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If Khalistan Was Given Next Week Would It Last

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Or our todays sikhs to weak in sikhi to be able to handle there own country

In punjab today sikhs elect corrupt poliicians an accept corrupt practises.

How would khalistan change that

I wish people focused on strengthening the sikh faith by educating the younger generation about sikhi an raising a generation of smart saint soldiers before we can focus n khalistan

Its like people want to skip steps.2 to.9 an jump.straight to step 10

If punjab is strong in sikh faith then corruption would collapse

If people are weak in sikhi an given a khalistan it would collapse

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Guest Jacfsing2

Or our todays sikhs to weak in sikhi to be able to handle there own country

In punjab today sikhs elect corrupt poliicians an accept corrupt practises.

How would khalistan change that

I wish people focused on strengthening the sikh faith by educating the younger generation about sikhi an raising a generation of smart saint soldiers before we can focus n khalistan

Its like people want to skip steps.2 to.9 an jump.straight to step 10

If punjab is strong in sikh faith then corruption would collapse

If people are weak in sikhi an given a khalistan it would collapse

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Many people are weak in Sikhi, which is a sad reality which we accept. However, a true Khalsa Raj wouldn't be controlled by politicians, but rather Punj Pyare, even the Sikh Kingdom of Banda Singh Bahadur was ruled by the Punj Pyare giving Banda Singh Bahadur orders, so the politicians are the least important thing to worry about. It is good to do prachar, but we would have to be able to be free from bad leaders and actually acknowledge who our leaders are, (stop the Manmat Kachi bani some people listen to, as these are the first corrupt group). Before we can change a society we should change how we think, and then can we win for everyone. (The political discourse is something after a Khalsa Raj is established somewhere, it took a long time for America to get their Constitution and it's first form of government is almost non-existent: Articles Of Confederation, in the same way the Sikhs can decide the political structure after independence).
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No, for the simple reason that apnaay are idiots.

Think back to partition in 1947. Lobbying for Pakistan on behalf of the Muslims was Muhammad Ali Jinnah, a University of London educated Lawyer. Representing the Hindus was the Cambridge graduate and barrister Jawaharlal Nehru. And who did we Sikhs have representing us? Some semi-literate Baba educated no further than his Oora Airaas behind the village cowshed - the sort of person we continue to elect to this day, fools that we are. Is it any wonder that the British administrators who were dissecting the subcontinent took one look at us, decided we were not serious contenders for a nation of our own, and threw us out of the equation altogether? Or that the Hindus continue to assume, correctly I think, that we are all brawn and no brains?

The strength of our Sikhi is important, but believing that this alone is necessary to create Khalistan is naive. The Sikhs of the 1940s weren't lacking in Sikhi, but this wasn't enough to stop them from being screwed over was it? The most important thing we can do for Khalistan is to educate ourselves and our children in as many disciplines of the world as we can, so that we can raise up some credible representatives for the Sikh cause to replace the simple-minded old men who currently occupy every position in the Sikh world.

Behind every modern people's revolution, the French, the Russian, the American, were intellectuals and men/women of great learning.

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No, for the simple reason that apnaay are idiots.

Think back to partition in 1947. Lobbying for Pakistan on behalf of the Muslims was Muhammad Ali Jinnah, a University of London educated Lawyer. Representing the Hindus was the Cambridge graduate and barrister Jawaharlal Nehru. And who did we Sikhs have representing us? Some semi-literate Baba educated no further than his Oora Airaas behind the village cowshed - the sort of person we continue to elect to this day, fools that we are. Is it any wonder that the British administrators who were dissecting the subcontinent took one look at us, decided we were not serious contenders for a nation of our own, and threw us out of the equation altogether? Or that the Hindus continue to assume, correctly I think, that we are all brawn and no brains?

The strength of our Sikhi is important, but believing that this alone is necessary to create Khalistan is naive. The Sikhs of the 1940s weren't lacking in Sikhi, but this wasn't enough to stop them from being screwed over was it? The most important thing we can do for Khalistan is to educate ourselves and our children in as many disciplines of the world as we can, so that we can raise up some credible representatives for the Sikh cause to replace the simple-minded old men who currently occupy every position in the Sikh world.

Behind every modern people's revolution, the French, the Russian, the American, were intellectuals and men/women of great learning.

problem you got is the younger generation are educated here but they end up being athiest.

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Or our todays sikhs to weak in sikhi to be able to handle there own country

In punjab today sikhs elect corrupt poliicians an accept corrupt practises.

How would khalistan change that

I wish people focused on strengthening the sikh faith by educating the younger generation about sikhi an raising a generation of smart saint soldiers before we can focus n khalistan

Its like people want to skip steps.2 to.9 an jump.straight to step 10

If punjab is strong in sikh faith then corruption would collapse

If people are weak in sikhi an given a khalistan it would collapse

Khalistan should be the first step! Everything else will automatically fall in place after that.

