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Why Does Waheguru Keep Testing Me?

Guest Raj k

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All these relatives make out they care etc, but they dont. Its good for them and good luck to them, but do any of them ever want to tell me about doing this? I would if it helps somebody to just have that knowledge. But i guess nobody likes me. What is it with relative why dnt they ever want to tell you the good things that would help you, its gods name, are people jealous of that too, so t hat it dont help somebody?


waheguru ji....pehli gal ta je kise nu bina mangeya hi slaaha deyi jaoo....ona ne karna katrana kuch ni hunda ni....upar chi kehnde ne eh apne aap nu jada religious samjhada......kai loki ta ehi soch ke chup kar jande ne.....

is layi syanap ise vich hei ke je kise vich koi gun dikhda hai te chup kar ke usnu grehan kar lao....don't wait or complain.....

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@tuhintuhin i didnt understand anything u wrote, can u explain in english plz. its not a complaint, its the truth. and i dont think i have said anything wrong. nowadays people dont want to help, coz they are so paranoid they may catch something and yes there are people that only want everything themselves. There is a difference in the people of nowadays and the the true ones that really wanted to help somebody, they would have told me about playing Sukhmani SAhibji all day, but instead i have had to learn it thru a forum on the internet. Its easy for u to say dont wait dont complain, i dont complain, just stating the truth, which is probably perceived as complaining to you. You probably have nice relatives that do give good advice, but i dont, so obviously when there is no sianeh is my house, then it is the job of other sianeh to teach us and not just turn up to funerals. like how else am i suppose to know, i dont go out, i dont have no contact with nobody, instead of just calling up and asking if im still alive, they if they really want to give wise advise such as gods name. and if thats complaining i dont really care, coz everybodys out for themselves only, no matter how much u help them, they will never be there in ur worst time. I am actually grateful i have this site, and if nobody can take the truth in wat i say then thats not my problem. this is the only place i can air out my views, so y should i chup karke marjava? Try asking those that dont have no human contact at all wat its like to wait, coz thats all one can do wait wait wait, either for something gud to happen or for death.

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@tuhintuhin i didnt understand anything u wrote, can u explain in english plz. its not a complaint, its the truth. and i dont think i have said anything wrong. nowadays people dont want to help, coz they are so paranoid they may catch something and yes there are people that only want everything themselves. There is a difference in the people of nowadays and the the true ones that really wanted to help somebody, they would have told me about playing Sukhmani SAhibji all day, but instead i have had to learn it thru a forum on the internet. Its easy for u to say dont wait dont complain, i dont complain, just stating the truth, which is probably perceived as complaining to you. You probably have nice relatives that do give good advice, but i dont, so obviously when there is no sianeh is my house, then it is the job of other sianeh to teach us and not just turn up to funerals. like how else am i suppose to know, i dont go out, i dont have no contact with nobody, instead of just calling up and asking if im still alive, they if they really want to give wise advise such as gods name. and if thats complaining i dont really care, coz everybodys out for themselves only, no matter how much u help them, they will never be there in ur worst time. I am actually grateful i have this site, and if nobody can take the truth in wat i say then thats not my problem. this is the only place i can air out my views, so y should i chup karke marjava? Try asking those that dont have no human contact at all wat its like to wait, coz thats all one can do wait wait wait, either for something gud to happen or for death.

Jide naal koi nahi odhe naal rab hai.

