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Free-masonic 'Sikhs'

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5 minutes ago, Kira said:

What about societies like the 9 unknown men (providing they exist and aren't just rumors) there's surely some things within the panth that were kept gupt by some organisation for reasons unknown to the general. I mean Loh Prakash Granth was buried for aeons by the Rishis on the orders of Guru Sahib.

buried ? held by the rishis to be given to Guru ji but once that was done , Guru ji entrusted gian to the khalsa and now the Khalsa have spread it further.

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46 minutes ago, Guest london jwaan said:

Well even if there is secrecy, "guessing" what goes on and presenting it as fact is a bit idiotic dont you think?

The point is if they aren't up to no good, what's the reason for the secrecy?

If they they are not fully transparent, why in the world would a Sikh feel the need to join them?

And finally, why would you feel the need to defend them?

If it is conceded that outsiders don't know the full machinations of the Freemasons, can we then agree that Sikhs should not join them?

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Guest london jwaan
15 minutes ago, BhForce said:

The point is if they aren't up to no good, what's the reason for the secrecy?

If they they are not fully transparent, why in the world would a Sikh feel the need to join them?

And finally, why would you feel the need to defend them?

If it is conceded that outsiders don't know the full machinations of the Freemasons, can we then agree that Sikhs should not join them?

Just because something is secret that does not automatically mean someone is upto no good. That is an intellectually bankrupt conclusion. Your medical records are a secret between you and your doctor. Not even the police can access them without court permission. Because they are secret, does that automatically mean that youre a heroin addict?

Its not about why a sikh "feels the need". The point is, by joining them, a sikh is still a sikh. But saying that Im wasting my breath. JKV previously declared that maharajah ranjit singh was not a sikh and he wasnt even a mason, as far as we know"

Im not defending. Im challenging idiotic conclusions i.e. because they have their secrets, therefore they must be paedos for example.

And whether a sikh should join them or not, the lions club, rotary club or any other, provided they are not insulting sikhi, whats your problem with it? Being a sikh and a mason are mutually exclusive. One is not related to the other.


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1 hour ago, jkvlondon said:

buried ? held by the rishis to be given to Guru ji but once that was done , Guru ji entrusted gian to the khalsa and now the Khalsa have spread it further.

The Knowledge was still kept Gupt for 3 yugs, it came out eventually but they were tasked with a secret that later came out on the order of the Guru. My point still stands, it was originally buried so no one knew it even existed.

1 hour ago, BhForce said:

The point is if they aren't up to no good, what's the reason for the secrecy?

If they they are not fully transparent, why in the world would a Sikh feel the need to join them?

OP is referring to Sikh organisations that might exist. For all we know Guru Ji did start a secret group with a select task, He's done it before in Satyug (again Im not saying I know what the Guru is thinking, no one can do that. Only he knows but im hypothesising), in many cases these organisations might actually do some pretty important things. imagine a secret organisation with original manuscripts, told to always remain underground to guard them (every single document written by Guru Ji and his sikhs) would be instrumental in keeping certain parts of our heritage around in some shape of form, look at the state of things now. Dasam Granth is constantly attacked, we have people here who constantly deny historical events written in our books and choose to believe the tales of some modern day sunday sikh.


If it is conceded that outsiders don't know the full machinations of the Freemasons, can we then agree that Sikhs should not join them?

Dont get me wrong, im not saying Sikhs should join them. We definitely don't know enough about them but if a Sikh style organisation did emerge that was dedicated solely to issues relating to the Panth, it might actually be somewhat beneficial. Afterall there's alot of power in secrecy. 


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I'm not a freemason, but a close friend of mine is a past master of a lodge, they definitelty are involved in weird rituals. Not nefarious stuff but weird arti or whatever, not in sync with Gurbani. Mostly people join to enfranchise themselves and make business connections, like joining a fraternity. 

As far as secret Sikh societies I have no idea how you would find them or verify their secret info. 

I think other posters hit the mark by suggesting one join other humanitarian groups not steeped in mysticism. 

Gurbani is the best information out there.  

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10 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

I'm not a freemason, but a close friend of mine is a past master of a lodge, they definitelty are involved in weird rituals. Not nefarious stuff but weird arti or whatever, not in sync with Gurbani. Mostly people join to enfranchise themselves and make business connections, like joining a fraternity. 

As far as secret Sikh societies I have no idea how you would find them or verify their secret info. 

I think other posters hit the mark by suggesting one join other humanitarian groups not steeped in mysticism. 

Gurbani is the best information out there.  

During my conspiracy nutjob phase (this came before my missionary phase, I am a very phased man) I found all sorts of ways to verify these sort of things. 

For a theoretical secret order within the Panth you'd have several ways of verifying it.

1) Current Brahmgyanis would be aware of it, as they are all knowing. 

2) Guru Ji (if he did start one, again hypothetical, no way in hell do I know what Guru Ji thinks) could easily have given them signed documents which you could easily cross examine with the documentations of more public records where we can see Guru Ji's sign and seal. Plus there would be hints all through the history books, even Loh Prakash Granth is hinted at in Dasam Granth.

