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50 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

Yeah. That's why there are more musalman juts than anything else. Is your brain capable of logic btw?

You talk about chura/chamaar in a derogatory way. But seeing as your own people are famous for buying 'wives'  off any mirasi/pimp passing through their village. God knows what blood you have in your veins?

If jatts converted on mass as you alledge then how did they make up the highest percentage that adopted sikhi? The truth is that people from all castes adopted Islam but when the call to sikhi came the largest percentage to answer that call was jatts... historical sources back this claim up.

ive spoken about no one in deragtory terms unlike you who has a problem with jatts... the truth is there for everyone to see on this thread. There's me who posted non biased independant accounts from non jatts non sikhs & then there's you waffling on with your own stuff... none of which has been backed up.

I can & have traced my lineage back to 52 years before the Mahabharat war so know exactly what my blood line is.  Guru Gobind Singh Ji in bachiter natak list & praise their lineage & the lineage of all the gurus, it's good to know what stock you come from. Your ancestors obviously had a problem with jatts... which explains your mindset

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21 minutes ago, Akalifauj said:

Claiming people who didn't even know how to speak English were brainwashed by English speaking gora writings. LMAO  :rofl:rofl  

This guy has been swearing at other members and certain communities.  But now we know how intelligent this guy is.  It's not his fault.  lmao...

Do you really not have an inkling of the trickle down effect of European racialised theories on the jut community and how this effected the wider Sikh community during colonialism and to this day. Seriously.

And you talk about other people's intelligence..... 

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19 minutes ago, Not2Cool2Argue said:

Also u r implying there was no need for the Gurus, the jatts wouldve solved all the problems of panjab, and there was no amrit di shakti that turned sparrows into falcons. The jatts were already the best. 

You even went farther to say, the Gurus only came to panjab cuz of the jatts!! Really?! I mean seriously?!? God on Earth, had to wait and hope for lowly peasants, jatts to accomplish his mission? He couldnt impart any power himself to lift the downtrodden??

FYI, Guru ji came to Earth hearing the cries of the distressed ppl, he is like a doctor who came to the worst disease ridden area, which happened to be panjab. Being looted, invaded for centuries before the gurus came. The muslim invasions started in 1100s. No rajput, jatts, brahmins, or even the kings of the time managed to stop them and save their country, land, or daughters from the looting and pillage. So panjab was suffering the most, in fact none of the muslim kings managed to rule the south of india.

And then the Mongols came. You should read about them. They had the best cavalry and were the best horsemen ever. No one could stand against them from the Russians, chinese, turks, persians, no one. They conquered the world fiercly n fast. Only khalsa fought them, becoming good horsemen, crackshots etc and even then, it was the mongols infighting that led to their doom and Gurus curse upon them.

Also u only have accounts of jatts, after sikhi was introduced to them. How do u know wat u so proud of them, wasnt due to sikhi? You have no accounts of the jatts before the gurus time. And if jatts r so great, then the jatts of bihaar, pakistaan, and rajasthan should be the same. Ur article mentioned that thats where jatts could be found. But there is no difference between those jatts and rest of indians or jatts n rest of pakistaanis. Even afghanis n pathans r proud to be tall, warriors, with arab features. How r jatts any different then other warrior 'tribes'?

Secondly why didnt u list the non jatt contributers to Sikhi, if ur being so unbiased?

You know that is not the implication being made and you know it. Some of the sources listed in this thread claim that there may have been a strong possibility that a selective selection took place in that the Guru identified certain qualities in the jatts of Panjab & thus chose to start the movement from there. Guru is king of all places but why did they chose Panjab & why were the initial followers mainly from the jatt tribes?

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Anyone with a brain can see what pattern this thread has followed.

Posting independant historical accounts that are hundreds of years old are not good enough & just because those accounts don't fall in line with casteist views of certain members they are ignored whilst unfounded vile based on casteist views from other members is ok?

same member who used the term pudu jatts in a thread just a few days ago

And you call yourself sikh!! Pathetic 

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In a nutshell, you have some backwards juts here claiming that Sikhi owes more to juts than the other way round. Essentially it just shows you how much certain people really value their faith over their contrived ideas of ethnicity. 

