, for things like fulfilling one´s desires, or acting as Superman in times of distress at our calls...

Of course Wahiguru is "sarvavyapak" = omnipresent and "shakti shalee" = omnipotent, and omniscient; but if in good times we do not remeber Him or try to establish a consciouss relation with Him, how can we have the cheek to call Him in our so called bad times.

Usually, we treat Him like the genie mentioned above, we just rub the lamp when we need Him the most, then we let Him stay inside and make Him wait, until we really need Him again.

Shameless people ...

He is our True Father and Mother, we should daily dedicate time to Love Him without any excuse or fail, through His Simran.

"Sukh main Simran jho kare, toh dukh kaaeko hoe"

Sat Sree Akal.

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Bro if you want my honest opinion. Like it's been said above, Don't blame god. just by doing Simran ALONE our Karma is dying away. It's becoming more and more insignificant. That small cut you got? it could very well have been Waheguru's blessing as you may have been meant to have an even serious injury. Some things are destined to happen because our Divine Father has a plan for us due to it. There is a lesson in everything. You fell down, so pick yourself up, wipe off the dirt, smile, thank Waheguru for helping you get up and grab Kalyug by it's horns.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest taranjit

I an in.hell. I did. everything path seva fast donation. everything but waheguru give me.nothing. my husband left me after 1 month of marriage I feel.useless broken and shaken. I. can't concentrate on anything in.my life. I can handel my life anymore.my trust on waheguru is breaking day by day. why this happened to.me.only.why he.left me after taking phere around guru granth sahebe ji.

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I an in.hell. I did. everything path seva fast donation. everything but waheguru give me.nothing. my husband left me after 1 month of marriage I feel.useless broken and shaken. I. can't concentrate on anything in.my life. I can handel my life anymore.my trust on waheguru is breaking day by day. why this happened to.me.only.why he.left me after taking phere around guru granth sahebe ji.

Taranjit jee,

First of all you are not in the hell, do not be so negative.

It is a pity, you are going through a difficut phase of your life, but, that is not because of Wahiguru. It is only because of your own past karmas, for which you have to settle accounts.

To some you have to give, from some you have to receive. This earth is known aslo as karam bhoomee, where whatever seed you sow, that harvest you get.

Suppose you sow chillies, you can not expect to reap apples. Can you? Then where does Wahiguru come in here this scene? One is free to plant the seeds one wants, but then according to laws of Nature, that is what you get only. How can we shamelessly ever blame Wahiguru? He did not force us to plant the chilly seeds. Then if we planted X seeds, it is just normal to get X harvest, isn´t it?

You see, Wahiguru never forces anything on anybody. He gives us full freedom, so if we misuse that freedom, than naturally we have to pay for it.

If you did phere around Guru Jee, and your husband left you, that is him being unfaithful by not fulfilling the vow one takes before Guru Jee at that time.

Once again, how can you blame Guru Jee for it? Don´t you think you are being unfair to Him?

You see, we people have up our owm minds of how Wahiguru is or should be, under the influence of agyanta and maanmat.

We read the Bani like parrots, thus we do not mould our lives according to Gurmat, then too, we foolislhy keep our demands before Wahiguru, and expect Him to be like a Superman hero for us, to come in our times of need... What a shame....

We do not do His bhakti as we should, then too, instead of trying to stay in accordance as per laws of natue and endure our own created destiny by us, we cry and wail, why why why me ?

Remember, our relation with Wahiguru is only on a spiritual basis, rest is all karam. Having said that, He is so merciful and loves you so much, that inspite of your karmas, sanskaras, sins, maanmat, etc... He has blessed you with human birth, (which even devis devtays can not get just like that), so that you may remove your haume, and do His Bhakti as per Gurmat, and cut all your chains from this mayavee creation, make yourself free totally, and place yourself at His Lotus Feet, and in this lies the welfare of all jeevas.

So taranjit jee, instead to cry and complain, be grateful to Him at each step in your life, with each breath, do His Bhakti as per Gurmat, then see how the changes are taking in you, for your betterment, as then you open your heart for His unlimited Daya Meher...

God bless you.

Sat Sree Akal.

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