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70+ Dead In French Terror Attack

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A large truck has ploughed into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in the French Riveria city of Nice.

The incident, which left at least 70 dead, is being treated as a terrorist attack.

The driver of the truck has been killed by police. They are trying to determine if he had any accomplices.

Authorities say the man was firing on the crowd as he drove, and that the truck was loaded with arms and grenades.

Witnesses said the driver was purposefully aiming the vehicle at the crowd and zigzagging so that he could hit as many people as possible. It was reported that the attack lasted for two kilometres.

After the incident, the police advised residents of Nice to remain in their homes.

François Hollande, the French president, is on his way to Paris from Avignon to chair an emergency security and defence meeting at 9am on Friday. The French interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, is on his way to Nice.


Some of the photos circulating on social media of dead children underneath blankets are just too much. Why would people want to see such things? :/ Links are present but I'm not clicking. No chance.

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Probably just a case of poor driving.

" That is exactly what happened.. As for how he managed to go unaware of all the blood and screaming, the most logical conclusion is that he accidentally had his wipers on, and was listening to the latest Bob Dylan album, Shadows in the Night, at full volume."

- Western Liberal Islamic Apologist

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As far as I'm aware this is not satire. If these thought processes pass into the mainstream, then civilisation is dead. Proof, if any was needed, that there's a severe mental illness sweeping the West. Can you imagine the level of self-loathing, denial, and sheer cuckoldry in effect to form such thoughts?

Apparently, the true nature of what occurred during the November Paris attacks has been suppressed by the French authorities, particularly what happened in the Bataclan:

The French government tried to censor all information relating to the torture of victims of the Bataclan on 13 November 2015. The aim: to protect Muslims with whom the French authorities alliance strategic.

Among the abuses suffered by the civilians executed by the Islamic State, it falls testicles cut then put into the mouth of victims, widespread use among activists of the FLN during the war of Algeria. The victims were also gutted or decapitated and had, for some, his eyes gouged out. The jihadists filmed the torture.

The French government has actively tried to prevent the filter this information to protect the image of Islam and Muslim masses, both in France and in Europe.

M.le president Georges French- How did you find out that people were tortured inside the Bataclan: decapitations, eviscerations, enucleation (gouged out eyes)...?

M.T.P.- After the attack, we were with colleagues just past Saint-Pierre-Amelot when I saw an investigator come out in tears who was about to vomit. He told us everything he had seen. I don't know his name, but he was in such a state of shock that it all came flooding out, naturally.

M. Alain Marsaud- These acts took place on the second floor?

M. Alain Marsaud- As far as you know, it was without question three? There's no chance it was four?

M.T.P.- We're sure it was at least three, but it could be four, the 911 call talked of three individuals, maybe four.

M.T.P- The bodies were not shown to the families, because there were people who were decapitated, people with their throats slit, people who had been eviscerated. There were women who had had suffered knife blows to their genitals.

M.le president Georges French- And all of that had been filmed on video for Daesh!

M.T.P- So it seems. The victims spoke of it.

M.T.P.- If I'm not mistaken, someone had their eyes gouged out.

M. the reporter- The Bataclan terrorists, did they decapitate or mutilate anyone?

M.le president Georges French- In effect, yes. The commission is troubled by this information, that has not filtered out anywhere. The father of one of the victims sent me a copy of a letter that instructed me, and I quote: "On the cause of death of my son A., at the Institut Medico-Legal de Paris, they told me, with some reservation because of how shocking it was, that they had cut off his testicles, that they put them in his mouth, and that he had been disemboweled. When I saw him through a window, laying on a table, a white sheet covering him up to his shoulders, the psychologist with me said, "The only part of your son we can show you is his left profile." I had to confirm he no longer had his right eye. He told me, they had gouged it out and the right side of his face had been smashed and swollen due to hematoma."

M. Michel Cadot- I have no knowledge of these facts, neither by the Institut Medico-Legal nor by the psychologist in question. You have to judge its veracity in connection with everything else we know from the inquiry. However I learned that they did not find any knives or weapons that would have permitted these kinds of mutilations.

M. Christian Smith- I feel the need to point out, that nothing leads me to think any of this is true. To be precise, what is clear is that some of the bodies found at the Bataclan were extremely mutilated by explosions and gunfire, such that it could be difficult to reconstruct the dismembered corpses. In other words, the kinds of wounds described by this father could have been caused by the automatic weapons, by the explosions, or by shrapnel.

M.le president Georges French- But they put his testicles in his mouth...

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As far as I'm aware this is not satire. If these thought processes pass into the mainstream, then civilisation is dead. Proof, if any was needed, that there's a severe mental illness sweeping the West. Can you imagine the level of self-loathing, denial, and sheer cuckoldry in effect to form such thoughts?

Apparently, the true nature of what occurred during the November Paris attacks has been suppressed by the French authorities, particularly what happened in the Bataclan:


Europe especially its political elites and present leadership is suffering from mass stockholm syndrome. They dont want to face the reality of the situation rather they want to believe that Islam their kidnapper and abuser is actually their friend and protector.

I would go as far as to say even muslims themselves are held hostage by Islam because they are not allowed to think outside the box before some other muslim tries to police and "correct" them with verbal bashing if not try to physically attack them by self appointed molvi's and their followers.

End of the day. War is coming which will involve Islam... that andries breviek freemasonic white terrorist was correct in 2083 that war will be in full swing and whites will eventually kick out all the muslims. Its going to happen whether we like it or not the blidersberg group are planning this and they are funding islam and its nutjobs for a reason.

Thats why we as Sikhs need to be wise and see how we can protect ourselves and our community from what is going to eventually come.

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