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Christian missionaries targeting Sikhs @ Harmandar Sahib


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A Sikh lady got into scuffle with Korean Christian ladies who were being disrespectful and trying to convert Sikhs at our Harmandar Sahib in Amritsar. Some people tried to malign the Sikh lady saying she was a Hindu convert and trying to pitch the Sikhs against Christians in Punjab. But now the Christian missionaries are going live themselves on their FBs in Harmandar Sahib. When will Sikhs finally wake up? Only a few Sikh youth were going to convert to Christianity in the late 19th century and it triggered the biggest revival in our faith in the form of the Singh Sabha movement and today lacs have become Christian and we're still sleeping.


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1 hour ago, HarfunMaula said:

A Sikh lady got into scuffle with Korean Christian ladies who were being disrespectful and trying to convert Sikhs at our Harmandar Sahib in Amritsar.

First video summary

Arvinder Kaur, program director Fateh TV says: In the parikarma Koriean ladies were speaking In Hindi and English asking if you want to become Christian. Will give money if you adopt our religion. Arvinder got upset. When Arvinder tried to take one of their parchar books, one of the women hit her with a slap on the face. SGPC employees came and said the women could do a case on you, and had them write a letter that we didn't know you can't do this (convert people) in India.
SSP also came and said, "Nimarta rakho" (Be humble) 

We get pleased that foreingers are coming to our Gurdwaras. But they are coming and possiblyconverting wayward Sikhs. The girls were very light skinned and good looking and stylish. SGPC employees said that the matter will go to the embassies, they we hit them. [What's the use of the SGPC's security cameras in the parikarma, then?]
I didn't hit them, I just tried to get the book.

Second video summary

The Korean guy in the 2nd video from Facebook says, "We are praying for all these people so they can receive Jesus Christ". Has 3 Indian Christians with him (showing him the way as local guides, presumably). 


The gall of these people is amazing! To come to our place, just such an open and welcoming place like no other in the world. Instead of being amazed at the hospitality of the Sikhs, they take advantage of it to run up their conversion numbers like it's a game. They have totally missed the point, both of life and religion.

Out of all the peoples of the world, they had to make a beeline for Darbar Sahib to convert the Sikhs? I'll bet you an old and broken Rubik's cube that they then went to Langar to enjoy free food off the "pagan" Sikhs. You mean to tell me there are no illiterate tribals they can convert? No boozers and rapists in Korea to convert? No non-Christians in the entire country of South Korea? Not to mention North Korea? They hate Sikhism because they fear it. Can you imagine a bunch of Sikhs going to St. Peter's Square at the Vatican to convert Catholics to SIkhism? Does the church in Korea that these women attend allow Sikhs to come inside their church and convert Christians? Yeah, I thought not.

Forget being Christian, these people do not even have the right to be called humans. Normal human beings have a sense of respecting the owner of the house you're in. These people don't even have that level of sense. Would you go to someone's house and ask the wife if she wants to leave her husband?

Now, I know a lot of you are going to come down hard on the SGPC, but under the current Indian inferiority mentality, I think they are probably right. These women and their church would probably have made big deal about the whole thing, and the Indian government would have lain down in front of the Korean ambassador.

The Korean man has chutzpah, that's for sure. He gestures towards the Sikhs in the parikarma like they are all just blind, deluded people, Jesus please save them. Again, would we go (or even be allowed) to pray at their places that all these people are blind, Guru Nanak please save them? BTW, this also disproves any fear that people like the Quebecois have about Sikhs and their kirpans. You've got a Korean guy plus the Korean girls openly preaching Christianity and basically calling Sikhs pagans at their central place, and all these Sikhs walking around with their "knives" and swords don't immediately kill them? Disproves the kirpan-derangement mentality (OMG! A knife!).

Oh, and Samsung SUCKS!

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This topic was already covered a few weeks back but its always worth while to expose Sikhism under attack in the homeland of Punjab.

First step should be mass demonstrations to remove SGPC cos they are the ones that have stopped Sikhi from spreading and allow a soft stance against drug dealing christian missionaries and dehra's to spread throughout punjab.

I have already come across a few british and american punjabi girls from sikh families who been brainwashed and converted to the filth of jesus cult worshipping. Fake Sikhs will say oh it doesnt matter they were weak anyways who cares.

What they dont realise is that these abrahamic extremists are trying to destroy Sikhi and Sikh population.

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Whilst no one should have raised a hand on this lady. We should not be bothered by people coming in to Darbar Sahib and acting outrageously as they did.. Guru Nanak Dev Ji took on all challenges, if as Sikhs we were to water down the principles of sikhi and close doors on them, then they have already won and the people who believe that to be a solution don't have faith in truth.. 

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On 18/08/2017 at 11:02 PM, Jacfsing2 said:

SGPC should be kicked out as well as ALL of their supporters masquerading as Sikhs!

unless we  have some proper, feasible and BETTER replacement for SGPC , what you're saying is not possible 

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26 minutes ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

unless we  have some proper, feasible and BETTER replacement for SGPC , what you're saying is not possible 

The Akaal Takhat should be doing their work, not the other way around. There is a system in place, the problem is it's been bastardised.

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