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100% False Allegations Made Against Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale – The Truth About An Orchestrated Campaign To Stop Sikhi Parchaar

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Allegations against baba mann singh are all bull...we've been through this countless times..one or two people large it up on sikhsangat or facebook.. Then i tell them to pm me and il show you the proof that the guy who made it all up is a fraud ...then they say sorry and back off....its a classic case of the sevadar gettin caught with his pants down and then blaming the sant to save face and make a bit of money!

PM me if u wanna see video proof of the digusting acts of sahib singh who made up all of the allegations

I don't know who Sahib Singh is, but It's not just one or two people who have made allegations about Pehova. Many people all over the world have come farward. Many people have remained silent because they don't want their family's izzat to go down the drain. I am not one of those people who listen to propaganda without proof. If I didn't personally know a Singh whose wife was done shedkhaani by pehova I probably would have believed in the propaganda myself. But since I personally do know someone who is a victim I cannot dismiss all the other allegations against him. The man is not a saint. He may look and act like one but his inside reality is something totally different.

Dadrianwala on the other hand is different. From what I have seen, he genuinly trying to do parchar of Sikhi. He does not cause hatred for other Sikhs despite other's trying to pull him down. I have learnt so much from Sant Mahapursh. I try to always listen to Katha of Sants every chance I get whether it is in the Gurdwara or my ipod. Fake people like Pehova and Chicagowala and Harnek Singh should not undermine the image of pure souls of Sant Mahapursh who are doing so much parchar and seva of the Sikh Panth.

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Jonny101... By your comments you seem like a nice guy.... u need to understand the forces at work here..thers people rooted into our kaum that seem like they are panthic but believe me when i say that they are not! (this has nothing to do with your mates wife btw, cant comment on that as i dnt know who it is)

The same thing that happend to baba mann singh is happening to sant ranjit singh ...and it will happen to any parcharak that has a high status...please dont think that those that want sikhi dead havn't evolved with the times, they've gotten smarter and these are the new methods they are using...

Iv said in countless threads b4 about sant mahapursh nindya... that if you have a doubt take a hukamnama from maharaj sri guru granth sahib ji and all your doubts/questions will be answered... take a hukamnama online if its easier from sikhitothemax or sikhnet ....cant get fairer than that!

Bhul chuk maaf

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I don't know who Sahib Singh is, but It's not just one or two people who have made allegations about Pehova. Many people all over the world have come farward. Many people have remained silent because they don't want their family's izzat to go down the drain. I am not one of those people who listen to propaganda without proof. If I didn't personally know a Singh whose wife was done shedkhaani by pehova I probably would have believed in the propaganda myself. But since I personally do know someone who is a victim I cannot dismiss all the other allegations against him. The man is not a saint. He may look and act like one but his inside reality is something totally different.

Dadrianwala on the other hand is different. From what I have seen, he genuinly trying to do parchar of Sikhi. He does not cause hatred for other Sikhs despite other's trying to pull him down. I have learnt so much from Sant Mahapursh. I try to always listen to Katha of Sants every chance I get whether it is in the Gurdwara or my ipod. Fake people like Pehova and Chicagowala and Harnek Singh should not undermine the image of pure souls of Sant Mahapursh who are doing so much parchar and seva of the Sikh Panth.

Jonny 101 Ji

If you have made your mind up about Sant Mann Singh Pehowa then that is your choice but if you want to know the real reason behind his allegations then please contact me.

Thank you.

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I repeat, he stopped becoming a follower of Pehova. Not everyone goes out to the media. Not everyone likes their wife's horrible experience to be out in the open for the whole world to see.

But by sacrificing their own cover, they could have prevented it happening to many more, yes?

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But by sacrificing their own cover, they could have prevented it happening to many more, yes?

If they would have done that, some people would have still just said they are paid agents as is evident from the last few posts. Some who are victimes just like to remain gupt and not expose their families to the whole world. I am not trying to shatter anyone's faith here, If believing Maan Singh Pehova jee makes your rehet, amritvela, naam abhyaas, faith stronger then all the power to you. I am sorry that I brought this up, but when some here tried to equate Maan Singh Pehova to what is happening to Dandrianwala right now and even go further by bringing up the example of Sant Jarnail singh Bhindranwalay I lost all control and had to post about him. I am human, and maybe I am wrong on this matter, only Guru Jee knows the truth.

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If they would have done that, some people would have still just said they are paid agents as is evident from the last few posts. Some who are victimes just like to remain gupt and not expose their families to the whole world. I am not trying to shatter anyone's faith here, If believing Maan Singh Pehova jee makes your rehet, amritvela, naam abhyaas, faith stronger then all the power to you. I am sorry that I brought this up, but when some here tried to equate Maan Singh Pehova to what is happening to Dandrianwala right now and even go further by bringing up the example of Sant Jarnail singh Bhindranwalay I lost all control and had to post about him. I am human, and maybe I am wrong on this matter, only Guru Jee knows the truth.

Khalsa Ji

If you have made your mind up already regarding Sant Mann Singh Pehowa then that is your choice since I do not have the power to persuade you otherwise. If there are members of the Sangat here who are genuinely open minded regarding Sant Ji's allegations then please contact me.

Thank you.

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Please dont compare bhai dhardereainwala with baba Mann Singh pheowa wala. There's huge difference. Topic is about to clear the issue related to bhai ranjit Singh dhaderianwalay not about pheowa wala. Please open different topic for such.

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watch this .... this guy left line at impt question then after tried to taal the question...n just seems funny to me and looks missionary.....watch whole thing, its funny when he has to give answers,,,and the vakeel at one point in end goes jerda banda paapi ah oh mere kol onda or something like that LOL....same time sad wht ppl are doing, but i dont know... i know ppl who say hes good and comes from good family and shaheedi parvar of btfk members

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The "Pardes" TV guy seems to have an agenda against the victim Sukhvinder Singh. No surprise "Pardes" TV is run by Baba Dhanrianwala's supporters.

Our community is so gullible and confused - first of all there is NO medical test for proving the "jattee-sattee" of the Baba or Sukhvinder Singh, why is the Baba offering to take a test that does not exist, and why are "Pardes" TV people even willing to offer it? This is ludicrous.

There is some truth to Sukhvinder Singh's statements, especially about his chelas. Here is what two of the Baba's chelas have been up to in California.

Those who live in California can find out for yourselves, simply drive down to El Sobrante Gurwara Sahib and talk to the Sangat and the committee members who are willing to speak about this.

We can not keep blaming kala afghanis for everything, one of these days we will have to own up to our own kartootans.


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