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Edl On Bbc Asian Network


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The extreme right wing absolutely love the Sikhs and constantly make public announcements expressing their love,

Perhaps to get us on side?

I don't know. The EDL seem to like Sikhs. But then again, if they manage to do something about Muslims, whos to say they won't go after us? I mean they need support, get us on side and it seems as if the EDL aren't a racist group.

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I find it silly that there are still Sikhs out there who think that "after the EDL are done with Muslims, they're coming for us".


What have we ever done to make the EDL "come after us"? The EDL is against the Islamification of Britain. Are we "Sikhifying" Britain? No. The EDL are against Sharia courts operating in the UK, which opens the door for a two-tier political system to be implemented. Are we opening Sikh-only courts in Britain? No. The EDL are against Muslim gangs grooming non-Muslim girls (5% of UK is Muslim, 85% of grooming gangs are Islamic). Are Sikhs going around grooming non-Sikh girls? No. The EDL is aware that as the population of Muslims in the UK increases, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, secularism and the rule of law will continue to be further stifled. Contrastingly, throughout history, Sikhs have been champions of protecting free speech, freedom to practice whatever religion you want. The Sikh Empire under Maharaja Ranjit Singh was largely secular, Muslims and Hindus were given equal rights. Sikhism is also 100% compatible with the rule of law.

The ONLY reason that certain members of our community think that "we're next" is because they continue to harbor the delusion that the EDL is a racist organization, that their goal is to rid Britain of all non-white people. And to this I say, grow up and stop basing your entire opinions on hearsay and media lies. Go onto their website, read their mission statement, come back and tell me what on there is racist. Join their forum, talk to them about what they are after, and then come back and tell me they are racist. Go to a demo, and then come back and tell me that you were disrespected. I guarantee you won't be able to.

The Anglo-Saxon community is facing the same threats and experiences the same problems from Muslims that we are. Just as one example, for decades now, Punjabi girls have been getting groomed by paedophilic Muslim gangs and thrown into prostitution. And over the decades, what exactly has the Punjab community done to stop it? Given speeches at Gurdwaras, handing out pamphlets telling girls not to date Muslims and talking about it online like this. That's pretty much it. The EDL has done more in the last 4 years to get those pedophiles off the street, to shine the national spotlight on the Pakistani community and expose them for what they really are than the Punjabi community has in the last 40 years.

Their leadership has made it clear on numerous occassions that they stand united with all communities who are terrorized by Pakistanis in the UK. When that 16 year old Punjabi girl was raped in Luton last year, Tommy Robinson said he was mad because a girl from HIS COMMUNITY had been preyed on. He considers every non-Islamic community as one of his own.

So Singho, I say to you, if you really think that you can do a better job, go out there and create your own organization that puts the national spotlight on issues such as these and pressures politicians into recognizing the problem rather than brushing it under the carpet. If you really think that the EDL is a racist organization, then create your own group that isn't racist and we'll see how far you get. How many of you would be willing to put your face to it and get the same level of hatred and abuse that Tommy does? Not very many, I can bet you that.

In the time being, I think that the EDL is everyone's (black, white, brown, Christian, Atheist, Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist) best shot at dealing with the side-effects of Islam in Britain, and so I will continue to support them. You may do as you please.

I care about the future of the free world, I want my sister and future daughter(s) to be able to walk the streets safely and freely. I want them to be able to go to school without being targets of conversion and grooming. So I will support a group of people that go out into the open and does something about it, not a group that sits on their chairs and talks big online.

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I've seen megatons of interviews and debates that Tommy Robinson has taken part in, and he's turned into a really brilliant speaker in such a short time, and most importantly ALWAYS keeps his cool despite getting constantly shouted down. The ignorant media can demonize him and call him violent all they want, at the end of the day he's a regular guy, a 5 foot 6 family man who owns/owned a hairdressers and speaks the truth.

He OWNED the BBC Nihal debate, well... not really a debate it was just randomers (who have never read the Koran) calling in and calling him racist without any actual evidence and him sweeping them away.

What struck me is not simply the FACT that he is telling the truth, but I'm constantly reminded of Shere Punjab and what they were trying to achieve back in the 80's and 90's. They formed to protect the Sikh community, and the EDL formed to do the same for England.

