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Also, I don't think God would have brought Jesus back from the dead if he was a fool.

I do not understand how a person who gave up their lives for Truth, who was Nailed Alive on a Cross for standing up against tyranny, evil and ritualistic practices of jews, satanic practices and teaching people to be Good- teaching that the kingdom of heaven is already here(people r just too blind to see it)- can be dismissed so quickly as false.

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Also, I don't think God would have brought Jesus back from the dead if he was a fool.

I do not understand how a person who gave up their lives for Truth, who was Nailed Alive on a Cross for standing up against tyranny, evil and ritualistic practices of jews, satanic practices and teaching people to be Good- teaching that the kingdom of heaven is already here(people r just too blind to see it)- can be dismissed so quickly as false.

Keep beleiving in your fairy tales and post more of them on a christian website.


dont waste our time here with your dramas here.

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Religious people from all walks of life would waste their lives arguing in debate over on simple point- my father is better than yours but rare are those will look beyond what father is pointing towards, apply it in their life and bring transformation. Gnosis of all religion teaches us look beyond body and in realm of undivided non dual spirit where there are no distinctions in absolute truth We are all One.

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Jsinghz what are you thinking , where Guru ji has delineated khalsa Rehit and a gurmukh's behaviour where did you see how to behave like a total nutter and be nasty??

Keep your opinion to yourself and mind your language.

These topics and replies are beyond your small mindset.

This site is for learning about Sikhi, not discuss fairy tales.

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Guest Jacfsing2

Keep your opinion to yourself and mind your language.

These topics and replies are beyond your small mindset.

This site is for learning about Sikhi, not discuss fairy tales.

We know Sikhi is true, but to insult other religions is just uncalled for, even though Guru Nanak didn't believe in all the falsehood in the world, he didn't insult their faith, rather he showed them the truth.
If you watch this video you can tell that even through Jugraj Singh doesn't believe in Islam, he doesn't once insult Muhammad, rather he says how great Guru Sahib is.
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I agree, all I'm wanting to do is learn more about the Sikh religion and get more in depth with it, I'm not really interested in hearing about how "Jesus didn't speak truth" he's the only truth I have known up until now, yes Christianity has become corrupted over the years with all the false accusations and a lot of Christians being so judgemental it says in the bible "love everyone" but a lot of people are so scared to stop into a Church as they think they will be judged, it's sad, the westboro baptist church in the usa made the religion look even worse although thats not really how it is at all.

That's why I'm so interested in the Sikh religion, it really does say "truth" and "love everyone" it accepts all religions into the temples, accepts all people from different religions and won't be all in your face like "this is the truth you must follow" a lot of religions these days will try to convert you, although with the Sikh religion I never see this happening. Thankyou for all your comments. :-)

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Guest Jacfsing2

I agree, all I'm wanting to do is learn more about the Sikh religion and get more in depth with it, I'm not really interested in hearing about how "Jesus didn't speak truth" he's the only truth I have known up until now, yes Christianity has become corrupted over the years with all the false accusations and a lot of Christians being so judgemental it says in the bible "love everyone" but a lot of people are so scared to stop into a Church as they think they will be judged, it's sad, the westboro baptist church in the usa made the religion look even worse although thats not really how it is at all.

That's why I'm so interested in the Sikh religion, it really does say "truth" and "love everyone" it accepts all religions into the temples, accepts all people from different religions and won't be all in your face like "this is the truth you must follow" a lot of religions these days will try to convert you, although with the Sikh religion I never see this happening. Thankyou for all your comments. :-)

Jesus was a good man, he preached a message very similar to Guru Nanak: love God and all people, helping the poor, and to stand-up against bad people. Sikhi is based around Guru Sahib, similarly Christianity to Jesus. That being said, a person being Sikh MUST accept Guru Sahib as THEIR ONLY way to salvation, (though other forms aren't insulted), so being a Sikh would require you to follow Guru Nanak and not anyone else. Why not? Because you only have one head which you can only bow fully to one being. But wherever you go on your spiritual journey just remember that Waheguru/God Are one.
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According to my research, Sikhism is quite deep as it connects and talks to all aspects of One Universal God/Waheguru - Bhagti(devotional), Shakti (creative/destructive energy-Khanda-Bhaugti-Sword), Shabad (primal essence of sound via various pointers in body and via final pointer in body tenth door) and finally Shabad Gian - (God's divine pure knowledge -Bhramgyan) .

I just wanted to point absolute truth statements (here are some of many) in Sikhi which may help you understand foundation in Sikhi. Once foundation is understood then one can see relative truth in its context.

Sikh foundation is laid by Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji in Mool Mantra-

Ik Oankar - One universal Eternal unchanged Awareness Being-Light-Knowledge- God- all in one, one in all- expressing itself in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously.

Satnaam- which is Eternal Absolute Eternal existence truth,

Kartapurkh- creative Consciousness,

Nirbhauo- Fearless as resides in all (Fearless)

Nirvair- No enmity towards anyone as resides in all (Without Enemy)

Akaal Morat- Timeless being

Ajooni - Unborn

Saibhang- Self-illuminating/Knowledge

Gurparsad- Awareness Consciousness Bliss and its realized by Gurparsad- by grace of Guru.

In Sikh theology, Guru or its grace cannot be confined into person or physical thing as essence meaning of Guru is (Ikongkar) pure eternal awareness consciousness-chaitan which then immanent itself in its forms - physical living Guru

scripture- Sri guru granth sahib (Sargun), Para Shabad (Celestial emanations of primal sound), Intuitive Divine guidance (bibek)..This immanence is based on individual seekers- spiritual development states as this immanence helps seeker through spiritual journey every step of the way.

Ultimately aim of Sikh is to remove ignorance, remove doership (Ego) by grace of guru and realize absolute Non duality Truth - Sargun Nirgun Nirankar Sun Samadhi aap apan kiya nanaka Ape fir Jaap ||


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Ok so the question the OP posted was:

"..how you Sikhs view people outside India becoming a Sikh...".

The OP didnt ask for an in depth analysis of christianity or Jesus or sikhi or the flippin universe for that matter. Jeez.

Dear OP, sorry for my above rant. Its easy to see why it happened :/

How do we view people outside of india who become sikhs? I guess it comes down to the individual right? I mean, no 2 people are the same. There are some who are a little sceptical, like my dad who wonders if westerners can actually grasp the concept of sikhi and follow rehit correctly. There are many who feel a sense of pride, though im not too sure why one would be proud- sikhi isnt their creation right?

there are many who will just be shocked like WOW?! IS THAT A WHITE SIKH?!

And then theres some like me who are just happy for you no matter what path you choose. At the end of the day, this is your personal relationship with your lord. It has nothing to do with anyone other than the two of you.

I hope thats a better attempt at answering your question :) hooray!

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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