But it is good that these things are being highlighted, for those you you that think that these things don't really happen in this day and age. Thankfully, these dinosaurs and their thinking are on the way out but let us never forget how this type of mentality has caused deep, long term havoc in the Sikh community, best exemplified by the SGPC and their impact on Panjab. What we are seeing today in Panjab is the consequence of this thinking. 

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Just now, Mahakaal96 said:

You know that is not the implication being made and you know it. Some of the sources listed in this thread claim that there may have been a strong possibility that a selective selection took place in that the Guru identified certain qualities in the jatts of Panjab & thus chose to start the movement from there. Guru is king of all places but why did they chose Panjab & why were the initial followers mainly from the jatt tribes?

Brar's are named in Zafarnama as well for being loyal to Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji.  Satguru says to Emperor Aurangzeb, the brar community won't harm you, if you plan to come down and meet me.  Where credit is due, it is given by the Guru, regardless of origin of the person.   

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1 hour ago, caveman said:

Episode 23 

The majhail singhs according to panth parkash are the bravest of the brave, read about the brar jatts and majhail singhs. many references to their fierce fighting, showing true faith in guru khalsa.

I'm not sure which way round it is but in Suraj Prakash Singh's from maja are praised & called the most loyal where as in Panth Prakash it is singhs from Malva who are praised. My memories not that great on this but do remember the difference in the 2 Granths

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Jathedar of the lastest Sikh struggle was a Jatt and Brar.  Sant ji`s training was all received from Gurmukhs and Gurbani and this was his strength and honour, however their seems to be a pattern here.  Baba Deep Singh ji came from the jatt clan as well.  These Gurmukhs fought from the Khalsa Panth and the latter fought without his head.  However other clans that are Sikhs want to take the glorify of Baba Deep Singh ji fighting without his head away from him.  They claim to be historians on forums for the last 20 years, but hate the Shakti of Gurbani and bathe themselves in the false hankhari Shakti of the devta and devis.     

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Just now, JSinghnz said:

This is how the British started dividing and ruling Sikhs and the dumb accepted their slavery to them most willingly and agreed to be cannon fodder for their pommy masters.

Another person making the same claim, when the Jatts didn`t even know how to read English.  Plus you clearly didn`t read what was written.  In the last paragraph Lt.  General Sir MacMunn insults the Jats.  He says:

"The Jats of the Punjab, sturdy and quarrelsome, flocked to the new brotherhood (Khalsa), and he (Guru Gobind Singh) soon had a force which enabled him to try conclusions.......The Jat tribes about the Sutlej and the Ravi rivers hastened to join the faith…. No longer would they turn the cheek to their persecutor, and they began to group themselves by tribes and confederacies known as Misals…".

This writer says....no long would they (Jatt) turn the cheek to their persecutor....which means they (the Jatt) were afraid of the oppressor, but after joining the Khalsa Panth they will not be afraid of the persecutor.  This is not a compliment in any sense for the Jatt clan.  But shows the Jatt were weak and slaves. If the Jatt were so brainwashed by the British they would have read this line and reverted back to their Jatt clan and not taken to the Guru`s Hukam. 

People hate the Jatt clan just because they took to the Guru`s call for arming themselves and fought for the Guru.  Mainly the Kshatriya clan of Sikhs want to take the Jatt clan right away to say they were warriors because the Kshatriya, called themselves the warrior clan, but failed to accept the Guru`s Hukam.  Majority of the Kshatriya clan of Sikhs coward away and today in 1984 the same was observed.  Kept on cutting the heads of goats and applied blood to swords, but couldn`t defend the Akal Takht with rest of the Sikhs.  If the Jathedar of the Dharam Judh Morcha in 1984 was not a Jatt and a Kshatriya, the Kshatriya clan would have flocked down.  This shows these guys blame the Sikhs for being deeply rooted in their clan, but realistically, it`s the Kshatriya Sikhs who ignored the call for battle in 1984 because their clan was not at war.  And today it`s the same old thinking of flocking with the same clan.  They sit at Hazur Sahib calling themselves warriors, but can`t even eliminate the slavery from their necks. 

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    • I was searching igurbani.com which gives correct pronunciation of Gurbani. I can’t remember all of it at once. I guess it relies on more practice, like more Sehaj Paths. The meaning becomes clearer. I have noticed slight variants in it. This could be because it’s written in old Punjabi.  
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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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