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@tuhintuhin i didnt understand anything u wrote, can u explain in english plz. its not a complaint, its the truth. and i dont think i have said anything wrong. nowadays people dont want to help, coz they are so paranoid they may catch something and yes there are people that only want everything themselves. There is a difference in the people of nowadays and the the true ones that really wanted to help somebody, they would have told me about playing Sukhmani SAhibji all day, but instead i have had to learn it thru a forum on the internet. Its easy for u to say dont wait dont complain, i dont complain, just stating the truth, which is probably perceived as complaining to you. You probably have nice relatives that do give good advice, but i dont, so obviously when there is no sianeh is my house, then it is the job of other sianeh to teach us and not just turn up to funerals. like how else am i suppose to know, i dont go out, i dont have no contact with nobody, instead of just calling up and asking if im still alive, they if they really want to give wise advise such as gods name. and if thats complaining i dont really care, coz everybodys out for themselves only, no matter how much u help them, they will never be there in ur worst time. I am actually grateful i have this site, and if nobody can take the truth in wat i say then thats not my problem. this is the only place i can air out my views, so y should i chup karke marjava? Try asking those that dont have no human contact at all wat its like to wait, coz thats all one can do wait wait wait, either for something gud to happen or for death.

waheguru ji.....when we sometimes give suggestion or advise to people specifically about religion or humanity, 99 % thinks "oo...I know everything, who the hell are you to tell me......"....you can actually see their face expressions and figure out that you have just ended up wasting your time.........and it had happened to me several time always eneded up looking like a stupid...people actually don't want to talk about th religion.....if we visit someone on lunch or dinner...they'll do chugli, ninda, mazaak everything...as soon as someone starts about religion....noboby jumps in positively ..but pour in ninda, ninda and ninda of sants or anything that THEY think is not right.....even though they know nothing in reality....

so I have now stopped offering unwanted suggestions with relatives....coz in real life all realtives are jealous of eachother for some reason or other,,,,,,,,,

I've no seyane in house waheguru ji :) (with aspect to religion) these seyane want you to be sikh but in limits "oh you can't have dastaar on, and khanda on it ....no way.....just wear patka or something...oh you donated this much...tenu pata future ch ghar kiwein chaluna...etc etc"..they don't understand ke Guru ji will do everything.......... so I just listened Giani Thakur Singh ji, Bhai Guriqbal singh ji and mahapurkh deewan..........the best sangat....

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Oh okay, sorry dnt know if you penji or paji, but i appreciate it. I think maybe its easier to understand on here in than in real. Its probably because they dont understand the depth of it that other things to talk about are easier.

I welcome your advise, but my brain can't cope with too much depth now and some things only when i am lieng down and typing will be able to understand,not when i am sitting. Its just the simple things that one wishes somebody would have told when they do it all themselves. I mean they not like educated n all but they will go to places when they got everything, dont know wat they want, and never think oh maybe i could benefit from some knowledge or if they visit a mahapursh, they will never mention to me. Its like i always hear after from somebody else. Nobody has ever said from their heart that believe in god, do paat or listen to it. Some people seem to get everything like the original poster says without even doing paat. This is wat hurts me, how do they get it? Is it coincidence? karm?

And one of my rels s heard took lots of money to see a mahapursh, dnt know if they took it but they seem to have ythnng they ask for.so it affects my faith when i listen to paat so much and with pyar but not gettin more honsla. Lots of times i just want to die, its too hard to carry on, i got the tablets out now but dont have the guts to eat them. I can't do it no more, keep waiting and waiting and cant take th dukh no more, when listen to paat just before its too much to handle. I want it to end.

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waheguru ji don't push sikhi or religion on yourself......sehaj naal.......

no true mahapurkh take money.........they are just the light of God.....it's an individual journey,,,,,,,,

but from my personal experience to have a mahapurkh as a back up is a must must thing in kalyug.......but it should be true from your heart.....some people are so against mahapurkh...that don't do matha tek......why. why not......

now lets take your example...I assume you don't do sangat of any mahapurkh.....correct me if I am wrong.....and you are pushing sikhism on yourself very hardly.......aa ni karna...o ni karna...all these do don'ts at some point will make your mind fed up from sikhi.......

now one of my friend...don't do path or anything but just love a mahapurkh from heart, can do anything for him.....does sewa whenever he meets him and obeys his bachans...that's all.....dukhs do come to him, but he manages to get through them just because of mahapurkh ji as he is taking care of him..........now mahapurkh ji never say menu matha tek, paise de, mein guru aa.....no no no.....he always paraise Guru sahiban and says "guru bhala kare or satgur ne karna"......they actually bring you closer to waheguru ji.......

