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Why didn't Guru make everyone Sikh?


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55 minutes ago, Punjabiwolves said:

. I think what i saying was has been taken out of context but some. I meant you have to be a good human to be a true Sikh as Sikhism places a high emphasis on human values such as equality, kindness, being good-hearted, helping others etc. having those core values is the 1st step in being a Sikh. 




Maybe you think that a muslim should stay a muslim instead of becoming Sikhs and that people should just stay the same faith as they were born?

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7 minutes ago, Big_Tera said:

Maybe you think that a muslim should stay a muslim instead of becoming Sikhs and that people should just stay the same faith as they were born?

not at all. If a Muslim feels more of connection to Sikhism and wants to commit to the Sikh way of life then he should become a Sikh. 

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On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 7:43 PM, harsharan000 said:


Why didn't Guru make everyone Sikh?

Why limit sikh to only human beings?

There are  84 lakhs of species of beings, including devtays also. 

All move in the wheel of deaths and births, according to their own karam.

It is like we do have unripe fruit also, which is not ready to be eaten, so it has to wait to get ripe at due time.

in a similar way, not are all spiritually pure nor  mature to go back and merge in Him, those selected accordingly to their past karam, get the chance to be as true sikhs, and through His Kirpa and bhakti, free themselves from the  chains of man, karam, maya, and kaal, and finally merge and become one with Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

Sat Sree Akal.


no they missed the point completely, if god get everything he wants, and god is the greatest, why didn't he make everyone Sikhs, or scratch that, why didn't he make everyone a good person...?

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On 11/3/2018 at 6:28 PM, genie said:

Everyone is born Sikh (disciple / learner) It's only the evil and corruption and maya (illusion) of this world that makes them forget they was born a Sikh. Sikhi is common sense. You even get Sikhs born into so called Sikh families who are not Sikhs because they dont follow Sikhi they follow hedonistic atheism or hindu punjabi ancestral rituals and superstitions (women fasting on particular dates, women tying rakhi on their bros hands for protection, black magic, believing in horoscopes made by hindu brahmin pundits, etc).

And no Guru wasn't God, however some gurbani literalist Sikhs might not agree with me on this however Guru's themselves did now allow people to call them God and Guru Gobind Singh Ji damned anyone who refereed to them as the almighty to be doomed to go to hell.

Guru's were messengers of God, and according to Sikhi everyone has a bit of God inside them (the soul). That soul will eventually merge back into the supreme soul (God) called mukthi but only once your blessed by following what the guru's have taught.

As for why Guru's didn't make everyone Sikh? Well answer is Guru's were more concerned about spirituality and your good deeds (according to gurbani) than what religion you was born into and as stated above they were not God to command everyone become Sikh. Therefore during Guru Ji's life times you had followers of different religions learning and being learners (disciples / Sikhs) of the spiritual teacher ( Guru's).

Only after the shahadat (martyrdom) of guru arjan dev ji and extreme persecution did Sikhs started to become more organised as a distinct separate Sikh community and started to spread more underground. You could no longer be hindu and follow Guru's Sikhi or muslim and follow Sikhi you had to pick a side cos the ruling islamic mughul authorities were determined to wipe out Sikhs and Sikhi. So God obviously wanted Sikhs and Sikhi to survive and spread and thus helped Sikhs defend, fight and expand Sikhi and eventually have Sikh rule across vast area's of land in northern india.

When Sikh's stopped spreading Sikhi and started to more concerned about living an easy life not thinking of the afterlife or laying down solid foundations for future generations of Sikhs because of the large political power they had captured then God punished Sikhs by taking away their powerful but short lived empire and putting them under oppression ever since. Once Sikhs learn as a community to get back to their roots, learn sikhi and spread it to ignorant Sikhs (punjabi sikhs living as atheists) and non-believers then we will see things improve.


Speech of Sri Guru Jee Chaupeyi

Sikhs of the Guru, listen, My Companions, Getting up early in the morning, conceive God in the mind.(1)

Then recite the incantation of Waheguru, the Supreme Being, And after ablution, read and recount Jap Jaap.(2)

Then come and have the Darshan (glimpse) of mine, And sit there reverentially with profound attention to the Guru.(3)

When the three watches of the day have gone past, Listen to the exposition by of the Guru with complete attention.(4)

In the evening listen to the Rehras, And pay attention to the Kirtan (singing of Hymns) and Katha(Sermons).(5)

One who practices such a way, Will attain the eternal bliss.(6)

The Sikh who revels in five routines, He secures the emancipation for his twenty-one generations.(7)

Not only he achieves family’s emancipation, but also eternal bliss. He saves his soul from transmigration.(8)

Speech of Bhai Nand Lal Dohira What you have stated, Oh My Gurdev Master, ‘come to seek my vision,’ Please enable me to understand, how we can pursue the same.(9)

Speech of Sri Guru Jee Dohira Assiduously listen Nand, there are three entities of mine, And these, you comprehend, are Transcendental, Attributive and the Guru’s Shabad, the Celestial Word.(10)