3) Most likely they'd be very spiritually powerful and spiritually high members, it wouldnt be far fetched that they could demonstrate some sort of spiritual awareness. This sorta allowed (based on what iv read) in situations where the true Believer is involved. 

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10 hours ago, Kira said:

During my conspiracy nutjob phase (this came before my missionary phase, I am a very phased man) I found all sorts of ways to verify these sort of things. 

For a theoretical secret order within the Panth you'd have several ways of verifying it.

1) Current Brahmgyanis would be aware of it, as they are all knowing. 

2) Guru Ji (if he did start one, again hypothetical, no way in hell do I know what Guru Ji thinks) could easily have given them signed documents which you could easily cross examine with the documentations of more public records where we can see Guru Ji's sign and seal. Plus there would be hints all through the history books, even Loh Prakash Granth is hinted at in Dasam Granth.

3) Most likely they'd be very spiritually powerful and spiritually high members, it wouldnt be far fetched that they could demonstrate some sort of spiritual awareness. This sorta allowed (based on what iv read) in situations where the true Believer is involved. 

I like your conspiracy phase. 

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Guest Mahakaal96
15 hours ago, Kira said:

During my conspiracy nutjob phase (this came before my missionary phase, I am a very phased man) I found all sorts of ways to verify these sort of things. 

For a theoretical secret order within the Panth you'd have several ways of verifying it.

1) Current Brahmgyanis would be aware of it, as they are all knowing. 

2) Guru Ji (if he did start one, again hypothetical, no way in hell do I know what Guru Ji thinks) could easily have given them signed documents which you could easily cross examine with the documentations of more public records where we can see Guru Ji's sign and seal. Plus there would be hints all through the history books, even Loh Prakash Granth is hinted at in Dasam Granth.

3) Most likely they'd be very spiritually powerful and spiritually high members, it wouldnt be far fetched that they could demonstrate some sort of spiritual awareness. This sorta allowed (based on what iv read) in situations where the true Believer is involved. 

Sarb Loh granth is still supposed to be kept gupt.

Baba Santa Singhs katha & teeka on Sarbloh should have been kept within the Khalsa/Nihang ranks but after he passed away those looking for monetary gain out the teeka into mass print & sold copies of the katha tapes.

All these moorakhs who are putting up translation sites & videos on Sarbloh Bani are making a massive massive mistake.... only Guru sahib knows what their punishment will be!

Every powerful nation, army, king etc have a secret treasury & weapons etc..... Sarbloh was 1 of ours... those who are parading it in the open (just to look special so people think ‘wow’ he knows Sarbloh Bani) are idiots & fame hungry sellouts!

Thankfully there are several buried gupt items that those who know have never been foolish enough to tell the whole world.

So benti to you Sarbloh seekers.... keep your knowledge gupt & guarded & only discuss with those who have MORE knowledge on Sarbloh then you.

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39 minutes ago, Guest Mahakaal96 said:

Sarb Loh granth is still supposed to be kept gupt.

Baba Santa Singhs katha & teeka on Sarbloh should have been kept within the Khalsa/Nihang ranks but after he passed away those looking for monetary gain out the teeka into mass print & sold copies of the katha tapes.

All these moorakhs who are putting up translation sites & videos on Sarbloh Bani are making a massive massive mistake.... only Guru sahib knows what their punishment will be!

Every powerful nation, army, king etc have a secret treasury & weapons etc..... Sarbloh was 1 of ours... those who are parading it in the open (just to look special so people think ‘wow’ he knows Sarbloh Bani) are idiots & fame hungry sellouts!

Thankfully there are several buried gupt items that those who know have never been foolish enough to tell the whole world.

So benti to you Sarbloh seekers.... keep your knowledge gupt & guarded & only discuss with those who have MORE knowledge on Sarbloh then you.

I had a sneaky suspicion it was meant to remain gupt, even while I was reading it, I felt i was trespassing on something majorly important. The entire vibe of the Granth is something else completely.

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37 minutes ago, Guest Mahakaal96 said:

Sarb Loh granth is still supposed to be kept gupt.

Baba Santa Singhs katha & teeka on Sarbloh should have been kept within the Khalsa/Nihang ranks but after he passed away those looking for monetary gain out the teeka into mass print & sold copies of the katha tapes.

All these moorakhs who are putting up translation sites & videos on Sarbloh Bani are making a massive massive mistake.... only Guru sahib knows what their punishment will be!

Every powerful nation, army, king etc have a secret treasury & weapons etc..... Sarbloh was 1 of ours... those who are parading it in the open (just to look special so people think ‘wow’ he knows Sarbloh Bani) are idiots & fame hungry sellouts!

Thankfully there are several buried gupt items that those who know have never been foolish enough to tell the whole world.

So benti to you Sarbloh seekers.... keep your knowledge gupt & guarded & only discuss with those who have MORE knowledge on Sarbloh then you.

nothing happens without Guru Sahiban's hukham  even this ... think of how many youth abroad have finally opened their hearts to all three granths instead of repeating lies of brahmin/angrez influenced  nalaiks That there is only one Granth ... it has lead to khoj of purataan itihaas, chah to learn more languages including Gurmukhi , to study santhiya ... nothing bad will come of it provided the elders ensure the youth are not lead astray by nangs

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