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Islam has become Redpilled in the West...Everyone is converting to Islam


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2 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

r/Destiny - This shift has been interesting

I'd agree with this right now. But this guys hides the fact that there is plenty of perverted stuff going on in those islamic countries, they just hide and do it, like grooming. Arabs are well know for their gandupunh too. 


PS - Don't think we don't notice how you ignore every other counter point. Very sus.  

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2 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

not sus can't be bothered with constant jibes attacks 

No one is asking you to do that, but at least articulate some thoughts on counter points. Seriously, you seem really easy to brainwash via media, it's like you only absorb info from one direction, maybe because it looks visually appealing to you, or the simple dualistic narratives appeal to your brain?  It wouldn't surprise me if you self-brainwash yourself into converting the way you are going. 

And you know what, there are lots of things about these people that street guys are privy too, that we can't really put out out there, as it is too nasty. 

But that last post of yours IS significant. I think apnay haven't been nearly vocal enough about those freaky modern gender issues (in between themselves), and that just leaves kids open to the influence of these ideas. I know in my wider family I've had words about how much a load of cobblers I think this all is, and how it can brainwash kids from a young age. Problem with id1ots is that they only realise there's an issue after it's too late. I think relatively newly arrived freshies who have kids are susceptible to this because they would so buzzing about getting out to the vlaath and giving it large, they wouldn't even know what was going on in school.   Next thing you know, something like this is happening!





Bottom line, it just makes it even more important for us to highlight how our culture is different from western gora one, and not hold back on this.  


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On 5/20/2023 at 10:38 AM, Ranjeet01 said:

Once you hear it, you will know what I mean.

I don't know exactly how they are doing simran at that Gurdwara.

But I'll agree that we all need to be less cult-like.

By that, I mean the idea that "my little Sikh group" is going to Sachkhand and every other Sikh is going to Narak (hell).

A little bit of tolerance for a bit of diversity in Rehras length, etc., would be a good thing.

There are a lot of little groups which think that only they have the secret Nam Simran recipe and no one else even knows about mediation. They're wrong.

Some people will post that the Nihangs are the only Sikh group and all the others are fakes. Even if that's true, the Nihangs fight amongst themselves. So that's cult-like as well.

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14 hours ago, BhForce said:

I don't know exactly how they are doing simran at that Gurdwara.

But I'll agree that we all need to be less cult-like.

By that, I mean the idea that "my little Sikh group" is going to Sachkhand and every other Sikh is going to Narak (hell).

A little bit of tolerance for a bit of diversity in Rehras length, etc., would be a good thing.

There are a lot of little groups which think that only they have the secret Nam Simran recipe and no one else even knows about mediation. They're wrong.

Some people will post that the Nihangs are the only Sikh group and all the others are fakes. Even if that's true, the Nihangs fight amongst themselves. So that's cult-like as well.

Naam Simran's application has quite a lot of flexibility and versatility. 

It can be used on it's own, it can be used with breathwork or it can be used in kirtan.

It can be recited slowly or quickly, in a melody. 

The end game is connection with the Akaal. 

It's just the few times I been to this particular gurdwara, the Sangat become very drone like. 

This is just my opinion and experience, it is not right or wrong.

Apologies if this offends anyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/20/2023 at 8:07 AM, Ranjeet01 said:

These guys came from Swindon UK and had a gurdwara there before they moved to Slough. 

It's a nice Gurdwara but there does seem to be a cult like feel to the place. I have done naam simran there and the way it is done feels a bit eerie. 

That is just my opinion.

it is cult like, it is based off PKMC which used to be run by the late Tarmala who was notorious for giving out brahmgyani certificates. You will see a successive set of videos of Tarmala's jatha arguin with a group of gyanis in a pend. There is also a video of turbans being tossed in a Tarmala simran video.

For some obvious biased reasons, terms similar to "cult-like" are supposed to be banned on this forum from a few years ago!

The simran sounds harmless on most days, and it is the AKJ style naam dhrir. However, when Bhai Ajit Singh does the sessions on Sundays, then it goes in madness and angriness. They always promote the Sunday simran sessions when I went to a few Anand Karaj there, I just had to walk out of that Sunday session after a few minutes, even though a Kenya uncle I know used to tell me that I should go visit and it's "peaceful". I have seen children in that gurdwara Langar hall shouting something that doesn't sound like Waheguru at all, that's how messed up their simran is! Children aren't even taught to say waheguru and instead taught to follow the leader!!!

Also I have seen people in the car park matha tek to Bhai Ajit Singh's feet, he is treated like some baba/Sant type figure. He has also been caught out in videos getting bani pangtis wrong! If you go further in this forum, you will find some sinister gangster type murder stuff as well! Also people travel from far away just to come to the Sunday divans. This also used to be the case when their gurdwara was in Swindon, before they moved to Slough!

Simran is supposed to be done in sehaj avastha! People at the places and rehnsbais take the mick unfortunately!

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I get Ranjeet's and Ipledgeblue's point, and take it on board. I'd still see for myself though. 

