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100% False Allegations Made Against Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale – The Truth About An Orchestrated Campaign To Stop Sikhi Parchaar

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Well dun 2sikh ch. 4 Xpozing the Truth B-hind deez derarz. Wethr 1 manz iz rite or rong wil cum out soon enuff

What?. Two questions,

1. Why do you make it hard for us to understand what you're saying and

2. Exagtly what truth has been exposed?

From what I have gathered some accusations have been put onto Sant Ranjit Singh from the person Sukhwinder Singh. They havn't been proved, just because a bunch of old men talk on a chat show it doesn't mean it's exposing any Truthz B-hind deez deraz.

I'm not trying to stick up for anyone here, nor do I know Sant Ranjit Singh, Bhai Ranjit Singh or whatever you may want to call him. However, i'm sick of this nonsense about proving him wrong. Saying the the sky is purple won't make it purple, you might make a few people think so but when they see it themselves it'll become clear and blue.

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issue is sant ranjit singh and his gursikhs jee seems to be so insecure and going on and on and on and on and on and on about this sukhvinder singh- for crying out loud this has been the only thing on sikhsangat and sikhchannel for the last 2 days and it is getting sickening.

Truth always comes out why is sant jee so worried and trying to explain at such lentghs holding 2 hour sessions just for this stupid prat sukhwinder singhs <banned word filter activated> who is obviously wrong. when you're truthful you u don't have nothing to hide therefore you don;t have to say much as time always reveals.

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I agree with you@ ks55, he did seem to go on a bit about the whole issue. But its hard for us to judge either side too, as both of them are humans and neither is god.

Only god knows the truth. If somebody said something against me which was totally wrong and ruining my reputation, even thou i dont care anymore about what anybody says, it must be hard for him to be in the limelight and so many people think highly of him.

So he must feel he has to speak up and stop any false allegations against him. But i do agree he did seem insecure, and i felt uncomfortable watching it too, as i thought only a bit would be mentioned, then the rest would be the diwan.

But then again, that sukhwinder singh is telling another story, and also cannot tell whether he is lieing or telling the truth.

I've decided not to analyse it too much now, as i got my own karams to deal with. And the truth always comes out, so god will only help those that are right in the end.

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issue is sant ranjit singh and his gursikhs jee seems to be so insecure and going on and on and on and on and on and on about this sukhvinder singh- for crying out loud this has been the only thing on sikhsangat and sikhchannel for the last 2 days and it is getting sickening.

Truth always comes out why is sant jee so worried and trying to explain at such lentghs holding 2 hour sessions just for this stupid prat sukhwinder singhs <banned word filter activated> who is obviously wrong. when you're truthful you u don't have nothing to hide therefore you don;t have to say much as time always reveals.

Whether people like it or not but parcharik sant/sadhu/gursikh looks at the bigger picture- rightly so because its not only person in question reputation is at stake by false allegations but more importantly "sant" title which baba ranjit singh ji unintentionally represents is also at stake and along with baba ranjit singh ji desire to do seva of spreading gursikhi. He is looking at the bigger picture and for sake of betterment of future parchar in panth rightly so he vehemently defending against the false allegations.

That's the probably one of reason many mastanae' mahapursh don't give two hoots about doing the parchar because parchar comes with baggage of tribal garbage/mentality from tribal people..they simply can't be arsed...rise above from all socio-relgious things and it's labels-

~ Taraq Duniya Taraq Ukbah Taraq Mullah Taraq Taraq~

Both are needed, each to their own.

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Whether people like it or not but parcharik sant/sadhu/gursikh looks at the bigger picture- rightly so because its not only person in question reputation is at stake by false allegations but more importantly "sant" title which baba ranjit singh ji unintentionally represents is also at stake and along with baba ranjit singh ji desire to do seva of spreading gursikhi. He is looking at the bigger picture and for sake of betterment of future parchar in panth rightly so he vehemently defending against the false allegations.

That's the probably one of reason many mastanae' mahapursh don't give two hoots about doing the parchar because parchar comes with baggage of tribal garbage/mentality from tribal people..they simply can't be arsed...rise above from all socio-relgious things and it's labels-

~ Taraq Duniya Taraq Ukbah Taraq Mullah Taraq Taraq~

Both are needed, each to their own.