Members of the Sikh community (Shere Punjab in particular) HAVE acted and did great sewa, but those that tried were always shouted down and never supported, at worst they were betrayed, at best they were probably told they were causing trouble and should go away. We could never get the huge numbers we needed.

Where is Guramit Singh who used to be a big player in the EDL? The fools in our community tried to get him EXCOMMUNICATED (as if we have a Sikh Pope...) And for what? He understood how much Sikhs had suffered in the past and he wanted to make sure it didn't happen again. How is that bad? Worse than raping a child? I wouldn't be surprised if he gave up.

Do you see any Muslims trying to excommunicate these child rapists? I don't. Funny that.

It's plain to see it's white children in this country that have been the main (countless) victims of grooming. The tough legacy of Shere Punjab may have protected Sikhs more than they could have hoped for, and STILL we have people are dumb enough to tarnish their actions and say we didn't need them.

Sikhs WOULD have sorted out our problems by now, if it weren't for the fact that we can't help being lazy and pointing fingers at each other. Instead of actually tackling the problem at hand. Problems need to be tackled with education AND STEEL WHEN NEEDED. We should know this from our Guru's teachings better than anyone.

Sikhs (and other non-Muslims) NEED to support the EDL, we don't need to be BESTEST FRIENDZ FOREVERZ but all the anti-EDL rubbish like 'Turban Campaign' has to be stopped.

What are the Turban Campaign doing to protect us? Nothing. Would they have been willing to do whatever it took to get actual justice like the Sikh boys in Leicester did? I don't think so. The Sikh community has far too many weak hippies with no backbone trying to represent us, and they are holding us back.

There are over a BILLION Muslims out there in the world and they can look after themselves just fine. Sikh should STOP being blind and allowing them to hide behind us and that HORRIBLE term 'ASIAN' from now on. All it does is end up with us suffering by being falsely demonized us (Gurdwara Wisconsin shooting) OR getting stabbed in the back time and again by Muslims who'll pass the blame.

Enough is enough. We need to separate ourselves and start doing SIKHISM some favours for once.

Once the EDL is well known to have lots of brown faces on its side, it can no longer be called racist (which it never was anyway). The movement will continue to grow.

When enough pressure is put on the government to write up IN LAW that Britain will FOREVER be a 'SHARIA FREE ZONE' then a few of our problems will be over. The EDL is here and doing ALL THE WORK for us, why stand in the way?

Does anyone here ACTUALLY LIKE going into a restaurant or shop and not knowing if you're eating Halal meat? Even though it's forbidden in Sikhism? The Guru's knew ALL ritual slaughter regardless of religion is barbaric and that hasn't changed. Go watch a Halal slaughter video on Youtube and then tell me it should be allowed to exist in this modern age.

Sharia Law is a whole political ideology of course, Halal meat and Burqa's are just a small part of it. There is also the Jizya Tax on non-Muslims, barbaric punishments handed out willy nilly, terrible treatment of women etc. ANYONE who's read even the tiniest bit of history or the Koran should know it brings great suffering to everyone, including Muslims themselves.


The EDL are not going to 'TURN ON US'. What does that even mean? Are they (including the Sikhs in the group) going to protest outside our houses about the smell of the tarka when someone is making dahl?

Once Britain is sorted out, we can move on. If there ARE new problems, then we'll sort them out too.

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I agree that Tommy Robinson has become incredibly sharp and media savvy within the last few years. His Asian network interview was the best yet and he made the Muslims that the BBC had set up to counter him look like fools. That women who called him racist and yet couldn't give any example of his racism was a good example of the idi.ots that are against the EDL.

The paper tigers of Turban Campaign and Sikhs against the EDL use the media demonisation to get Gurdwaras and Sikh organisations to support them, If the Gurdwaras really knew what these pyjamas in paghs are really all about then they would run a mile.

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"There is non sicker than the EDL" said David Cameron. Somtimes, politicians utter such truthful words....

We are talking about EDL and not Tommy Robinson here..

I don't care if Tommy makes sense, talks sense, or is media savvy or not. But the point remains that EDL as a group is racist. EDLers are extreme racist people and you can see that on their facebook pages.

