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nihangs fight with punjab police

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8 hours ago, Jonny101 said:

True. Staying neutral is the best policy. 

We need to remember that the Hindu Muslim conflict predates us by centuries. So we need to stop acting like the attack dogs for either side.

When Kashmir is separated I think that's the time India will start turning into Syria 2.0


The BJP have got rid off Article 370 and have they are split off Ladakh from Jammu Kashmir putting it into central control.

What plans they have for Kashmir Valley, I would not know. 

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8 hours ago, Jonny101 said:

True. Although ancient Hindus had a Kshatriya tradition which was very effective. Hindu kshatriya beliefs was that if they die in battle they will get swarg and whole bunch of Apsaras to enjoy. Similar to the Muslim concept of Jannat and hoors. The Rajputs were very brave warriors. Often they would die to the last man. But over time they became a spent force and  lost their famed bravery.


Hindus do not have a shahadat for religion concept in their belief system. Hari Ram Gupta noted in his book that when Muslims would invade and attack their most sacred Mandirs, the Muslims found them deserted. No Hindu warriors were present to offer his life for his deity. On the other hand Muslims always found Singh's ready to become Shaheed at Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar.

I think in all probability, the type of Hindu warrior has been wiped out of the gene pool.

All that is left are cowards and traitors. 

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10 hours ago, Jonny101 said:

True. Although ancient Hindus had a Kshatriya tradition which was very effective. Hindu kshatriya beliefs was that if they die in battle they will get swarg and whole bunch of Apsaras to enjoy. Similar to the Muslim concept of Jannat and hoors. The Rajputs were very brave warriors. Often they would die to the last man. But over time they became a spent force and  lost their famed bravery.


rajputs putting a stop to the spread of the arab caliph into south asia and holding them there is an example of how great they once were   also many rajput clans came together to fight the caliphs.  after that they just went down hill        i had no idea that rajputs believed they would get apsaras lol!

yh people like taliban and isis  believe that they will have unlimited hooris for sex when they die and rivers of wine,  so they basically go into battle or blow themselves up with the belief that this is not the end and that they will be received on the other end with rewards women, wine, servants  etc   they see themselves as shaheeds and heroes   which pleases allah       that kind of belief/reward can take men a long way    even in this life ...

its interesting how its so different to ours    we dnt think of heaven as our destination  but waheguru himself     

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42 minutes ago, puzzled said:

rajputs putting a stop to the spread of the arab caliph into south asia and holding them there is an example of how great they once were   also many rajput clans came together to fight the caliphs.  after that they just went down hill        i had no idea that rajputs believed they would get apsaras lol!

yh people like taliban and isis  believe that they will have unlimited hooris for sex when they die and rivers of wine,  so they basically go into battle or blow themselves up with the belief that this is not the end and that they will be received on the other end with rewards women, wine, servants  etc   they see themselves as shaheeds and heroes   which pleases allah       that kind of belief/reward can take men a long way    even in this life ...

its interesting how its so different to ours    we dnt think of heaven as our destination  but waheguru himself     

True our concept of Shaheeds is much higher than theirs. Our warriors become Shaheed to serve our Guru not for some apsaras or hoors. The Muslims thought at a different (and lower) level. If they die they get hoors but if they win and survive the battle they enslave the women of his fallen foe.  That is pure evil. The anceint Hindu Kshatriya at least was chivalrous and did no such thing to the women of his enemy.

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9 minutes ago, Jonny101 said:

True our concept of Shaheeds is much higher than theirs. Our warriors become Shaheed to serve our Guru not for some apsaras or hoors. The Muslims thought at a different (and lower) level. If they die they get hoors but if they win and survive the battle they enslave the women of his fallen foe.  That is pure evil. The anceint Hindu Kshatriya at least was chivalrous and did no such thing to the women of his enemy.

yh  its horrific    in the quran female sex slaves are referred to as "what your right hand possesses"  muhammed had a coptic christian woman that he was not married to but had physical relations with.  2 of his wives were against his relationship and then allah revealed a quranic verse to the prophet saying that it is lawful for him to continue the relationship with the coptic woman. 

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14 minutes ago, Jonny101 said:

True our concept of Shaheeds is much higher than theirs. Our warriors become Shaheed to serve our Guru not for some apsaras or hoors. The Muslims thought at a different (and lower) level. If they die they get hoors but if they win and survive the battle they enslave the women of his fallen foe.  That is pure evil. The anceint Hindu Kshatriya at least was chivalrous and did no such thing to the women of his enemy.

True, Islam also doesn't have a concept of becoming Shaheed for your beliefs. They have never had a Bhai Taroo Singh, a Bhai Mani Singh or even common men and women who give their lives but never give up their religion. This is because Mohammed when he had just a few followers could never trust them to remain loyal to Islam and give their lives for his religion. So he allowed Muslims to deny their religion when under pressure or when they are weak. 

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35 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:

Please elaborate on this more .....

kamayee vale Gursikhs from across all the jathebandis hv been warning that the coming years will be very bad for humanity. But khalistan is also not far away.

khalsa raj will start with khalistan in punjab and then will spread all over india and then world. Great naam abhiyaasi souls will take birth all over the world(this has already started happening).

There will be lots of bloodshed. We are already seeing so many economic problems, environmental problems and water problems.There will be resource wars, religious wars etc.


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