This is a VERY important point - There is a bigger picture to look at here.

Sant Dhadrianwale cannot remain quiet on such an important issue (in any event, if they do, then others will question WHY are they quiet?)

More slander is likely to follow and will always remain (and that too without proof!), but these allegations are the most extreme by far.

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15th May 2012

Further to last week’s 100% false allegations campaign by Sukhwinder, orchestrated by anti-Panthic elements in order to prevent Sikhi Parchaar and Amrit Sanchaar, Singh Sahib Bhai Gurbachan Singh Khalsa, Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, has spoken openly in support of Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale.

Through misuse of media and without basis or evidence, serious allegations were made against the character of Sant Dhadrianwale personally, the Jatha and Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib by Sukhwinder Singh last week, an individual who was once part of the Sant Dhadrianwale Jatha, albeit for a short while.

The Jathedar of Akal Takht has said there are many agencies out there who buy-out someone or another with the intention to disrupt Gurmat Parchaar. The Jathedar said Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale are “respected throughout the world” and countless people come to listen to their Diwaans. The Jathedar said he himself has been to a few of the huge Diwaans and has personally been to Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib. He said there is nothing evident in the character of Sant Dhadrianwale that can be seen to support such allegations as those that have been made. If genuine, he said such allegations should first have been presented to Sri Akal Takht Sahib for investigation and that this is simply a plan designed to discredit Sant Dhadrianwale and Sikhi itself. The Jathedar questioned Sukhwinder stayed with the Jatha for years and at that time Sant Dhadrianwale were good, but now they are suddenly bad (according to Sukhwinder)? The Jathedar stated if Sukhwinder has any proof, then it should be brought forward, otherwise action will be taken.

Throughout India, UK, America and the world, Panthic Jathebandia have also come out in support of Sant Dhadrianwale, openly in the media. The message is clear from them – this is not an attack on Sant Dhadrianwale, but this is an attack on Sikhi Parchaar. Without doubt, there are bigger forces with deeper pockets behind this show and Sukhwinder is merely the puppet.

Sant Dhadrianwale have attended every discussion show they have been invited to around the world and answered every question from the media and Sangat about this issue. They have stated time and time again that they have no reason to shy away and will not sit down behind closed doors while anti-Panthic forces get away with what is now a failed attempt to disrupt Sikhi Parchaar and Amrit Sanchaar. These are the most extreme allegations, many in number, that can be made against an individual and a Parchaarak Jathebandi. After such allegations, there is little more that can be said to discredit any person or institution.

After a recorded and detailed point-by-point answer to Sukhwinder’s allegations, the much awaited Sangrand Diwaan took place at Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib on 14th May 2012, attended by the media and thousands of Sangat, broadcasted nationally and internationally through MH1 Punjabi TV, Chardi Kala Time TV, Baani.net and the UK’s Sangat Television. Sant Dhadrianwale have gone through exhaustive efforts to ensure no individual in the world who has heard the 100% false allegations misses their explanation of the truth or does not hear the reality in their reply. There is a wider importance in such a rely, which is of safeguarding the future of Sikhi Parchaar. Anti-Panthic forces will not continuously be allowed to get away with tarnishing the image of Panthic Parchaaraks.

In the absence of evidence, the orchestrated defamation campaign against Sant Mahanpurkhs and Sikhi Parchaar has collapsed due to the immediate and continuous point-by-point responses given by Sant Dhadrianwale through the open media. Videos available through the internet have disclosed the blatant lies of Sukhwinder and the Lawyer he or those backing him have hired.

Due to this failure, it is likely the agencies backing such campaigns will make concentrated efforts to devise further new fictional tales on the story board to put forward fresh allegations. It is the duty of all media to play a responsible role during such campaigns instigated by anti-Panthic forces in an attempt to tarnish the image of Panthic Parchaaraks, prevent Panthic Ekta and stop Sikhi Parchaar and Amrit Sanchaar.

However, the question remains, how long will the Sikh nation and media continue to be fooled by the anti-Panthic forces working vigorously to bring down those Sant Mahanpurkhs, those Parchaaraks, those Panthic Jathebandia and those Panthic leaders who work tirelessly for the Chardi Kala of the Khalsa Panth?

- ENDS -

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