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100% False Allegations Made Against Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale – The Truth About An Orchestrated Campaign To Stop Sikhi Parchaar

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Singh Fauja Jee, how is the presenter showing some agenda? just because he cross questioned him on his claims instead of blindly believing in them? Sukhwinder Singh has made some very serious allegations which he must prove as truth, the burden of proof is on Sukhwinder Singh not Dandrianwala. In any court the defendent is always innocent until proven guilty. Sukhwinder Singh does not have a single witness or proof proving his claims. When the presenter said to him will he also have a physical test done on him as will be done on Ranjit Singh, did you not hear his reaction? at first he pretended not to hear him then he just out right cut the line so as to get some advise from his adviser on this issue. When he was online again he still tried to dodge this question and tried to steer it away.

Obviously such a test seems unreal, I'm no medical expert so I don't know what to say, but Sikhwinder Singh's reaction to the test was interesting none the less. And what about him first claiming he was threatened over the phone. When the presenter asked him for his phone number at the time, instead of giving it to him he just out right denied the claim he was even threatened over the phone. His whole story seems very fishy to me.

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj was agen bhet in village Lutheri near Morinda on Thursday 10 May 2012. Why hasn't this had a massive reaction from the Sikh sangat. Where is our Panth heading if we can kick up this much fuss over a pracharak but not give any time to what is happening time and time to our Guru Ji.

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Monday 14th May 2012 (tomorrow night).

LIVE International Broadcast of Sangrand Diwaan by Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale - Exposing the untruthful 100% false allegations of Sukhwinder, pumped by some media and backed by anti-Panthic groups to halt Sikhi Parchaar & Amrit Sanchaar.

Live broadcasts nationally in India and worldwide online on MH1 Punjabi TV, Chardi Kala Time TV and Baani.net at 7pm (India time).

Special D-Live broadcast in UK & Europe on Sangat Television Sky 847 at 9:30pm (UK time). Sikhs outside India & Europe can watch worldwide online - SangatTelevision.org - at the following local times (main areas):

California: 1:30pm

New York: 4:30pm

Vancouver: 1:30pm

Calgary: 2:30pm

Toronto: 4:30pm

Hong Kong: 4:30am (Tue)

Beijing: 4:30am (Tue)

Sydney: 6:30am (Tue)

Wellington: 8:30am (Tue)

South Africa: 10:30pm

Madrid, Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Rome: 10:30pm

A recording of the Diwaan will be repeated on Tuesday 15th May 2012.

The monthly Sangrand Diwaan is generally attended by a strong 70,000+ people. ALL SANGAT & MEDIA MUST WATCH TO LEARN THE ALREADY KNOWN TRUTH.

Please forward this message to all.


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Sunday 13th May 2012

Sangat Television (Sky 847) have just done a VERY positive talk show in support of Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale. Those involved in the talk show included all major UK Panthic Jathebandia. Sangat Television and the Panthic Jathebandia should be congratulated for speaking the TRUTH.

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I hold Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji's seva in high regard but by continuing to push this issue, I think it is doing his image damage. Primarily because many of the UK Panthic Jathebandia that you mention are the same who wished to give Babbu Mann a gold medal for his stance against Sant Ranjit Singh Ji.

His seva speaks for itself.

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Monday 14th May 2012 (tomorrow night).

LIVE International Broadcast of Sangrand Diwaan by Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale - Exposing the untruthful 100% false allegations of Sukhwinder, pumped by some media and backed by anti-Panthic groups to halt Sikhi Parchaar & Amrit Sanchaar.

Live broadcasts nationally in India and worldwide online on MH1 Punjabi TV, Chardi Kala Time TV and Baani.net at 7pm (India time).

Special D-Live broadcast in UK & Europe on Sangat Television Sky 847 at 9:30pm (UK time). Sikhs outside India & Europe can watch worldwide online - SangatTelevision.org - at the following local times (main areas):

California: 1:30pm

New York: 4:30pm

Vancouver: 1:30pm

Calgary: 2:30pm

Toronto: 4:30pm

Hong Kong: 4:30am (Tue)

Beijing: 4:30am (Tue)

Sydney: 6:30am (Tue)

Wellington: 8:30am (Tue)

South Africa: 10:30pm

Madrid, Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Rome: 10:30pm

A recording of the Diwaan will be repeated on Tuesday 15th May 2012.

The monthly Sangrand Diwaan is generally attended by a strong 70,000+ people. ALL SANGAT & MEDIA MUST WATCH TO LEARN THE ALREADY KNOWN TRUTH.

Please forward this message to all.


Reports coming in of HUGE turnout at the Sangrand Diwaan, which has now begun at Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib.

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There seems to be server overloads on MH1 Punjabi and Baani.net as millions of people around the globe are trying to watch it.

The D-Live broadcast will be played on Sangat Television (Sky 847) in 4.5 Hours time - SangatTelevision.org - others can wait for that instead.

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