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The lost Sikh turban style


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Holy hell that was one hell of a story! 

Maharaj has done beant kirpa on you Gurjantgnostic, you should be proud that guru sahib picked you up and took you in his lap. A sinner like me can only hope for the kirpa that you recieved.

It reminds me of amazing grace

  1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    Was blind, but now I see.

My friend, where are you from?

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12 minutes ago, Singh123456777 said:

Holy hell that was one hell of a story! 

Maharaj has done beant kirpa on you Gurjantgnostic, you should be proud that guru sahib picked you up and took you in his lap. A sinner like me can only hope for the kirpa that you recieved.

It reminds me of amazing grace

  1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    Was blind, but now I see.

My friend, where are you from?

I'm from Reno Nevada.

I feel blessed to be alive for a lot of reasons and I feel blessed that young man is alive, and more so that his mother was spared that suffering.  I took my cues from the Khalsa, and as a little boy told Vaheguru (I didn't know the naam then) that anyone who needed it, to send them to me and I would do everything I could, and that if someone isn't able to fight themselves, I will fight for them.  That it would be better it happen to me since I was ready.  To be honest that event and the aftermath left, and leaves me, feeling more and more alone in my area.  If I did not have Vaheguru I would have nothing, and if there were not sikhs in the world I would find it all but dark.  When I feel down I can go to Vaheguru, and when I feel alone I can see the khalsa and say "See.  Vaheguru ji ka kalsa, Vaheguru ji ka fateh."

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3 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

I'm from Reno Nevada.

I feel blessed to be alive for a lot of reasons and I feel blessed that young man is alive, and more so that his mother was spared that suffering.  I took my cues from the Khalsa, and as a little boy told Vaheguru (I didn't know the naam then) that anyone who needed it, to send them to me and I would do everything I could, and that if someone isn't able to fight themselves, I will fight for them.  That it would be better it happen to me since I was ready.  To be honest that event and the aftermath left, and leaves me, feeling more and more alone in my area.  If I did not have Vaheguru I would have nothing, and if there were not sikhs in the world I would find it all but dark.  When I feel down I can go to Vaheguru, and when I feel alone I can see the khalsa and say "See.  Vaheguru ji ka kalsa, Vaheguru ji ka fateh."

I was just in reno a few months back! Next time im down there imma come see you. For some reason you remind me of my friend who was in the same boat as you but guru sahib did immense kirpa on him just like he did to you. 

Why do you feel alone veer ji?

Damn i really really want to meet you my friend. Do ever plan on coming to Canada?

Gajke Jakara Gajave Nihaal Ho Jave Swami Kalghidar Pita de Maan nu Bhave Nihal Ho Jave Sat Sri Akaal Gurbar Akaal!!!

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35 minutes ago, Singh123456777 said:

I was just in reno a few months back! Next time im down there imma come see you. For some reason you remind me of my friend who was in the same boat as you but guru sahib did immense kirpa on him just like he did to you. 

Why do you feel alone veer ji?

Damn i really really want to meet you my friend. Do ever plan on coming to Canada?

Gajke Jakara Gajave Nihaal Ho Jave Swami Kalghidar Pita de Maan nu Bhave Nihal Ho Jave Sat Sri Akaal Gurbar Akaal!!!

You can come see me any time.  I'd love to visit canada some time, always wanted to.

I think the loneliness comes from a few things. 

You think the police are there to protect or help you, and most of them aren't.  It's like rolling dice with cops.  You have your corrupt cops, you have your cops who are to scared to do the job right, and you have your unfortunate minority of truly good cops who my heart just goes out to, that are all too rare.  

I was all gung ho to join the Air Force, and it's been a great experience, but really most people in it are....kind of lazy and ignorant and dropped all their core values on the floor long ago if they ever had them.  There are some really awesome airmen too, just....sort of sprinkled in few and far between. 

Friends I had for a long time turned out to be on a different path, and not who I thought they were.  Seems like I'm so busy these days, and the friends I still have are busy with their own lives, and my family that remains is busy with their lives.

I just don't feel like I fit in with most "normal" people.  I don't like to ask anyone for anything or burden them with my problems so I've secluded myself largely while Vaheguru has helped heal my alcoholism, depression, anger, and stress.  There is a quote, something to the effect of "Careful in your fighting of monsters that you don't become one".   As much as I did something that I think was good to help someone, it's like I wasn't untouched by the darkness of the event.  It made me prepared to kill, not just fight, to help someone or preserve my own life.  The people that love me haven't had the same troubles I have, I can tell they want the best for me, but they don't really understand it.  Like I'm another species that they're really fond of.

I went to the Gurudwara once here, they were very nice to me.  But I could tell it made some people uncomfortable I was there.  The first gurudwara here was bombed after 911 because americans are so ....number one in stupid....  So now it's on the hill, not too far from my apartment actually.  I've been considering moving to the apartments that overlook the gurudwara, but they are rightfully untrusting of wypipo. 

I think I once my lease it up in two months I'll move next to the gurudwara, and in the mean time I think I'll start going.  Joining the community here was sort of me working up to it.

I guess the two greatest fears that keep from going to gurudwara are I don't want to make them uncomfortable, and if it turned out that I didn't fit in or they weren't as open as Nanak teaches us to be it would crush me.  I couldn't take losing the khalsa too.  I know not to expect perfection, it's just people, but if it turned out that they weren't for real I couldn't take it.


I'll add this.  I had a truly amazing experience at the gurudwara.  Due to some good instruction from a Kaur on the way in, and from ten years living in dojos I was able to conduct myself well enough.  The last person reading from guru garanth sahib, said at the end in english "That their guest was always welcome and had conducted himself like he was born in a gurudwara".  Which I appreciated but I could tell it was a pointed comment not just to me but to others that might not agree.  Apparently you come and go as you please lol, I sat through the whole thing.  Some very nice people came and made sure that I ate lungur at the end and I got to enjoy the...gurprasad(sp?)  I sat with the kids to eat, kind of weird but it's where I felt like I fit in, heh.

I figured I'd move next door to be close to the sangat, and even if I didn't go I could watch over the gurudwara.

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9 minutes ago, Singh123456777 said:

Old puratan picture of akali phoola singh with earrings 


Does this mean I can get my ears pierced?

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