That being said, that Kau89r8 sister still urgently needs to find something that healthily resonates with her on the Sikhi front, and find alternative perspectives from skewed social media sources. Some people seem more susceptible to being indoctrinated by social media than others, and that's dangerous in this day and age. 



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2 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

it is cult like, it is based off PKMC which used to be run by the late Tarmala who was notorious for giving out brahmgyani certificates. You will see a successive set of videos of Tarmala's jatha arguin with a group of gyanis in a pend. There is also a video of turbans being tossed in a Tarmala simran video.

For some obvious biased reasons, terms similar to "cult-like" are supposed to be banned on this forum from a few years ago!

The simran sounds harmless on most days, and it is the AKJ style naam dhrir. However, when Bhai Ajit Singh does the sessions on Sundays, then it goes in madness and angriness. They always promote the Sunday simran sessions when I went to a few Anand Karaj there, I just had to walk out of that Sunday session after a few minutes, even though a Kenya uncle I know used to tell me that I should go visit and it's "peaceful". I have seen children in that gurdwara Langar hall shouting something that doesn't sound like Waheguru at all, that's how messed up their simran is! Children aren't even taught to say waheguru and instead taught to follow the leader!!!

Also I have seen people in the car park matha tek to Bhai Ajit Singh's feet, he is treated like some baba/Sant type figure. He has also been caught out in videos getting bani pangtis wrong! If you go further in this forum, you will find some sinister gangster type murder stuff as well! Also people travel from far away just to come to the Sunday divans. This also used to be the case when their gurdwara was in Swindon, before they moved to Slough!

Simran is supposed to be done in sehaj avastha! People at the places and rehnsbais take the mick unfortunately!

I think that the couple of times I went there it was a Sunday.

You are correct about the avastha!

When you have listened/read Bani and done naam simran for a long time you become more highly attuned to the vibrations or the avastha of a place or even the people you are around.

When you step foot inside a gurdwara you automatically feel that the environment is at a far higher level. It is quite hard to describe in words, but I typically feel more at ease but in this particular gurdwara during this programme in the darbar hall it felt uneasy. Something did not feel right.







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4 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

When you step foot inside a gurdwara you automatically feel that the environment is at a far higher level. It is quite hard to describe in words, but I typically feel more at ease but in this particular gurdwara during this programme in the darbar hall it felt uneasy. Something did not feel right.

Actually, you are right about the weirdness. The darbar hall is massive, and even their spare darbar hall is quite big as well, could easily be another separate gurdwara on its own if you know what I mean?! On weekdays, I used to work near the gurdwara in Bath Road, and I visited a few times, and they were doing the Wa-eh-guru simran. Now I think about it it, this way of doing simran is really mechanical and doesn't sound like pyaar prema bhagti. Even when this type of simran is being done, I always say Waheguru in a normal way. One of their babas visited the Singh Sabha Slough gurdwara on a Sunday morning programme, to do prachar and meditation, and I think people were freaked out or something by the baba, and some were saying things about him! I was purposefully saying Waheguru normally to get out of the vibe. I will always say Waheguru like a normal sikh, and not this mental gymnastics being forced upon us by cults sects and babas, it was so weird when Dhadri started doing this type of simran!


Anyway that Guru maneyo granth PKMC gurdwara, I always get a weird vibe there, and from the sewadaars and sangat as well! Like the way some of the sewadaars talk is culty, and even if they smile. Actually some of the Singhs on Gurmat Bibek Youtube have a similar eeriness (see their channel link on the top of this forum "Sikh Videos - Intermediate", more like "Sikh Videos - culty", sorry not sorry to the admins, but that is the truth sach satt!) and the bibi on there is really high on the eeriness scale!

the GMG gurdwara do some good sikhi programmes though, so that's why I used to go there before I moved out of London, but I never want go to an Ajit Singh simran programme again, I am half ok with a simran session from other sewadaars.

Also, one time I went to their Sodar Rehraas paat and I was really surprised they read sampooran Rehras with full kabyo baach benti, I think it may even have been longer than taksal, like Hajoor Sahib or Budha Dal length which is really rare outside Nihang Singhs! I have been to the Singh Sabha gurdwaras in Slough and Southall last year, and even in 2022 they still did not do full kabyo baach benti, that's how poor chaupai sahib Rehras is read in those gurdwaras.

Regardless, I always feel a good vibe when I go Singh Sabha Slough or Park Avenue. I do feel a weird vibe when I go Havelock/Guru Nanak Road Singh Sabha, maybe it's the big building or maybe something else? For some reason, I also feel a bit of a weird vibe from Ramgharia Gurdwara Slough, and this is a gurdwara I have been going to since I was a child, and I have also been going to Singh Sabha Slough as a child. I may have even felt a weird vibe when I went to the old Havelock Singh Sabha as a small child before it was knocked down. I dunno, maybe it's sangat at those gurdwaras as well, and as a child you can probably feel the vibes of sangat even more greatly! I studied at Guru Nanak School, and I get weird vibes there even when I go now as an adult to attend anand Karajs!

I have been Nanaksar Southall probably only a couple of times in my life as an adult, and I felt positive vibes there, even though I don't think they have a langar kitchen (langar was brought from home by sangat the last time I went, I ate some South Indian dish as well)

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