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Sikhism is the fastest growing religion in austraila and new zealand


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Latest research as of 2019 and 2020 showed Sikhism is the fastest growing religion in Australia and new Zealand. A concentrated effort should be made to make these two countries a hub of Sikhi. Canada also has a growing Sikh population though not officially recognised it is growing fast too. Pakistan should be our kaums number one target for secret conversions it would be beautiful to see west punjab once the centre of Sikh power of maharajah ranjit singhs kingdom having a majority Sikh population. And besides the more pakistani's that are converted to Sikhi the more stable the future of Sikhs and other non-muslims like hindus and buddhists will be in neighbouring Afghanistan and kashmir.

What we need is less langari's doing their largar parties and handing out langar gifts to non-believers and more parchar parties and with gurbani gifts for non-Sikhs.

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5 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you should point out Sikhi has "grown" in Oceania because of the influx of Sikh immigrants. You're making it seem like hordes of Aussies, Kiwis, and Maori are rushing to the nearest Gurughar to take Amrit.

I'm not hating, sis, just trying to add some context to the situation.

Alot of Kiwis Aussies well know athletes convert to islam 

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9 hours ago, superkaur said:


What we need is less langari's doing their largar parties and handing out langar gifts to non-believers and more parchar parties and with gurbani gifts for non-Sikhs.

We need the 'Alpha' Sikhi known and start getting more of Alpha Khalsa to our kaum...

Feel like 80's 90's was the last generation of that and now we have watered down Sikhi to 'Free food' and 'all is one'...and Sikhi is seen through being SJW and far left communism 'revolution'.....

Need more Alpha Sikhs leading the panth 

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4 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

But not to Sikhi, unfortunately.

Yp why do boxers convert to Islam ...why do they attract the 'Alphas' to their religion despite what the Koran says like flying on a mule, splitting the moon to 2 pieces

We watered down Sikhi to being all is free food, 'all is one' etc 

Wish we'd have more Alpha Khalsa leading the panth 

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13 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:

We need the 'Alpha' Sikhi known and start getting more of Alpha Khalsa to our kaum...

Feel like 80's 90's was the last generation of that and now we have watered down Sikhi to 'Free food' and 'all is one'...and Sikhi is seen through being SJW and far left communism 'revolution'.....

Need more Alpha Sikhs leading the panth 

We need personalities that exhibit the best aspects of both worldviews. Too many so-called Alphas will result in them being baited into clowning themselves. These types are VERY easy to manipulate into acting with very little thought. They're impulsive and ultimately very easy to infiltrate for certain reasons. Some things you NEVER compromise on; other things you need to offer a little flexibility. Exclusively tough guys don't know when to give and take.

Also, social justice, like it or not, is at the root of how we came to be as a distinct group. HOWEVER, hiding behind moral platitudes not through conviction but only because you're too cowardly to stand up for yourself and your interests, is the other end of the undesirable spectrum. The enemy will not leave you alone if you're continually bending over for them, compromising your core values in the hope they reciprocate your decency. Weakness is never respected nor rewarded.

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2 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

Yp why do boxers convert to Islam ...

Off topic, but the simple answer is Cassius Clay's conversion to Islam, who eventually became to be known as Mohammed Ali. Boxers aren't exactly known for their intelligence (not saying they're fools or mentally infirm), but boxers converting to Islam has become a meme, as if it's Islam that grants them magical boxing abilities.

Clay would've been a great fighter without Islam. Tyson was a great fighter before Islam. They succeeded IN SPITE OF Islam, not because of it, and that's a principle that applies in a wider civilisational sense when Islamic apologists smother certain achievements and claim them as evidence of the superiority of their ideology, conveniently choosing to ignore successes and achievements of individuals and groups prior to them succumbing to the emotionally and intellectually stultifying creed.

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23 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

Alot of Kiwis Aussies well know athletes convert to islam 

There was this muslim cricket player, Usman Khawaja, his wife converted to marry him. She went to a catholic school, and her mates were saying when she told them, this is how muslims act, having christain girlfriends and converting them.

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