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Do Moneh Have The Right To Ask Sikh Question Or Talk About Sikhi?


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But when it comes to talking on stage or in sangat, then certain maryada has to be followed and I don’t think it’s discrimination to ensure that only Amritdhari kirtanis/kathavachaks/parcharaks sit on stage.

Spot on with this one. "Cut hair" so called learned and self proclaimed scholars cannot come on stage and speak in a Gurudwara.

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I have seen non sikh scholars presenting excellent research papers on sikhism in our gurudwaras. Sikhi does not debar anyone from

presenting his positive views on sikhi.

Keep in mind they are not performing kirtan or katha, they are presenting their research work.

Now coming to someone objecting to GS Mann.GS Mann is a sikh but has not hair. He has done excellent job in researching

history of Dasam Granth.His presentation has silenced many fifth grade self made scholars who were throwing mud on bani

of Guru Gobind Singh ji. He is not doing kirtan or katha in gurudawras. He has love for sikhi and that is why he is in this field.

Who knows when with akal purakh kirpa he becomes a singh.

Lastly Guru Gobind singh ji has over hundred poets in his court and many of them were non sikhs. Let us learn to appreciate

academic contribution positively for furthering of sikhi.

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Lastly Guru Gobind singh ji has over hundred poets in his court and many of them were non sikhs. Let us learn to appreciate

academic contribution positively for furthering of sikhi.

veerji those poets were not in gurudwara but in sabha of dhan sri guru gobind singh ji maharaj..... everybody have more than one role in life to play and those kavis were kavis of sahba of king of anandpur sahib none other than maharaj :)

on the side note regarding the topic ppl here which r encouraging monas in seva of gurudwara better

think of a example that u dont go to x school and when thats school annual function comes will management of that certain school will allow to perform in it? :huh2:

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The poets were at paonta sahib.When you go to paonta sahib Gurudwara there is a plaque giving history

of kavi darbars that were held at that place.

We never know when people change in life. Sikhs with cut hair may become full rehatwans later. Their academic

contribution when it is positive should not be discouraged.

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Seva of Gurudwaras and control should always be under Amritdhari singhs. There is no second opinion about that.

Yes, it gives everyone else an incentive to work towards that ideal. I appreciate historically there were moments when there weren't Gursikhs around for various reasons, and non-Gursikhs stepped up to fill the void, but where there is willing Gursikhs available to do seva then, without breaking any hearts or the shardaa of moneh, just make it clear that seva must be carried out by those who have taken Amrit.

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