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Sikhs are very capable of governing Khalistan. The issue isnt will it survive the issue is will Indian agents and its brahminwad forces stop interfering in its political setup? I doubt it because they have been plotting against Sikh raj ever since Sikhs got their sovereignty by banda singh bahadhur smashing the muslim moghuls at sirhind then challenged the authority of the oppressive hindu hill raja's who formed alliances with mughuls to fight Banda and the Sikhs.

During the Sikh empire the hindu prime minister and dogra general were complicit in doing secret deals with the british imperialist invaders to break up the Sikh empire. So the agents of brahminwad will always be the evil force trying to prevent azadi but Sikhs must force it through smash the brahminwad chains and get out of the slave mentality which makes some of us think we cant run anything. History has shown we have run kingdoms and empires that rivaled European nations of the time. So why not now?

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I used to believe this too that modern education is the key to good leadership. But when we look around we see very few examples of educated Sikhs presenting good leadership. Look at Sukhbir Badal, he was educated in Oxford! Benazir Bhutto also studied in UK. And this is true for many current South Asian leaders, including Nehru. Yet heir leadership has proven to be a social, financial, economic disaster for the people of South Asia. Punjab under the Oxford educated Sukhbir has hit rock bottom like no time before in its modern history.

On the other hand Maharaja Ranjit Singh who was literally illiterate in the true sense of the word has been one of the greatest leaders North India ever produced. He was so illiterate that he would have to do his signature with his hand or finger print (angutha chhaap!). Yet this one eyed illiterate man built an economically prosperous country from scratch which contained social justice, there were never any Hindu Muslim riots, Sunni Shia riots like we see in today's South Asia which is being ruled by so called educated people many of whom are educated from the west.

In future when the Panth needs leadership, it will be led by Dharmi Singhs. But now Sikhs need to just focus on Parchar to the masses by de indoctrinating them from western and Indian secular ideologies and bring them to the basics of Sikh Dharm. Sikh Qaum will be strong only if they are strong in their Sikhi. Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale always did Parchar for Sikhs to get stronger in observing Sikhi and Rehit. He left behind the ideology, we just been to follow it.

Nailed it.

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No, for the simple reason that apnaay are idiots.

Think back to partition in 1947. Lobbying for Pakistan on behalf of the Muslims was Muhammad Ali Jinnah, a University of London educated Lawyer. Representing the Hindus was the Cambridge graduate and barrister Jawaharlal Nehru. And who did we Sikhs have representing us? Some semi-literate Baba educated no further than his Oora Airaas behind the village cowshed - the sort of person we continue to elect to this day, fools that we are. Is it any wonder that the British administrators who were dissecting the subcontinent took one look at us, decided we were not serious contenders for a nation of our own, and threw us out of the equation altogether? Or that the Hindus continue to assume, correctly I think, that we are all brawn and no brains?

The strength of our Sikhi is important, but believing that this alone is necessary to create Khalistan is naive. The Sikhs of the 1940s weren't lacking in Sikhi, but this wasn't enough to stop them from being screwed over was it? The most important thing we can do for Khalistan is to educate ourselves and our children in as many disciplines of the world as we can, so that we can raise up some credible representatives for the Sikh cause to replace the simple-minded old men who currently occupy every position in the Sikh world.

Behind every modern people's revolution, the French, the Russian, the American, were intellectuals and men/women of great learning.

As Sant Ji used to say, Religion and Politics are inseparable in Sikhism.

Sant Ji had minimal education. I guess he wasn't qualified enough to run Khalistan right? Oh wait, he was only the GREATEST Sikh leader since Baba Banda Singh.

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No, for the simple reason that apnaay are idiots.

Think back to partition in 1947. Lobbying for Pakistan on behalf of the Muslims was Muhammad Ali Jinnah, a University of London educated Lawyer. Representing the Hindus was the Cambridge graduate and barrister Jawaharlal Nehru. And who did we Sikhs have representing us? Some semi-literate Baba educated no further than his Oora Airaas behind the village cowshed - the sort of person we continue to elect to this day, fools that we are. Is it any wonder that the British administrators who were dissecting the subcontinent took one look at us, decided we were not serious contenders for a nation of our own, and threw us out of the equation altogether? Or that the Hindus continue to assume, correctly I think, that we are all brawn and no brains?

The strength of our Sikhi is important, but believing that this alone is necessary to create Khalistan is naive. The Sikhs of the 1940s weren't lacking in Sikhi, but this wasn't enough to stop them from being screwed over was it? The most important thing we can do for Khalistan is to educate ourselves and our children in as many disciplines of the world as we can, so that we can raise up some credible representatives for the Sikh cause to replace the simple-minded old men who currently occupy every position in the Sikh world.

Behind every modern people's revolution, the French, the Russian, the American, were intellectuals and men/women of great learning.

The right time to ask for a separate state for the Sikhs was in 1947!

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