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Do Moneh Have The Right To Ask Sikh Question Or Talk About Sikhi?


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Sorry, but I have to say this bluntly: this is a stupid question/thread. Anyone with any knowledge of Sikhi can speak about it. Sikh or non-Sikh.

Sure, Amritdhari should run our gurdwaras, but it doesn't mean non-Amritdharis can't help out (let's be real honest here: most of the money and food contributing to gurdwaras are coming from non-Amritdharis). If Amritdharis have problems eating food from non-Amritdhari, then it's their lost. Langar is open for everyone to eat and serve food. There's no limitations besides making sure the food is cook properly.

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I am referring to management of Gurudwara sahibs and election process in which only keshadhari sikhs should vote.

There should be no debar on ladies. .

Keshadhari Sikhs aren't Amritdhari Sikhs. Voting process should be conduct by Amritdharis only (as a final vote), but non-Amritdhari should have SOME input on candidates who want to run management.

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Yes, it gives everyone else an incentive to work towards that ideal. I appreciate historically there were moments when there weren't Gursikhs around for various reasons, and non-Gursikhs stepped up to fill the void, but where there is willing Gursikhs available to do seva then, without breaking any hearts or the shardaa of moneh, just make it clear that seva must be carried out by those who have taken Amrit.


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Guru maharaj never promoted segregation of any kind, everyone (spiritual seeker/good attributes-sikh or mona alike) was welcomed with open arms and love.. together gursikhs and sehaj dhari, sikhs, spiritual seekers all searched for spiritual truth, engaged in sadh sangat/sat sangat..surely everyone was at different state of mind, use different methods (gurbani,bhagti, shabad surat, gyan) in different different spiritual development stages but despite of diversity there was no disunity or dvaish(partiality) within sikhs of all different avastha because all consider guru maharaj as same and goal was same which is to connect with One (IkOngkar).

My best freind is a mona.. one may be suprised but i am always learning something new (sikh is learner) about shabad surat from him whenever i see him ..he is been doing jaap of mool mantar since he was 14, right now he is listening to shabad dhuni (mool mantar) inside and at every advance stage of shabad surat marg which i rather not disclose but doing close to 5 hrs of naam bhyas every day so much so tribal cultish chelas at nanaksar did so much erkha against him because he was mona, he was told to sit in a corner as his sitting in meditation posture was "too distracting" to them -wth? Go figure....anyway, divine play is beautiful and it gives ones reality check when we least expect.

i cannot speak for others but i don't consider myself better than moneh(all though i do admit i did in past) who is trying to connect with one, genuine spiritual seeker and slowly trying to take steps to improve their jeevan by applying sikh principles in sehaj as i came to understanding sikh means learner and is learning every day and i came to understanding recently all of us sikhs (regardless baptised or not) are in realm of panj chor/engaging in panj chor- some subtle, some little, some partial, some more thats until one gets their panj chor destroyed by guru maharaj kirpa and bhramgyan.

Wow beautiful! :) lol I was sitting in the Gurdwara in deep meditation having a deep convo with God and a woman disturbed me to tell me to turn my feet away from my Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I told her that my God is everywhere, in the walls, on the floor, and she didn't know what to say.lol it was really funny!

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Does a moneh or trimm singh have the right to ask questions or talk about sikhi? I see people shutdown moneh and trimm singhs all the time on various social networking sites such as twitter, facebook, other sikh forums who reveal themselves to be a moneh.

People tell them to shut their mouth and go keep kesh and that they have no right to even talk about sikhi until they do that. What about for he who is without sin cast the first stone? Shouldn't we be non judgemental of moneh aren't we demonising, alienating, and pushing them away if we do so.

Should we step in and stop someone doing that or is it good we push moneh like that since the gurus rigorously tested singhs as did older singhs to really step up to it. Perhaps if we were more respectful to moneh they would hijack sikhi and start their own manmat things like go on gurdwara stages and promote nightclubbing events.

How about with Sikhs who don't follow our version of Sikhi who might drink a bit of wine time to time to get over depression or eat meat perhaps they suffer from health issues and need extra protein and don't get enough from all the vegetarian sources. Do they deserved to be shut down and told to keep quiet about sikhi? Should they be told not to preach it or get on stages to talk about sikhi? Is sikhi only for men in saintly guises? I remember hearing about nihangs in nanded hazoor sahib refusing to give prasad to people who trimm their beard or their hair, the prasad is only for keshdharis.


this is what happens if u give stage to somebody who is not sikh be it a mona or dhadhi cut claiming that he follows sikhi but inside even he or she knows that he himself is ignorant to the path of baba nanaks sikhi

tan man dhan sab saop gur hukam maniye paiye

guru allways asks for tan first and somebody who doesnt follow gurus first hukam what good will such a person do inside himself or even on a stage

thus can only commit paliti like this friend of ours did

i am not pointing at any particular individual ese karke bhul chuk muaf karo ji sare

ps:stage over here meant talking about sikhi

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Wow beautiful! :) lol I was sitting in the Gurdwara in deep meditation having a deep convo with God and a woman disturbed me to tell me to turn my feet away from my Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I told her that my God is everywhere, in the walls, on the floor, and she didn't know what to say.lol it was really funny!