Chaupeyi There is one Perception, which is beyond all the three attributes, Which has been expounded many a time in Vedas,(11)

The Almighty invests every heart And is indivisible as water in the pitcher,(12)

Deem (that) written on each of your body-hair, And the factual pronouncement I make to you for veracity:(13)

The Sikh desirous of Guru’s Darshan, Should go and have the Darshan of Granth Jee,(14)

After ablution early in the morning, he should judiciously undertake its three circumambulation,(15)

Dohira With folded hands he should be seated, seeking my audience, And after paying obeisance to Guru Granth Jee, listen to the celestial exposition.(16)

Chaupeyi Hearing the Shabad with concentration, and by putting mind into the Guru, He should listen and make others heed the Guru’s enlightening Shabad.(17)

One who wants to communicate with me, He may read, listen to and ponder over Granth Jee.(18)

Ones who aspires to listen to my sermons, Diligently, should he read and recite Granth Jee.(19)

Deem Granth Jee as my embodiment, And concede to no other perception.(20)

My Sikh is my third embodiment, Who remains imbued in the essence of Gurbani day and night.(21)

One who puts confidence in and affection upon the Guru’s Shabad. He, always and ever, achieves the vision of the Guru.(22)

He should revel in listening and recounting Guru’s Shabad, And with full concentration read Jap Jee Jaap.{23)

He should go and espy the Guru’s Portal, And should withstand being tempted by other women.(24)

With zeal, he should serve the Sikhs of the Guru, After relinquish all ego from his mind.(25)

One who tends towards these actions, Recognises my manifestation.(26)

Dohira That Sikh of the Guru gets acceptance, who performs the service, And the one who surrenders through mind, body and soul, and becomes prominent server of mine.(27)

The service of such a Sikh of the Guru is approved by me, And listen, Nand, earnestly, this is the way, the heaven is secured.(28)

Speech of Nand Lal You have expounded that Transcendental, Corporeal and Guru’s Shabad are your three attributes. Transcendental is not visible and Corporeal is through the Sikh.(29)

Chaupeyi Your Transcendental Attribute is infinite, And who can have that vision, Oh My Benevolent-one.(30)

Oh, My Master, you remain the Guru of the temporal world, And, Knowing-all, you prevail on all the minds.(31)

Speech of Sri Guru Jee Listen, Sikh Brother, Nand Lal, Listen earnestly to my sweet words,(32)

Guru’s Sikh becomes auspiciously corporeal, If he is, primarily and diligently, engaged in the service of Guru.(33)

Guru’s Sikh, who conceives Guru’s Shabad, Obtains the blessings through the embodiment of the Shabad.(34)

One who adheres to the explication through the manifestation of the Shabad, Leads others to the Infinite one.(35)

Brother, I have narrated to you this discourse, And the ones who read and listen to it thoughtfully,(36)

And, through my honour, the lights will merge into the light.(37)

It is Samwat Seventeen hundred and fifty-two*, Auspicious Ninth day of first half of moon in the month of Maghar*.(38)

On a Friday at the bank of (river) Satluj, The hero expounded these solemn verses to Nand Lal.(39)

Those Sikhs of the guru who remember Waheguru attentively, Are endowed with salvation, remember, O Gursikh! (40) (*December 1695CE)

Translation by Bhai Pritpal Singh Bindra from the book "Kaalam-e-Goya: Bhai Nand Lal" published by Institute of Sikh Studies of Chandigarh

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Where in sikhi does it say all religions are equal? It says all humans are equal, yes, but where does it say all religions are equal? You often get sikhs saying all religions are equal, millions of sikhs says that, but I haven't come across that anywhere ...

Dasam granth says all deities and prophets ignored God's hukam and created their own religions ...

Please correct me if I'm wrong 

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10 hours ago, puzzled said:

Where in sikhi does it say all religions are equal? It says all humans are equal, yes, but where does it say all religions are equal? You often get sikhs saying all religions are equal, millions of sikhs says that, but I haven't come across that anywhere ...

Dasam granth says all deities and prophets ignored God's hukam and created their own religions ...

Please correct me if I'm wrong 

Do you think that sikhi defames other religions as failures?   If they are referring to the same God, then why would Guru defame the religion?  I'm saying "religion" and not the followers of the religion, who over time, have distorted faiths to fit their own agendas.

Have a ponder, then we can discuss gurbani references to see things more clearly.


A sikh has the most direct and simple set of instructions to "gobind milan ki eho teri bariya"

Other religions have gone wish wash over time and got diluted/distorted to fit the minds of the one's in charge. Guru ji speaks the truth and you have to carefully decipher messages according to your level of spiritual awareness.   Problem with people nowadays is that we get too tied up into slandering and speaking against others. We waste too much energy on trying to decide whether Jesus or kirshan were for real or not. It doesn.t matter whether they were or whethere Ram chandar -sita story actullay occired in some place. The gurbani references to all thes other texts are about the "message" and not on whether Guru is telling us they were fake or not.  That's ,y take on it unless anyone wants to show me I'm wrong. Always willing to learn, always sikh'ing, learning.




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