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Sikhs v Mughals


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Guest Jacfsing2

Almost every Punjabi is mixed with a whole bunch of races of the conquerors regardless what caste they are. Examples include the traditional Aryan and Dravidians, Greeks, Synthians, Mongols, and finally a whole bunch of Middle Eastern and Afghan tribes, (because of the Sikh faith rising in Punjab most Punjabi people don't have Mughal blood). If you compared a Punjabi Jatt and Punjabi Khatri, they both will have more genetic similarities because of the conquerors of Punjab than a Non-Punjabi Rajput would have with a Punjabi Khatri, (despite them both being the same caste). So give-up all this caste non-sense since most Punjabis aren't pure-breeds of anything, the only group historically more mixed than Punjabis would be Hispanics. (Let's not make the same mistake that the Hindu Kahashatriya groups made, and allow more equal respect for everyone).

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In reply to Makhaal who says jatts only reciieved high praise from historians. That is hogwash. 

There are many quotes and praise for Tharkaans. Ie they were known as skilled craftsman who were highly educated and wealthy.  wheras the jatts were illiterate when they came to the uk. Also there are quotes of Bhattra who were highly succesfull entrepeneurs who ran busineses. Most of my close relatives are rich and own succesfull retail entriprises and warehouses. Jatts are on the other are known to do unskilled work such as working in marks and spencer and debenhams lol as they are so greedy for money. they send their wifes to work in the retail stores. 


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21 minutes ago, Big_Tera said:


In reply to Makhaal who says jatts only reciieved high praise from historians. That is hogwash. 

There are many quotes and praise for Tharkaans. Ie they were known as skilled craftsman who were highly educated and wealthy.  wheras the jatts were illiterate when they came to the uk. Also there are quotes of Bhattra who were highly succesfull entrepeneurs who ran busineses. Most of my close relatives are rich and own succesfull retail entriprises and warehouses. Jatts are on the other are known to do unskilled work such as working in marks and spencer and debenhams lol as they are so greedy for money. they send their wifes to work in the retail stores. 


Its weird how if someone says anything against nonjatts it casteist, but if ppl say things against jatts, its not. I didnt even find ur post offensive, just egoist trying to big up ur own caste. But since we should be fair, all attacks on all shud be called out. I wonder if insults against jatts dont matter the same way its not considered racist to make fun of white ppl: cuz in reality they  have it better than the other castes/races

Also i think  working im retail is a good job, nothing hard or immodest about it. Its better than giving women no choice but to stay home at all times like the muslims. Im pretty sure the women werent forced and chose it themselves

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50 minutes ago, Not2Cool2Argue said:

Its weird how if someone says anything against nonjatts it casteist, but if ppl say things against jatts, its not. I didnt even find ur post offensive, just egoist trying to big up ur own caste. But since we should be fair, all attacks on all shud be called out. I wonder if insults against jatts dont matter the same way its not considered racist to make fun of white ppl: cuz in reality they  have it better than the other castes/races

Also i think  working im retail is a good job, nothing hard or immodest about it. Its better than giving women no choice but to stay home at all times like the muslims. Im pretty sure the women werent forced and chose it themselves

I see plenty of hijabans working all over the place. So it's not true that they don't work.



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 I wonder if insults against jatts dont matter the same way its not considered racist to make fun of white ppl: cuz in reality they  have it better than the other castes/races

Certain fudhus would like everyone to think so, but the reality is that there are plenty of poor jutts. They themselves are victims of all the attempted jutt supremacy, where the show off jutts overshadow them and because of their over projection of their financial success (which they invariably link to their caste), the poor ones are ignored. Many end up committing suicide. That's how stupid the other type of jutt is - he'll be bigging himself up about his money to no end, whilst the next struggling jutt is jumping into wells over his poverty. 

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1 hour ago, dallysingh101 said:

Certain fudhus would like everyone to think so, but the reality is that there are plenty of poor jutts. They themselves are victims of all the attempted jutt supremacy, where the show off jutts overshadow them and because of their over projection of their financial success (which they invariably link to their caste), the poor ones are ignored. Many end up committing suicide. That's how stupid the other type of jutt is - he'll be bigging himself up about his money to no end, whilst the next struggling jutt is jumping into wells over his poverty. 

can you stop with the f word ...you do know how to make your point without it I'm sure veer ji

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23 hours ago, Jonny101 said:

Mahakaal ji, it is a huge blunder on your part to divide our Shaheeds and warriors of the past in something so silly as caste. As a Jat you are claiming Baba Deep Singh Jee Baba Budha Jee and others while Ramgarias are claiming Jassa Singh Ramgaria as their own, Khatris are claiming our Gurus and Hari Singh Nalwa, Rajputs are claiming Baba Banda Singh Bahadur and Brahmins are claiming Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Sati Das and Bhai Dayal Das as their own not realizing that all the accomplishments they attained and Shaheedis they gave was ONLY for Sikhi and the casteless principles that Sikhi upholds.

Our atma has no caste. You could have very well have been born a non Jat in your previous lifetimes and who knows, if you show too much Jaat Abhiman, you might reincarnate into a caste that you deem as low or inferior to your own as God's way of teaching you a lesson. Jaat Paat is only skin deep. Improve your spiritual life, keep as much Rehit as possible while Japping Naam is what really counts in the Dargah of Vaheguru. All these caste issues are useless and are of no benefit to the Panth


It is a waste of time getting this across backward minded, so called Sikhs.

These kind of people are thankfully an isolated minority in our quam today.



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