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The lost Sikh turban style


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5 hours ago, Sukhvirk1976 said:

Dude I don't particularly care whether people wear earrings or not as far I'm concerned it's their actions that matter. I'm just retelling the reasoning given and which I was present to witness 

Good for you. I was simply providing a response to your post. I don't particularly care whether it was your reasoning or not. This is a public forum after all so it wasn't necessarily directed at you per se.

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The Guru Shaiban and Bhagat Shaiban never adorned an earrring. And also I absolutely adorn the old puratan sikh dastar as I am doing some research on it myself.

Here are the facts... 

1. Guru Hargobind Singh Ji Maharaj to Guru Gobind Singh JI Maharajah all wore kalgi, beautiful attire and shoes, and kirpans (Miri and Piri) as well as the dumalla( maybe the modern ones that we have today..however I must research more on that topic)... However why did  the Guru Sahiban wore this... to define against the tragically and oppressive regime. However with that being said, they did not adorn any earrings here's why and with some proof...

2. FIRST OFF ! Have you guys actually looked at the dates of the old portraits. Most of them were done during the early 1800's to 1850's as Sikh Art thrived.There is not accurate portrait what so ever of the Gurus.... EXCEPT ONE !

The self-portrait of Guru Tegh Bahadur Shaib, which was commissioned by Shaista Khan the Governor of Nepal in 1668.

As the story goes, when Guru Sahib was about to leave the Bengal region, an older lady and the Governor of Bengal requested for the Guru not to leave as they would miss him very much. So the Governor instead inquired a artist to paint Guru Sahib. But the artist had one trouble... he couldn't draw Guru Sahib's beautiful and radiant face..so Guru sahib offered to help draw it out himself....the painting is attached below. Full history can be searched on some online sites... Please also do spend some times in hearing and reflectig on  Dr.Udhoke and other Sikh Historians as well !

3. According to Gurbani itself, changing or hurting the God made creation is forbidden. Just like your body came..it should go back. Also the Guru did not adore or have any love for worldly materials such as gold and diamonds.But some beautiful gifts were delivered to the Guru, to again remind the people of the true Sache Patshah

IT IS HOWEVER TRUE... That the earring only came to be a sign of nobility shortly after Mughal Rule..... Don't believe me check out Aurangzeb's portraits...That's why a lot of portraits that were made all shows earrings..

Any questions please contact or link me ... WJKK!  WJKF !


If anyone knows how to tie the puratan old Sikh turban please email me or cotnact me ASAP...Im dying to learn..



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2 hours ago, amritpal732 said:


Excuse me sir, do you know where I can get earrings similar to the ones worn by the Gurus?

Many thanks.

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10 minutes ago, jashb said:

Easy geezer.

There's a line between banter and taking the p1$$.

Indeed there is. And I do not believe I have crossed such a line. Instead of highlighting a section of my comment which looks offensive on its own, why don't you read the whole thing for context, you'll see it's clearly humour.

Or is humour on its way to being added to the list of bajjar kurehats?

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2 hours ago, MrDoaba said:

I do not believe I have crossed such a line.

On this occasion, I humbly disagree.


3 hours ago, MrDoaba said:

Instead of highlighting a section of my comment which looks offensive on its own, why don't you read the whole thing for context, you'll see it's clearly humour.

Lol, obviously I read the "whole thing". I only highlighted the part I'm referring to. It's only five words short for gods sake.


3 hours ago, MrDoaba said:

Or is humour on its way to being added to the list of bajjar kurehats?

Depends on who's the subject of the said "humour". I'd venture to say it's generally a good policy to leave any mention of Guru Sahiban out of jokes.

As for bajjar kurehats, what is or isn't one is no business of mine.

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3 minutes ago, jashb said:

On this occasion, I humbly disagree.

Jeez sorry if I offended you.

I invariably have a sense of dry British humour.

6 minutes ago, jashb said:

Depends on who's the subject of the said "humour". I'd venture to say it's generally a good policy to leave any mention of Guru Sahiban out of jokes.

True, although the joke wasn't about Guru Sahib per se. Rather it was directed at a newbie poster, which you may or may not have noticed.

As for your policy, well it's your policy, the joke was not disrespectful or harmful.

I'd love to stay and chat but I must take leave to go and set up my Puratan earring stall at todays Dharmic programme.

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5 hours ago, MrDoaba said:

Jeez sorry if I offended you.

I invariably have a sense of dry British humour.

You'd find that so do most of the lot round here.

Your "joke" just simply wasn't funny though, which I hoped you'd have clocked onto by now.

It clearly had you in stitches however.


5 hours ago, MrDoaba said:

True, although the joke wasn't about Guru Sahib per se. Rather it was directed at a newbie poster, which you may or may not have noticed.

No sh1t sherlock.

Thanks, for stating the bleeding obvious though.


5 hours ago, MrDoaba said:

As for your policy, well it's your policy, the joke was not disrespectful or harmful.

Like I said, I don't agree, so let's leave it at that funnyman.


5 hours ago, MrDoaba said:

I'd love to stay and chat



5 hours ago, MrDoaba said:

but I must take leave to go and set up my Puratan earring stall at todays Dharmic programme.

All the best.


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3 minutes ago, jashb said:

You'd find that so do most of the lot round here.

Your "joke" just simply wasn't funny though, which I hoped you'd have clocked onto by now.

It clearly had you in stitches however.

Errmm actually they don't.

Hence the "dry". It's not supposed to be a "lol" joke. And lastly, the joke wasn't directed at you so next time you need not reply.

The only thing I've clocked onto is that you're offended which I wouldn't care about even if you were the PM of Khalistan.

And why yes it did thanks for noticing.

9 minutes ago, jashb said:

No sh1t sherlock.

Thanks, for stating the bleeding obvious though.

I had to state the obvious because the subject of the joke wasn't Guru Sahib, which you were kind enough to point out albeit erroneously.

6 minutes ago, jashb said:

Like I said, I don't agree, so let's leave it at that funnyman.

Call the Beadbi Police if you have an issue. I ain't here to agree or disagree with you puttar.

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