Bhaaji, I think as a Sikh it would be advisable for you to actually follow the Hukams of Guru Sahib instead of copying Guru Sahib. If this story is true, then your farz should be have been to realize your fault and apologize to that Bibi and then go infront of Guru Jee and apologize for unintentionally pointing your feet towards Them. A Sikh should act humble first and foremost. Pointing your feet towards Guru Sahib just to make your point and satisfy your ego in a Gurdwara is the height of hankaar. Greatest of Brahmgianis who have been absorbed in Bhagti, Naam Simran 24/7, but even they never pointed their feet towards Guru Sahib no matter how deep Samaadhi they were in. ਭਾਈ, ਗੁਰੂ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਦੇ ਬਚਨਾਂ ਤੇ ਅਮਲ ਕਰੋ ਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਇਜੱਤ ਕਰਨੀ ਸਿਖੋ.

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this is what happens if u give stage to somebody who is not sikh be it a mona or dhadhi cut claiming that he follows sikhi but inside even he or she knows that he himself is ignorant to the path of baba nanaks sikhi

tan man dhan sab saop gur hukam maniye paiye

guru allways asks for tan first and somebody who doesnt follow gurus first hukam what good will such a person do inside himself or even on a stage

thus can only commit paliti like this friend of ours did

i am not pointing at any particular individual ese karke bhul chuk muaf karo ji sare

ps:stage over here meant talking about sikhi

In the above he is doing bukwas and he has no knowledge either about SGGS ji or Dasam Granth sahib


Ragi darshan also says that Bhagat namdev ji was a devotee of King ram chander.

During his Pune visit he uttered this nonsense and missionaries second it.


PANTHIC.ORG | Published on April 1, 2011

Ragi Darshan Questions Bhagat Bani

Strict Action Requested Against Pune and Fresno Gurdwara Committees

PUNE, MAHARASHTRA (KP) - In a desperate bid to seek attention Ragi Darshan Sinh, the heretical former Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, has now began to question the sacred ‘Bhagat Bani’ enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and also questioned certain passages of the daily Sikh ardaas.

Disturbingly, Ragi is orchestrating all these attacks against the Sikh Scriptures while under the protection of security guards, and commandos being provided to him by various agencies and anti-Sikh outfits.


Hindu 'Commandos' Protecting Heretic Ragi

Ragi Darshan Sinh, who was ex-communicated from the Khalsa Panth in 2010 for challenging Sri Akal Takht Sahib’s authority, was recently invited to Pune, Maharashtra, and Fresno, California by like minded heretics. He has continued to spew venom filled rhetoric against, not only against Sri Dasam Bani, but also questioned the sacred verses of Bhagat Namdev Ji’s Bani, and called the mention of Sri Amritsar Sahib in the daily Sikh Ardaas a monetary based conspiracy.

In the above video, Ragi Darshan is purposely mis-interpreting the following sacred verses of Bhagat Nam Dev Ji that are enshrined in Guru Granth Sahib: 'ਨਾਮੇ ਕੇ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਸੀਅ ਬਹੋਰੀ ਲੰਕ ਭਭੀਖਣ ਆਪਿਓ ਹੋ'. Ragi claims that these verses are in praise of the Hindu deity Ram Chandar, and were written when Bhagat Naam Dev Ji was his devotee. He also claims Guru Arjan Dev Ji purposely included these verses to present contrasting views about Nam Dev Ji's devotion to Ram Chandar and later to Akal Purakh Sahib.

It is pure blasphemy to suggest that any of the Bani enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is not Divine "ਧੁਰ ਕੀ ਬਾਣੀ" and praises mortal deities instead of Akal Purakh. Similar statements have been made by other anti-Panthic heretics who did not understand the unified message of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji's Bani and Sri Dasam Bani.

Ragi Darshan Regurgitating Beliefs of Past Heretics

In the past deviant organizations such as Panch Khalsa Divan (Bhasaurr), Pro-Kala Afghani Pseudo-Missionaries, Rozana Spokesman, and the controversial author Pashaura Singh have also presented similar views about the divinity of Bhagat Bani enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

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