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Islam has become Redpilled in the West...Everyone is converting to Islam


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24 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

The outside Slough primary schools might be an option, I will see how the demographics develop in this area in the next few years. I wouldn't want to carry on living here if more and more of them move in. 

Where do you live if you don't mind me asking. 

The issue with Slough is the immigration, one ethnic group pushes out another ethnic group which pushes out another ethnic group.

It creates a knock on effect.

I live in the Bucks area.


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11 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:

Well I guess one way to think about it is with your son being 3. You got a 7 year window for him to go Grammar School with 11 plus. That will give you 10 years in the area.

You could send him to an outside primary school like a lot of Slough Sikhs do. If he gets into Grammar School then he has another 7 years on top of that, it will make it 17 years in the area.

If he does not get into Grammar School, then the schooling gets tricky.

The outside Slough primary schools might be an option, I will see how the demographics develop in this area in the next few years. I wouldn't want to carry on living here if more and more of them move in. 

Where do you live if you don't mind me asking. 

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2 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

The issue with Slough is the immigration, one ethnic group pushes out another ethnic group which pushes out another ethnic group.

It creates a knock on effect.

I live in the Bucks area.


I think you are safe in Bucks for the time being, but they will try their luck there eventually. Looking back I should have bought in Richings Park but my thoughts about schooling and my family situation at the time meant I bought here. 

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25 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

I think you are safe in Bucks for the time being, but they will try their luck there eventually. Looking back I should have bought in Richings Park but my thoughts about schooling and my family situation at the time meant I bought here. 

I give myself 20-30 years as a cycle and see what happens. By that time, I will be much older. 

Parts of Bucks such as High Wycombe already has an established Muslim community. So in some cases, Sikhs who move in some of these parts are the newcomers whereas the Muslims are older community.

Muslims who live in these types of towns, moved into council housing and have their own enclaves where the town is still mostly goreh, however Sikhs who move to these kind of towns are typically part of a middle class.


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2 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

I give myself 20-30 years as a cycle and see what happens. By that time, I will be much older. 

Parts of Bucks such as High Wycombe already has an established Muslim community. So in some cases, Sikhs who move in some of these parts are the newcomers whereas the Muslims are older community.

Muslims who live in these types of towns, moved into council housing and have their own enclaves where the town is still mostly goreh, however Sikhs who move to these kind of towns are typically part of a middle class.


Yes quite a few suls in High Wycombe and Oxford, both of which had grooming gang cases. 

Do you know much about Osterley and Isleworth? Are they worth exploring? 

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3 hours ago, ChardikalaUK said:

Yes quite a few suls in High Wycombe and Oxford, both of which had grooming gang cases. 

Do you know much about Osterley and Isleworth? Are they worth exploring? 

Osterley and Isleworth are OK areas for the Hounslow areas but if you look at the Hounslow town centre, it is even more of a dump than Slough is. Hounslow is like about 20 years ahead of what Slough is now.

You cannot really get away from the Muslims because they are in those areas also. There is a mosque (which has been around for more than 20 plus years) as you make your way to Green School I think where I had a cousin of my mine go to.

The immigration surge in Slough is  due in part to Hounslow dumping a lot of their refugees into Slough. I know this because I had someone I know of who worked in the council.

I know of people who live in Hounslow and if they have enough money, they are moving into areas like Richmond.

That is what I have realised about our people is that you cannot really have a Sikh area because we ultimately attract other ethnic groups and it then becomes swamped.

Our strength is our open-ness and inclusivity but this also results in the above. Either our people become exclusive and do not sell to non Sikhs or we do not put a house on rent and move out, or do what the Jews do which is the whole community chip's in a buys the house from the fellow Sikh and sell to another Sikh and do not allow the new Sikh to put it on rent to refugees.

I do not think our people have that kind of thinking.

So what is resulting is our people are spreading out and never living in close proximity to one another. You have areas in towns where you can 5-10 per cent Sikhs but you can never tell because they never cluster too close to one another. They also do not do their houses up in the typical way that attracts attention.

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On 9/21/2023 at 3:18 PM, ChardikalaUK said:

I'm very worried about my 3 year old son.

I live in Langley, Slough a nice place generally. In the last 5 years more suls have moved into the area. They are pumping out their usual 3-4 kids and due to that we may not fall into the catchment area for one of the best primary schools in the area. The school have literally told us that higher birth rates is the reason. 10 years ago there was no issue. 

But then I'm thinking I don't want my son going to such a school if that's what the demographics are going to be, I don't want him to experience the sul menace I did.

The school will likely drop in standards as well with more of them. 

Each time I take him to the local park it's mostly full of sullees with their hordes of kids. I have no idea how they afford to live in this area with one person's salary and that many kids. Every house being sold here is usually to them or South Indian IT workers (who I don't mind). I think most apne my age have left or are leaving the area, it's just their parents left. Slough High Street is a dump full of halal eateries. 

