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Is suraj parkash right? is it a reliable source of info?

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A sampling of the fake, mischievous and utterly blasphemous of the Sooraj Parkash in in order.

ONE: Guru Hargobind “eloped” with a married woman named Kaulan, brought her to his Darbar and married her. Her father, a Kazi comes to collect money for horses that were owed to him by the Guru. Baba Buddha received the Kazi and says: Sunn Bidh Bhakhyo Sehj Subhaye. Tumrey Gur Jvayi Bann Jaye. To Kaisey Dhan Laibo Dharey Arpub Nij Tanja Kre (5th Raas, 17th Ans). Meaning: Listen calmly to what I say. The Guru is now your son-in-law. Why then would you be entitled to any money. Dedicate to him on behalf of your daughter. The Guru used to abandon the recitation of Sukhmani bani midway to see Kaulan whenever she desired the Guru.

TWO: Guru Har Rai had 8 wives, all of whom were sisters. His first marriage when was 10. Youngest wife was 6 years of age. His son Ram Rai was born out of Guruji’s relations with his servant girl.

THREE: Guru Amardas ji did not wash his hair for a long time. Head lice and worms developed to the point of dropping out of his hair, whence he would pick up and place them back onto his head.

FOUR: Guru Angad developed leprosy on his thumb, it was cured by Sri Chand.

FIVE: After arguing about the futility of the practice, and after composing Gurbani to that effect, Guru Nanak ultimately wore the Janeyu (sacred Hindu thread) upon being convinced by the Pandit. Some 35 years later when he visited Bhai Lalo, his Janeyu was still on his body.

[The author shares 15 more such examples in the book]

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There are two types of people who read/listen to SriGurpartap Suraj Granth…

1. Gurmukh Jogi 

2. Manmukh Bhogi 

The first type of person will listen to Gursikhs of Samparda ( the lineage of Sikhs from Guru Sahiban). These people will do immense Abhiyaaas of Naam  and seva. They will follow and adhere to a very strict code of conduct at all times.

These people will not take any scriptures at face value. Their immense Abhiyaas and sangat of great Gurmukhs will teach them to become a Hans ( a hans can separate milk from water). This is a metaphor for seeing the deeper meaning and moral behind a story. These people will learn to se the wider picture in every situation…

Sadly, there are many people who are of the mindset where they see filth in everything. These people have not done any sangat of samparda Gursikhs. These people are self taught…

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On 8/5/2023 at 8:58 PM, GurukaSinghh said:

A sampling of the fake, mischievous and utterly blasphemous of the Sooraj Parkash in in order.

Welcome to the forum, bro.

But since this is your only post, I'd like to ask if the entirety of your Sikhi practice is hatred of Suraj Prakash?

If you have jeevan (Sikh lifestyle), a few strange sakhis written into the fourteen volumes of Suraj Prakash won't affect you and you will simply ignore them.

So, is this all you were able to come up with? (Or the other 15?)

What book is it that you are quoting from?

Finally, if you have any life experience at all, you know that stories get twisted from the original happening. And likely, that may have happened in certain episodes from Suraj Prakash.

If you're an expert in Suraj Prakash, you would know that the Taksal kathakars don't do katha of problematic sections of Suraj Prakash. So, what's the problem?

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On 5/4/2020 at 10:44 PM, akaaliKhalsa1699 said:

can someone explain if suraj parkash is right or wrong?

Bro, asking if Suraj Prakash is "right" is a wrongheaded question.

Any statement you care to make, other than Gurbani, is potentially "wrong". Even if you make a statement about the rate of acceleration of a mass, it can be wrong in another context.

Suraj Prakash isn't Gurbani.

On 5/4/2020 at 10:44 PM, akaaliKhalsa1699 said:

why is it reliable if it was written in 1843, which was way after guru jis time.

It's a compendium of our history in poetic form.

There may be some sakhis that are inaccurate. It's not a big deal.

If we start removing every single thing written after 1708, we'll have nothing. And that's exactly what our enemies want.

There's room for Gursikh discussion of individual sakhis.

On 5/4/2020 at 10:44 PM, akaaliKhalsa1699 said:

I follow taksal maryada and i havent quite understood why the taksal has chosen to do suraj parkash parchar. 

It's really simple: Because Gurbani says to read sakhis.

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On 8/11/2023 at 4:28 AM, BhForce said:

It's a compendium of our history in poetic form.

There may be some sakhis that are inaccurate. It's not a big deal.

If we start removing every single thing written after 1708, we'll have nothing. And that's exactly what our enemies want.

That seems to be the context of when I was growing up. It has to be said, in the Singh Sabha drive to portray Sikhi as some sort of Abrahamic type religion, it was a norm to say pretty much all of our puratan texts where 'corrupted' by bahmanwaad, not understanding the diverse views within, and the Indic context of much that was written. This went all the way to Dasam Granth!

I'm so glad we appear to be moving away from that. 

It's that black and white binary mindset that has people jumping up and down about the contents of some puratan granths. People need to grow up and view these texts in a more adult, literary and contextualised manner. But a lot of us will understand that we do have this characteristic in the panth, when people start forming these polarised groups over issues like this and start causing unnecessary controversies. 

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On 4/6/2021 at 1:58 PM, Singh0333 said:


Leaving aside Guru ji, the general question of taking afeem (opium) in limited quantities for war/medical wounds is simply unproblematic. When you go to the hospital, they give you morphine.

What do you think morphine is? It's an opiate. Even codeine (cough syrup) is an opiate! Ever had a cough?

Granted, it is against Gurmat to take opium or other drugs for the fun of it.

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