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Islam has become Redpilled in the West...Everyone is converting to Islam


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20 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

No it wasn't a norm, but there were sardars who had multiple wives, plus also it was a political practice where sardars would get extra wives to align themselves with other useful families, often to negate competition from them (that's what it looks like to me anyway). 


I'm not on that birth rate thing -  I don't know how useful it is to have higher birth rates if we are giving birth to multiple fudhus. 


19 hours ago, BhForce said:

It's hard to tell exactly what percent of Singhs had more than one wife. But some did.

Yet, if you think about it, it would seem difficult for a community to grow its numbers by some men marrying multiple women. I mean, if there are 100 men, and 50 of them take two wives, there are no women left for 50 men.

One way around this might be to accept women from other communities (like Hindus). The incentive might be: we'll accept a marriage proposal without daaj (dowry). 

The Hindu family gets to marry off their daughter without spending money while the Sikh numbers grow.

it was more than acceptable for Singhs to have multiple wives, because Singhs are supposed to be kshatriya.  There were also other common practices such as marrying your brothers' widow, and widow remarriage, marrying rescued women that are not accepted back by their families.

Fighting wars required multiple wives, many sons,uncles, male family members would get shaheed, such as Bhai Mani Singhs' sons from both his wives, and his uncles during Guru Hargobind ji.

Add this to higher mortality rates, people died younger, just look at the ages most Guru jis lived to, women had difficult giving birth, there were risks to women dying during birth, higher infant mortality rates, children were at much greater risk from dying from a childhood illness.

All these factors compounded with wars, it made a lot of sense to marry multiple women! And during 1947, 1984 and the dharmi faujis of the 1990s, its still made a lot of sense to have multiple wives, but only if your family was going to be armed and trained!

Compare this to sikhs and amrit dharis who have multiple girlfriends and exes, and don't get married until into their late 20s and 30s, we are behaving in a really pathetic non-warrior non kshatriya way! If you're making the excuse of not getting married because you are studying, and then you make a girlfriend or multiples during that time anyway, THEN Singhs should just get married, and all the excuses for not getting married are lame and bringing down the whole panth. I seriously stand by that statement!!!


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22 hours ago, BhForce said:


The Hindu family gets to marry off their daughter without spending money while the Sikh numbers grow.

Lool its committing a 1984 genocide marrying hindus. If anything better to marry Muslim because you wont raise 50/50 kids. They wont be panthic nor stand with kaum but pro india types. Look at those 84 guilty men. Their nanis dadis were 'Sikh' married bahamns men. Even thou there is many i know at least 15 majority gujji girls marrying Jatt man but apne men are weak they become anti-panthic start hindu rituals its a mess. Esp with all this hatred we've seen past couple yrs. I cant believe Singh fathers are okay giving their daughter to bahaman families. 

Sanghis love these stories first son of hindu family was raised a Sikh and Sikh women marrying Hindu..blah blah 

Better to marry different race get them into Sikhi then hindus... that seems common i've seen from white to black..asia kids being raised with kes .. my mums side of family live majority it canada and no joke being modest but from 30 members from great grandfathers to kids not one with kes. They got huge acres land mansions nice cars but not interest in Sikhi. Kids are like athiests too. Sad waste opportunity.

Panjab empty kothis. Parents are outliving kids. So many i know 2 kids where kids are passing away 30 40s etc.

Look at christians jews muslims esp evangelicals Hasidic they are having 10+ kids back to back muslims its duty to expand their population allow multiple wives (many m women dont care either). We are in rude awakening few yrs when Sikhs become minority in Panjab. All that bloodshed for nothing and majority dont care. 


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2 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:


it was more than acceptable for Singhs to have multiple wives, because Singhs are supposed to be kshatriya.  There were also other common practices such as marrying your brothers' widow, and widow remarriage, marrying rescued women that are not accepted back by their families.



Just like those Gulf states Arab royal families i assume this is how its was and meant to be... how many wives MRS had too marrying different faith women too Singhs were desirable back then royals rich warriors masculine ...

2 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

THEN Singhs should just get married, and all the excuses for not getting married are lame and bringing down the whole panth. I seriously stand by that statement!!!


Jews have a system where they pay orthodox jews to have many kids as they want its gov policy in Israel . In eastern Europe traditional Christian countries they got gov scheme to expand population for Christians to have many kids. America Christians have at least 5+ kids

Everything raise an eyebrow at other communities for used to be 'normal' for Sikhs too lol once upon time




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1 hour ago, Kau89r8 said:

I cant believe Singh fathers are okay giving their daughter to bahaman families. 

Well, no, sis, I'm not talking about girls marrying Hindu men. That's prohibited by rehitnamas, SGPC SRM, and common sense.

