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Why Does Waheguru Keep Testing Me?

Guest Raj k

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Hi I understand what your going through totally. I feel upset, angry and very bitter. Life is so unfair. I really feel and wish that waheguru just took me out if this world. It feels like my life is just always going to get worse. I have really tried. People around me that are bad land on their feet. I just want some happiness waheguru. I really want to be married and have kids and have a normal life. People always say there's light at the end of the tunnel but in my life the tunnel is always dark. It's so important that I get married and have kids. I have always had this dream and people are saying stuff to me now about me not being married. I just want to be normal.

It's not you but society at large is facing problems when it comes to marriage.

Just see the number of matrimonial sites & listings.

If you and your parents are unable to find a match on your own then it's better to seek services of a professional Match Maker.

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there is no one is the world... who is not suffering...... everyone has some or the other kind of tensions.....

there is no house in this world who has not suffered from the pain of lossing their dear ones.....

Life is all about happiness nad sorrow... who can say that people who do bad karam only suffers... Guru Gobind Singh g suffered alot... other sikh gurus also suffered..... was their karam bad datz y... not its not that....

Ek janam sambh lo.... pta ni duniya agle pichle janam nu leke kyo galla kardi...

Keep on doing good... je life ch takleef ni howegi .. no one will know what life is ... pain makes u mature...

Never fear from pain...... coz our gurus were fearless... they neva fear :D learn from them

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  • 2 months later...
Guest 701 Herenho

Thanks all. Just had enough. Things just get worse and worse. Nothing is getting better. I feel lost and confused. It's like we have not seen any happy days for years. We always help people. I am scared of the future. I can't handle anymore bad luck. I really need waheguru's help and I just want to ask for forgiveness for all the bad things me and my family have done in this life and in the past. Never thought my life would turn out like this. It's like someone has cast a evil spell on our family.

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Dont give up, its same with me, worse and worse.

I dont even know wat happiness is, just feel like an actress in a film doing th sad role.

but the film dont stop and the role never stops.

Only thing you can do is go to Maharaj ji, and ask for forgiveness in front of them. I have been too weak to go to gurdwara, and didn't want to as finding it so hard to physically move, and thought Wats the point when not got th strength. In th end, god knows how i got there the state me in and I mean i am bad now. The plan was to mtha tek n come back quickly, but god knows where the tears came from just flowing and flowing and had no idea who was in sangat or who was lookin, only realised when come back home. No matter how much controlled could not stop. I cant share wat happened next, sorry but when i came out wish i never came out and could stay forever. but all i will say is if you can make it to the gurdwara just go. Believe me that is the only place to be. If you can physically go gurdwara is only place you will feel better.

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Thanks all. Just had enough. Things just get worse and worse. Nothing is getting better. I feel lost and confused. It's like we have not seen any happy days for years. We always help people. I am scared of the future. I can't handle anymore bad luck. I really need waheguru's help and I just want to ask for forgiveness for all the bad things me and my family have done in this life and in the past. Never thought my life would turn out like this. It's like someone has cast a evil spell on our family.

waheguru ji......start playing sukhmani sahib ji's path in your house..24/7.........

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Guest Guest

waheguru ji......start playing sukhmani sahib ji's path in your house..24/7.........

just a question- is this really beneficial as you would not be concentrating on the Part most of the time?

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I have heard this today too and that one of our relatives play it all the time. The only place is i am learning anything is from here. All these relatives make out they care etc, but they dont. Its good for them and good luck to them, but do any of them ever want to tell me about doing this? I would if it helps somebody to just have that knowledge. But i guess nobody likes me. What is it with relative why dnt they ever want to tell you the good things that would help you, its gods name, are people jealous of that too, so t hat it dont help somebody?

Apparently hanji it should make a difference, you reminded me guest i read a while ago that a mahapursh, can't remember which one said that Sukhmani Sahib ji should be played 24/7 to keep the bad things away. I like you thought that i dont be able to listen all day so how will it benefit me. But today learnt it should make difference as gods name will be continuous, even if its in one room.

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just a question- is this really beneficial as you would not be concentrating on the Part most of the time?

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹ ||

Here is daas' two cents. Even if you're not able to pay attention to it all the time, you're still getting some laha out of it. And it won't hurt us to play it in our house even if we're not paying attention. Daas personally believes there is still phall in listening to Path even if there is no concentration because there are vibrations in Gurbani that will effect you regardless of whether you pay attention or not (although the more you concentrate the more laha there is). And if you personally believe it won't help if you don't pay attention, it certainly won't hurt you. So why not give it a try. :) Daas has personally tried and can say there is certainly a difference in one's life and it also depends on how much bharosa you have in Maharaj Jee.

Bhul Chuk Muaaf Jee

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just a question- is this really beneficial as you would not be concentrating on the Part most of the time?

yes waheguru ji......keep it going all te time......it'll change the environment of your sorroundings first.....

For example.....when there's a sick person a room....the room and patient smells bad due to the existence of germs.......same here.....the positive waves of continous path will change the atomospher to the positive side.....same liek the sarovar in the gurdwras can cure several diseases due to the continuity of the path and keertan,.,,,,,,,

some people says it's beadbi if you won't listen to it...I personally don't think so...we are kalyugi jeev....not very spiritual who can concentrate fully...odan vi tan saari kayanaat waheguru da naam literally jap rahi hai par aapan nu nai sunda kyonke othe tak paunche hi nahin.....

...is layi je 24 ghanteya vichon...ik pankti vi mann ne sun layi....waheguru ji di kirpa naal oh apne aap hi hor sunan lag javega te sab kuch badlan lag janda........don't push it on yourself otherwise your mind will try to run away from it....take it easy but do ardas........another benefit je kise hor na sun leya oda bhala ta hona hi hai..you'll get the commission as well.....punn ban jana jehrge bad karma nu saarhde ne.....

If you can read books......apart from this playing.......read Bhai Guriqbal Dingh ji kaulsarwale's "Sukhamni sahib diyan visheshtayiaan" or it has a recorded version as well....if you want to try.....below is the link.......I am not asking you to act on what Bhai sahib is saying...just listen to what he's saying..so many today's real life incidents.......Guru bhalla kare


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