There are some very good grammar schools here, that is the only thing that might keep me here and my widowed father lives very close. 

These guys just follow us everywhere and we're always running away from them.

What to do? Sell up? I'm thinking maybe go towards Osterley/Isleworth where we outnumber them. 


why not send them to khalsa school? Also are they going to panjabi school on Sundays?

Osterley has a really good school for sikhs called Nishkam school!

On 9/21/2023 at 4:08 PM, Ranjeet01 said:

Have a contingency plan and put a strategy in place with what you have said  in mind.

Maybe look to put your kid into a primary school maybe in an area outside of your local area as an option.

The Slough Sikh Community is moving into South Bucks area. Like we mentioned before, there is a typically a 30 year cycle where a Sikh stronghold starts to change.

The Grammar School system  in Slough has become increasingly competitive and like you mentioned with those South Indian IT types in Langley will begin to hog up those grammar school places.

I have moved just outside of North Bucks in Northamptonshire. They have even taken over the commercial restaurants all the way up here, 2 halal Taco Bells, halal KFC, and their regular nationwide stuff like Tim Hortons, Popeyes, Pizza Express etc who knows what else! But there's a sikh stronghold nearby in Coventry, so many gurdwaras there, at least 6-8 gurdwaras. there are Only 3 gurdwaras to cover all of Northamptonshire county, and 2 are in the main town!


Also Milton Keynes city in North Bucks only seems to have 2 gurdwaras. The Ramgharia gurdwara has regular sangat, but the other gurdwara run by MK sikh society, seems to mainly only have Sunday Sangat, which is a trend in isolated areas, it's the same for Northamptonshire gurdwaras unless there's a special programme, event, gurpurb etc.

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30 minutes ago, ipledgeblue said:

why not send them to khalsa school? Also are they going to panjabi school on Sundays?

Osterley has a really good school for sikhs called Nishkam school!

I have moved just outside of North Bucks in Northamptonshire. They have even taken over the commercial restaurants all the way up here, 2 halal Taco Bells, halal KFC, and their regular nationwide stuff like Tim Hortons, Popeyes, Pizza Express etc who knows what else! But there's a sikh stronghold nearby in Coventry, so many gurdwaras there, at least 6-8 gurdwaras. there are Only 3 gurdwaras to cover all of Northamptonshire county, and 2 are in the main town!


Also Milton Keynes city in North Bucks only seems to have 2 gurdwaras. The Ramgharia gurdwara has regular sangat, but the other gurdwara run by MK sikh society, seems to mainly only have Sunday Sangat, which is a trend in isolated areas, it's the same for Northamptonshire gurdwaras unless there's a special programme, event, gurpurb etc.

The suls have written 'Islam will rule' in large graffiti on a railway bridge right next to Ramgarhia Gurdwara, obviously as an act of provocation and the damn committee have done nothing about it, it's been up there for quite a while. I guess we are a cowardly community now. Lots of infighting but haven't got the bottle to paint over this graffiti. The sign for the same Gurdwara on the main Stoke Poges Lane road has also been deliberately changed to point in the wrong direcrion, no doubt the work of suls again. I remember back in the 90s apne threw a pig's head in a mosque as retaliation for them burning the Nishan Sahib, where has that fighting spirit gone? 

These damn committee members were smashing each others cars a few years ago over elections so they have thugs in their midsts, so why can't these thugs do anything about this graffiti? 

Any suggestions on what could be done? 

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57 minutes ago, ipledgeblue said:

I have moved just outside of North Bucks in Northamptonshire. They have even taken over the commercial restaurants all the way up here, 2 halal Taco Bells, halal KFC, and their regular nationwide stuff like Tim Hortons, Popeyes, Pizza Express

I personally don't touch that junk food. 

There are far better restaurants that make far better food. 

Put your money in better food establishments. 


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22 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

The suls have written 'Islam will rule' in large graffiti on a railway bridge right next to Ramgarhia Gurdwara, obviously as an act of provocation and the damn committee have done nothing about it, it's been up there for quite a while. I guess we are a cowardly community now. Lots of infighting but haven't got the bottle to paint over this graffiti. The sign for the same Gurdwara on the main Stoke Poges Lane road has also been deliberately changed to point in the wrong direcrion, no doubt the work of suls again. I remember back in the 90s apne threw a pig's head in a mosque as retaliation for them burning the Nishan Sahib, where has that fighting spirit gone? 

These damn committee members were smashing each others cars a few years ago over elections so they have thugs in their midsts, so why can't these thugs do anything about this graffiti? 

Any suggestions on what could be done? 

Paint over the graffiti and move the sign in the right direction for starters. 

The community is gradually moving out of these areas, it's a slum now. Once the elders have passed, the exodus will probably expedite.

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