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i just wanted some advice.... how do you stop yourself from being paranoid.... i listen to bani and stuff but it still has not gone away/... it is beginning to affect me and makes me anxious all the time... has someone got any thoughts, thank you


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Guest Elias


Actually i had the same problems since a few years, but about the time i started focussing on Waheguru, doing Naam Simran early morning and dedicating everything i do to him, it has passed away. Guru Ji says that while closing the nine gates of your body, you shall find the 10th gate, the door of liberation. It basically means that, focussing on your inner feelings and fighting against the five plunderers, you shall slowly attain a state of neutral detachment, in which all the outter manifestations dont affect you anymore. The more you progress on that way, the less you live in that body, and ur mind gets subdued. U are in a state of Samadhi, in a celestial bliss, in which u dont know anything else but ur creator. The basis is to stay focus on Waheguru ji, u shall learn to love him and to forget about what happens around u. Paranoia is like a high anxiety state, where u feel harm by anything. When u join the shelter of your Lord, nothing can touch you.

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well i just feel paraniod that people are talking about me and that somethings going to happen... something bad... i know this sounds riculous but i cannot escape my nerves :(

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Recognise there is nothing to be paranoid of, everything God is doing is perfect. Everything he is doing for you. All that happens in your life, is to serve you, and make you a better being.

So be content with everything in your life, then decide to be unconditonally happy. Just because you exist! You listen to bani? that is great. But its not "bani and stuff" its bani and the world. Thats come straight from source, the CREATOR OF THE FREAKING UNIVERSE! Don't listen to bani conditionally.

like in your mind don't say "i will do this and that, and then i will be happy". Instead just be happy, listen to bani, with no conditions with unconditional love, just because you can, and you will find your life begins to explode in joy & wonderment.

Because everything is a vibration. You attract what you vibrate. So just vibrate happiness, and love for God, not because you want this and that. Just do it without condition. And you will find everything that you could ever want comes into your life, without even trying.

So its a mental shift you need to make, as do we all. We have got to stop putiing conditions on everything. Accept everything is PERFECT, for everything is God. Love unconditionally and you will resolve all problems in your life. Not just of paranoia. Bani is the answer, you just have to do it with the utmost love, don't put a condition on it. Be the vibration of what you want first, then it comes, not the other way round.

So if you want love, if you want happiness. Then be it, don't say "i need x,y,z, in order to be happy" Just be happy because God supports you infinitely, otherwise you would not exist. The fact God created you means he supports you infinitely and unconditionally!

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i just feel paranoid that people are talking about me and that somethings going to happen.... i know this sounds silly but i cant escape my nerves, my anxiety is not getting better but it does help when listening to kirtan and as the above post said not kirtan and stuff kirtan and the world!!

i just get paranoid and it really affects and annoys me


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If your main thoughts involve you believing that others are talking about you, try looking at the evidence for this - i.e can you over hewr it, has this been done to you in the past etc. Our mind is a powerful thing and can be our biggest enemy at times. Think about where this issue first arose from...and hopefully you'll gain better insight into the problem.

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Your brain creates your thoughts, and your thoughts actually shape your brain, your actual physical brain.

It is entirely possible for you to consciously and deliberately change this pattern. When you have these feelings, ask yourself whether there is a possibility that your thoughts may be not be accurate. Deliberately choose a different, more positive range of assumptions and thoughts about what is going on around you and in your life. Over time you will create new neural patterns in your brain and so change the way you think. It takes practice and time.

These are things being understood now in neuroscience. And what is so interesting is that; what is listening to or reading Guru's Bani? You are actually creating neural pathways and mental states of being. Do it with care and love! This illustrates how when you thoughtlessly read your Banis at 100 mph to just "get them done," you are missing THE opportunity!! That is little more than ritual. If you are going to read them, read them with love, fully engage, read with passion and deliberation and imagination. That is where the magic happens.

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I have tried to overcome this, by speaking out loud, and defended myself at any opportunity, but i dont realise it at the time, i say too much, and get quite nasty. Then when i realise after wat i have said, I cry and regret what i said. i always seem to drive my friends away, dont even realise i do it. But now Im at the stage where i dont care what i say nomore, I think i have gone from one opposite to the other, from being worried, paranoid, and shy, to getting the confidence all at once, and lashing out, but i feel i am right what i am doing until somebody points it out. But i still dont think I am wrong, thus i cry, like feel like somebody offends me, it is my duty now to protect myself and tell them a few home truths, which i never used to do, and always used to listen to the insults, this and that. And still i cant seem to get it right.

Especially i noticed when i think, yeahh i done gud today, i listened to paat, done simran this n that, then next day i lose it all, by becoming a different person. this has been happening when i have noticed a change in my mann, where i feel comfortable with life, and my dukh and feel strong. somthin comes and ruins it for me. Nobody seems to understand me nomore in this world, sometimes i feel im not from this world. I havent changed, I am the same i was 10yrs ago, so dont understand wats going on.

It feels like the whole world has changed, nobody seems to understand me..or where im coming from. but i feel the world has become nasty and has changed, and nobody cares for nobody nomore, like before. people just seem to say things to the face, rather than be polite like i always was. So i think stuff this, how much can one take, so i defend myself.

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Listening to Gurbani is a start, but it is only the first step of releasing yourself from many anxieties in this world. No doubt Gurbani can get rid of any bad feels or anything in this world. But you have to make the first step of listening, studying and applying. Many people read Gurbani, but they feel very small changes in their lives. So either they stop reading or they keep reading, but don't take in what Satguru is telling them.

The first time a person smells a tasty dish their mind lights up and they are very excited. They can't wait to actually taste it and enjoy the taste. Put the same dish infront of them day after day and the person loses interest. They don't lose interest because the dish is less tasty or it doesn't smell as good. Its because the person as lost interest in the dish. So the person jumps from one tasty dish to another, hoping the next dish will satisfy their desire.

Awesome place to start would be to contemplate over the Hukamnama that comes from Sri Harmandar Sahib everyday. Engrave this tasty dish in your mind in the morning and then keep taking it in by contemplating over the Hukamnama throughout the day. The more you contemplate and beg Satguru to help you understand Gurbani, the more you will gain and your paranoia will disappear.

It all depends how bad you want to fall at Maharaj's feet and start practicing Sikhi. One tuk of Gurbani flowing through a Chardikala Singhs viens can destroy millions of demons and make them bow at the Chardikala Singh's feet. Without fear and without hatred!!!! Contemplate, contemplate and contemplate over Gurbani!!!!!!!!!

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