life totally change.....i personally feel people not having any mahapurkh ji's sangat as anaath.....no offence to anyone....because mahapurkh rab de puttar hunde ne......je mahapurkh na hon te rab aut ho jawe..meaning barren.......because relative don't care....and like you and other people keep doing path but at some point get fed up because they don't see any improvement...now question is where do you go....you go to mahapurkh because they are already connected and resolve our problem because we can't talk to God so conveniently because of low spiritual level.......mahapurkh are here for nothing more than to help us reach higher levels......

two options available - mahapurkha di charan doorhi mathe te laake bure karma nu door karna......ye tablet lani te ikele rona..........

I'ld certainly prefer the first and the easiest option,,,,,,mahapurkha kol jaake tension koi ni hundi...rakhe ya maare onu pata....odeyan di onu laaj....dharamraaj kol jaake bas ena hi kehna "kindly deal with my lawyer" :)

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ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹ ||

@simran345 Please don't take the tablets. Here's something that might help you understand why you are going through such trying times. Firstly, people who are not remembering Vaheguroo Jee in this life yet seem to have it all have already suffered for their previous Karams in Narak before retaking birth and have a "clean slate". Some of us have to suffer for those bad Karams in this lifetime instead. Guru Sahib Jee may be testing you. Please, daas requests you to read Jail Chittian or if you want the English version it is called The Autobiography of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh. They are both available on globalgurmat.com. It is the Autobiography of Bhai Sahib Jee, Jail Chittian being the original Punjabi version and the latter one is the translated English version. Furthermore, please read the story of Bhai Manj Jee. It is available on a quick Google Search. The Dukh these Gursikhs had to endure is unbelievable yet their faith remained unaltered. Also, perhaps Guru Sahib Jee is testing your faith and patience. Sant Baba Nand Singh Jee used to say that we cannot pass Guru Jee's tests unless he himself gets us to pass them. For that reason we should do Ardaas everyday that Guru Sahib Jee not test us and if Satguroo Sahib Jee ever does test us that He Himself gets us to pass. There is another Sakhi daas would like to post which daas will do so tomorrow. If it is not here, daas would appreciate a reminder, as daas may have forgotten. Although, Guru Sahib Jee does Kirpa that daas does not forget to help his sister in need. (Remember you posting once you were a sister although can't remember. Do let daas know if he is wrong). :) Guru Sahib Jee Kirpa Karan.

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Please all pray for me and my family that things get better. We always help everyone when we can and are good people. I do go gurdwara and have started to do part. My mum has also started to do part also. I have this feeling inside me that waheguru will help me and my family. Just want waheguru to help and support us and make it all ok. Sorry waheguru for everything bad that me and my family have done. Please give us guidance, protect us and always be by our side. All I need is you waheguru. Please help

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  • 3 weeks later...

My faith is shaken- no matter what I do- seva, paart, nothing goes right. I see people all around me, who haven't got or can't be bothered to make time for waheguru yet they have it all. No worries in their lives. Why is my life filled with them? Abused by my uncle at a young age, I still believed, married into a family who make my life s misery, I still believe, debt up to my ears so that I can give my children what they need, I still believe. When is waheguru going to listen to my pleas? Please tell me that waheguru will support me through this difficult time- don't think I can take much more.


I will not serve God like a laborer, in expectation of my wages. Hazrat Rabia Basria


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  • 3 months later...

These articles and the answers people have written are totally inspiring to the extreme!

Relating to the above article my dear do lots of simran and paath every day.

Wahe guru ji sees everything and is always near at hand.

Beg for the foot dust of the saints.

Wahe guru ji wants us to be happy and when it is your time you will be married.

Trust in wahe guru ji. Only the immaculate Lord can make things happen.

Nothing is in mans hands.

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