I'm talking only about Sikh men accepting Hindu wifes (as a 2nd wife).

This could only work for strong Panthic Singhs who will make it clear the maryada to be followed. No idol worship.

The first wife (born Sikh) will ensure Sikh maryada as well. And she has to be on board with the plan (to increase Sikh numbers).

1 hour ago, Kau89r8 said:

Look at christians jews muslims esp evangelicals Hasidic they are having 10+ kids back to back

I agree that we need quantity.

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On 8/14/2023 at 11:52 PM, BhForce said:


This could only work for strong Panthic Singhs who will make it clear the maryada to be followed. No idol worship.

The first wife (born Sikh) will ensure Sikh maryada as well. And she has to be on board with the plan (to increase Sikh numbers).

I agree that we need quantity.

 marry diff race. Expand beyond Panjabis.  Hindu marry Sardars in india and they doing karva chauth hindu rituals. i see all time on ig

The man will have to be secure in his job money income too if you want to raise kids good environment. Kids need strong father figure present in their lives not just working 24/7.. alot of factors to consider lol basically unlimited income then its all good to go lol 

Have you looked into those Arab royal families with how many wives and age range and kids...its crazy.. one saudi king royal has 22 wives and 100 kids... 

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On 8/14/2023 at 11:52 PM, BhForce said:

Well, no, sis, I'm not talking about girls marrying Hindu men. That's prohibited by rehitnamas, SGPC SRM, and common sense.

I'm talking only about Sikh men accepting Hindu wifes (as a 2nd wife).

This could only work for strong Panthic Singhs who will make it clear the maryada to be followed. No idol worship.

The first wife (born Sikh) will ensure Sikh maryada as well. And she has to be on board with the plan (to increase Sikh numbers).

I agree that we need quantity.


21 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

 marry diff race. Expand beyond Panjabis.  Hindu marry Sardars in india and they doing karva chauth hindu rituals. i see all time on ig


The Hajoor Sahib Singhs married were originally Nihang Singhs who married hindu women, and some hindu women still marry them. sikhi is strong amongst them and they don't cut their hair at all! They still have strong connections to the current Nihang Singhs.

They follow a maryada where the hindu women MUST take some kind of amrit pahul, this is usually kripaan pahul (maybe similar to jhoola amrit as well?) They are not given khanda pahul, those women are not ready. However they are given a type of amrit so that husband can consume food and drink from the wife. Obviously, this means that the wife has been initiated as sikh.

For a Singh to be able to share food with wife, the wife needs to have been initiated at least into sikh panth. 

In puraatan times, Singhs were desired for marriage and alliances, so Shias also desired to marry their daughters to Singhs to build alliances. I have read in historical account that shia/muslim women were made to eat pork for 40 days (I think this was after marriage), I cannot remember if this is written in a rehitnama or just a historical account. For muslim men becoming Singhs, Nihang Singhs actually stirred in pigs' blood in khanda amrit pahul, just so that no spies pretended to take khanda pahul. This was at a time when the whole panth followed one panthic Budha Dal maryada! (please don't take this as a discussion about meat, just describing the steps sikhs used for hindu and muslim converts)

In conclusion, the hindu woman must be initiated in some way, just like in Hajur Sahib even now!

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9 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:


They follow a maryada where the hindu women MUST take some kind of amrit pahul, this is usually kripaan pahul (maybe similar to jhoola amrit as well?) They are not given khanda pahul, those women are not ready. However they are given a type of amrit so that husband can consume food and drink from the wife. Obviously, this means that the wife has been initiated as sikh.


Few q's  (im learning so pls dont judge)

Is the Khalsa or  joining the Khlasa army for men mostly ..like its not mandatory for women to join the Khalsa ..men meant for war/fighting.. (more alpha and like men are to protect women so fight?!) Obvs i know many Sikh women who joined battlefields but is it mandatory? 

If a women marrys a Singh (with kes) if she does not have her kes does she become her Singhani  regardless if she taken Amrit/kes or not?

Is it okay for Amritdhari men to marry non-amritdhari women? 

Is kes head or every part of the body... 

Is Amrit mandatory for women? 

Does women have to wear dastar once taken amrit.. purtan photos shows chunni even in old punjabi photos women mainly wore chunni?

Is it okay women to wear make-up have ear pierced nose pierced once taken Amrit ?



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9 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:


In puraatan times, Singhs were desired for marriage and alliances, so Shias also desired to marry their daughters to Singhs to build alliances.

Apparently this is still the case in india i heard.. many m girls are with singhs... idk if it right though..

But i guess our ancestors were mainly Muslims that converted to Sikhi at some point in history right.. like Punjabis ''Jatts' Sikhs are mainly Muslims or is it Hindus..

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