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Sikh Federation UK splits, Bhai Charan Singh, Bhai Kuldeep Singh Chaheru leave


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vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

What i saw of the program by the new organisation it was very refreshing to hear about the Satkar of Guruji and their stand on issues regarding Sikhi and the stand on Khalistan. it seemed well attended.

people on here saying their had personal differences etc guess it didnot show in the event, they clarified why they split up becus of many issues the one that brought this to a head is support dharam singh which went against Babajis bachan.

spoke to a few guys on face book and they said this group of singhs have done seva since 1984 and where the ones that supported the Damdami Taksaal and Baba Takhur Singh Ji and the original Panthic Committee.

Hopefully everyone can work in their own fields and be honest to the Panth.

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

What i saw of the program by the new organisation it was very refreshing to hear about the Satkar of Guruji and their stand on issues regarding Sikhi and the stand on Khalistan. it seemed well attended.

people on here saying their had personal differences etc guess it didnot show in the event, they clarified why they split up becus of many issues the one that brought this to a head is support dharam singh which went against Babajis bachan.

spoke to a few guys on face book and they said this group of singhs have done seva since 1984 and where the ones that supported the Damdami Taksaal and Baba Takhur Singh Ji and the original Panthic Committee.

Hopefully everyone can work in their own fields and be honest to the Panth.

Good to hear the event was refreshing and well attended. Satkar of Guruji is critical and taking a stand on issues regarding Sikhi is also very important.

Many have supported the Damdami Taksaal and Baba Thakhur Singh Ji.

Some who do not support the Damdami Taksaal and have very different views on several aspects of Sikhi were at the event, although they were not allowed to speak. It was the 'televised meeting' after the event that had some dubious people sitting together and the only thing they had in common was a dislike for the Sikh Federation (UK) which has supported the Damdami Taksaal and Baba Thakhur Singh Ji and been taking a stand on Satkar of Gurji and Sikhi for 28 years since the Federation was set up. The 'televised meeting' after the event is what many have found distasteful, but that may have more to do with the media.

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So far it seems jagtar Singh is trying to discredit the new organisation from the start. I will ask charan Singh and the rest to write a response back to everything if you like but then don't complain as then all will come out. So far Bhai charan Singh and Singhs or anyone havnt said anything about federation or anyone. Everyone was invited to the event. If you want history of all the dodgy characters in the federation that can be arranged also. Likewise the reason for the split and history of dharam Singh and others and how much they did/did not respect the panth and baba Thakur Singh Ji. If you continue then I'm sure someone will reply back and the fake ekta card will be out the window as the truth will be presented to the sangat

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Anyone with some political knowledge can make following link.

Sikh channel show on on dharma yudh jatha had 4 to 5 IPD members speaking. IPD supports Badal.and we all know what Badal stands for. I see very dirty politics being played here especially using IPD .

Sikh channel is doing great work by the way but sometimes even they are not able to identify such dirty politics.

It's high time anyone supporting Badal in anyway is boycotted from any panthic initiative.

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Like a Bollywood movie, the plot is always the same.

Bunch of uncles get together to form Super Singh Tiger Force Intergalactic Committee, or whatever.

Some uncles hurt other uncles feelings by forcing their views, or not giving others adequate time to speak.

The uncles with bruised egos, then go and make their own committees, so they are free to roar loudly like the lions they are.

In the end, nothing gets accomplished.

I think I've seen this movie before....is this the one where they beat each other with cricket bats and chimteh? Cuz that's my favorite.

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So far it seems jagtar Singh is trying to discredit the new organisation from the start. I will ask charan Singh and the rest to write a response back to everything if you like but then don't complain as then all will come out. So far Bhai charan Singh and Singhs or anyone havnt said anything about federation or anyone. Everyone was invited to the event. If you want history of all the dodgy characters in the federation that can be arranged also. Likewise the reason for the split and history of dharam Singh and others and how much they did/did not respect the panth and baba Thakur Singh Ji. If you continue then I'm sure someone will reply back and the fake ekta card will be out the window as the truth will be presented to the sangat

Let me be clear. Having a new organisation focused on Dharmic issues and aligned with the Damdami Taksal is brilliant. It would have been better if this was handled differently so ALL those that support the Taksaal were consulted/taken into confidence (I appreciate this is not always possible) and the two events had not been held at the same time. The timing is perceived by many as trying to damage the SFUK.

Sitting with and appearing to have the support of those who stand against the Taksaal (SFUK and IPD support the Taksaal) and various SIkhi issues on TV or through writings in Punajbi newspapers is what is upsetting those who support the Taksaal on all sides, whether they are in the Jatha, SFUK or IPD.

I hope the Jatha focuses on Dharmic issues and parchar linked to the Taksaal and work with all those that support the Taksaal - SFUK, IPD etc. and the elders do not get used by the likes of Parminder Singh Bal and others opposed to the Taksaal and everything it stands for.

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The formation of this new jatha basically just seems like the hardcore taksalis are splitting off from the federation. To be honest I think this is good for the federation as they are shedding excess baggage and will give them the freedom to actually get some constructive work done and actually make a difference to the community and the Panth.

If you enjoy meaningless mumbo jumbo and the endless, circular dirty politics of Punjab, then you may take a keen interest in what the Dharam Yudh Jatha have to say.

Dont get me wrong, the Federation is heavily political and a bit rough around the edges, however, it has a strong root in the UK Sikh Community, made up of normal, common UK-based Sikhs who became involved because of the pain of 1984 and the desire to do something about it.

The Taksali infiltrations over the last 15-20 years have done alot of damage to the Federation, more then they could possibly imagine. I will be surprised if the Dharam Yudh Jatha lasts very long at all and certainly dont think that it will have any influence over mainstream Sikh politics outside of Tividale. No doubt the large number of Taksali youth that have gone over to it will become disillusioned with it when they realise that nothing is really happening and one of their babeh gets exposed in another sex scandal.

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Like a Bollywood movie, the plot is always the same.

Bunch of uncles get together to form Super Singh Tiger Force Intergalactic Committee, or whatever.

Some uncles hurt other uncles feelings by forcing their views, or not giving others adequate time to speak.

The uncles with bruised egos, then go and make their own committees, so they are free to roar loudly like the lions they are.

In the end, nothing gets accomplished.

I think I've seen this movie before....is this the one where they beat each other with cricket bats and chimteh? Cuz that's my favorite.

The above is spot on and is exactly what has happened. Hopefully the Sangat and especially the youth can also understand this and only support any positive work that is being carried out, irrespective of which organisations is leading on that piece of work.

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IPD supports Badal.and we all know what Badal stands for.

Excuse me, the IPD does NOT support badal at all, they are linked to badal but thats it, if you are not in the IPD you should at least find out what their objectives are and how they plan to implement them. Not running your mouth off at anything and everything.

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Chatanga ji,

I am only saying what i am observing. I have seen lot of IPD people talk on sikh channel and you can always see their tacit support for Badal. You will never see them talk anything against Badal. Now what do you make of that. And I am not sure what u mean by saying they don't support Badal but are only 'linked' to him.

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