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Why Does Waheguru Keep Testing Me?

Guest Raj k

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Guest Raj k

My faith is shaken- no matter what I do- seva, paart, nothing goes right. I see people all around me, who haven't got or can't be bothered to make time for waheguru yet they have it all. No worries in their lives. Why is my life filled with them? Abused by my uncle at a young age, I still believed, married into a family who make my life s misery, I still believe, debt up to my ears so that I can give my children what they need, I still believe. When is waheguru going to listen to my pleas? Please tell me that waheguru will support me through this difficult time- don't think I can take much more.

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Those people you are talking about who you think have it easy have paid up their bad karma and paap in narak before they took birth into this life, thats why its easier for them. But because they are still lost and in doubt they are making their karma bad again for their next life. You must have had bad karma in your previous life, Naam erases bad karma slowly or quickly depending on how much Gurbani we sing with love to intensify the Naam. Gurbani Supports the Naam, it empowers the Naam, so the more Bani we have inside the more the more effective the Naam will be and the more we can control the power of it. Naam takes worldly pain away and you just have to be patient. You may not know it but you are taking small amounts of pain away from your life, so your life could have been worse without Gurbani and Naam. Keep on doing Sukhmani Sahibs and Jap Naam everytime, at night in bed, in the morning, afternoon etc everywhere you go keep on practicing it with every breath and in the mind. Take time out to do seated Bhagti of Naam too and in between you can continue Sukhmani Sahib.

Another tip, go to a Ransbai and Jap Naam there too and join in with the Kirtan.

Keep this in mind, Gursikhs in India have been through worse. They have been tortured by the police all their life but they never gave up or doubted Truth (Gurmat/Sikhi/Amrit). It still happens now to Gursikhs in India. I understand you're feeling misery and pain but we question Vaheguru too much when Vaheguru has put Gursikhs/Shaheeds through worse.

As long as an Amritdhari keeps faith in Gurbani, Guru Sahib will help you. Keep doing Ardas too.

Gor duK´M Aink hq´M jnm dwirdRM mhw ibK´wdM ] ghor dhukhya(n) anik hathya(n) janam dhaaridhra(n) mehaa bikhyaadha(n) || Excruciating pain, countless killings, reincarnation, poverty and terrible misery imtMq sgl ismrMq hir nwm nwnk jYsy pwvk kwst BsmM kroiq ]18] mitta(n)th sagal simara(n)th har naam naanak jaisae paavak kaasatt bhasama(n) karoth ||18|| are all destroyed by meditating in remembrance on the Lord's Name, O Nanak, just as fire reduces piles of wood to ashes. ||18||

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Guest ssingh23

gursikhs in india were tortutred brutallity n have been threw much worse n still r n those ppl who arent near god n are living happy lives is because they are building up bad karma . they had bad karma is past thats y they arent near god and they will have bad karma in the future . n good ppl have bad karma because if u did paap bad karma in a pastr bad life u will have to get rid of that bad karma in a good saint life . thas y theres alot of goodsaint ppl with bad problems .

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Bhenji sorry to hear u are going thru so much, I understand its very difficult time you are going through, but please dont keep it inside, try to talk to somebody about it, and get help with ur life. I know easier said than done, but it does help to talk, or see a professional. Have u ever had counselling for wat happened to you when u were younger? We sometimes think we are strong inside, but we are at the end of the day, human, and not perfect.

Try to approach ur doctor, I know people think wat will the doctor do, but they can guide u in the right direction to get counselling or some sort of help so you dont have to deal with this on ur own.

Waheguru will help you through this, as humans we will go through bad phases, where our faith is lowered, but its our past karms like others have said that we are dukhi.

We can help ourselves by doing simran, and to get help from those that are involved in our daily lives.

There is are organisations such as Kaur project, sikhhelpline, if you want to talk to somebody in confidence,or they can contact u back if u are not up to it.

Dont ever give up, and get as much help as u can from be it the council, doctor, finance advisors, wherever u can get it the more it contribute to making life a bit easier for you.

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Its hard to say why you are going through bad things maybe its a frame of mind or past karam, i cant say i cant see your past. All i know is that you have the now.

Like some others have said, other people have been through worse, so maybe you can find solace in that, but you can only find peace and Sukh from simran, as without abiaas you cant control your mind, and on a micro level if you think about its your mind/thoughts you are upset with, No thoughts no dukh, the aim of life is to be above Mia which are thoughts.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi I understand what your going through totally. I feel upset, angry and very bitter. Life is so unfair. I really feel and wish that waheguru just took me out if this world. It feels like my life is just always going to get worse. I have really tried. People around me that are bad land on their feet. I just want some happiness waheguru. I really want to be married and have kids and have a normal life. People always say there's light at the end of the tunnel but in my life the tunnel is always dark. It's so important that I get married and have kids. I have always had this dream and people are saying stuff to me now about me not being married. I just want to be normal.

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