Even English are fed up with them. Only jobless nutjob youth go to EDL 'marches'....

Can EDL supporters tell me here what is the goal of EDL and how do they plan to achieve it?

There is no so-called Islamification going on in England...

Muslims are only lik 2-3% of the society..Sharia courts are there just like Jewish courts are there..for personal disputes, household stuff, and marriages/divorces issue. This aint no Islamification...Also, there courts are legal and allowed by British Law and governing bodies...Who are bunch of jobless nuts to call them "Islamification" when the law of the land doesn't see it as such?

I never heard the 'jewishfication' argument for Jewish courts doing exactly what Sharia courts are doing...double standards much?

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Oh we're playing the quoting game?

No, only kids do that....

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia (rabies) in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."

- Sir Winston Churchill

Oh dang! You started playing this game...

My quote was related to the topic in hand..A contemporary leader making a comment about a contemporary phenomenon in his country...

Churchil didn't know jack about Islam..nor was he an intellectual to make such comment...

And I think we can both agree Churchill will forever be considered a FAR more important and much less annoying Prime Minister than David Cameron in the eyes of nearly everyone :p .

Churchil was just an English hitler..who cares what he says? lol...His views of india and indian religions weren't any better..Its funny to see you jumping around on what churchil says about Islam..but you will go quiet about his views of indians and indian religions... :biggrin2:

Er... Anyway I thought you were American?

How do know what it's like to live in British towns and cities? Or are you simply ASSUMING that problems are just being made up? Videos on Youtube all being staged? Are all the tons of arrests linked to grooming false?

I have alot of friends from Britain...We live in a global village...

I'm afraid you're simply wrong, people of ALL races and faiths, men and women are siding with the EDL now, it's not just white working class male chavs. The EDL have recently swollen in size after the Woolwich incident and will continue to do so, more and more floodgates are opening.

Yeah yeah yeah...people of ''ALL'' races and colors blah blah...seems like you are also one of the EDLer....

Not to mention, there are 'Defence Leagues' popping up in almost every Western country, and they're all networking together.

These 'defence' leagues are a joke. Nothing to care about..Just platforms for racist people to gather and cry....

Sharia isn't welcome in Britain. Any of it. Muslims just have to live without it.

Who are YOU to decide that? If Muslims want to practice Sharia in their personal ability, no one has any right to stop them. If one doesn't want to drink or pork b/c they follow sharia...who are you to decide against it?

That means...

No Halal.

Please...spare me this bs. No halal? LOL! If Muslims want to eat halal, what is your problem? Europeans are dumb enough to try to stop halal or anything. This will cause huge uproar among millions of Muslims living in Europe...Halal industry is a growing industry in Europe. Europeans can't and won't do anything against halal...

If Muslims choose halal meat for themselves, what is your problem?

No Burqa (or any face covering for that matter including balaclava's).

Personally, I don't care about Burka. Hijab is the part of Islam, not burka. But if some girl willingly want to wear burka..then what is your problem?

No Sharia Law courts.

Yeah whatever...

No building more Mosques than necessary in an area.

Guess what? Its Muslims who get to decide how many Mosques are needed to cater the needs of the community...you don't decide what is 'necessary' for Muslims...Buzz off...

NO OTHER RELIGION goes against British Laws, that is the point

Bigotry and Islamophobia...

There IS clearly an Islamification of Britain going on, but that time is over now. Muslims are free to live in Britain, but they have to follow the same rules as everyone else and they don't have a choice.

Same rules apply on Muslims as on everybody else. Muslims don't have a '

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PakistaniPunjabi veer, I am not sure if you're getting the point. Muslims may be entitled to enforcing Islamic law in Muslim countries on both Muslims and non-Muslims alike, but they don't have any right to do so in Western countries. Britain or any Western country will never, and I repeat never ever come under Sharia law no matter what. You guys can have your Halal meat shops, you can have your ladies wear the burqa, you can abide by your Sharia law within the confines of your homes, mosques and religious institutions. But just like you don't want others to decide what Muslims should and shouldn't do, its likewise from the other end as well. Muslims in the West will never get to dictate what others should or shouldn't do in those countries.

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