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Where and how to find a virgin Sikh wife

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Hello everyone. My first time posting. I have asked the same question on Reddit and was deleted within few minutes. I’m very disheartened as I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. So to start I’m a 27 year old kesadhari Singh in the west. I hold Sikhi very dear and been about 6 years since I kept my kes. Those that are in the west know how degenerate our lives are especially in the Sikh community. Every women in my bubble were not virgins before marriage. This is the norm here to date from a young age. I never did as I wanted to wait until marriage. Now that I have a good job and focus on my fitness, and hobbies I take care of my parents I want to get married. I’ve asked my family and freinds to find me someone as I don’t know where to find a partner. I said that I want a virgin Sikh women. They all laughed and said that’s not possible in todays age. I’ve been very depressed that realizing that this panth once was ordained by Waheguru himself and now Sikh men can’t even find a Sikh women to marry. I literally don’t care if she has zero education or anything. I can provide for everything but I just want a innnocent pure wife that I can marry and spend rest of my life with. So can you guys give me any tips or would I have to look elsewhere in different dharma’s/cultures for a suitable partner?

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  • 3 months later...

Just noticed this was posted a while back. How is your search going @Sukhsingh96 ? Please try creating your profile on shaadi / jeevansathi.  Suggest putting your background as Sikh - Gursikh. Set your location to a centrally located punjabi city like Ludhiana or else try Delhi. Write in your profile that you are planning to visit India soon. Let us know you get on!

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On 5/27/2023 at 1:31 AM, Sukhsingh96 said:

I said that I want a virgin Sikh women.

The way that matches are normally found is via extended family. Forget your "friends". Have you put out the word to extended family?

If they are of no use, go to Amritdhari sangat at the Gurdwaras in your area or even beyond.

If somebody wants you to marry an "experienced" woman, you might as well not marry because she would always be "considering her options".

On 5/27/2023 at 1:31 AM, Sukhsingh96 said:

I’ve been very depressed that realizing that this panth once was ordained by Waheguru himself and now Sikh men can’t even find a Sikh women to marry.

Yeah, you're right. Take refuge in Gurbani and sangat.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

@Sukhsingh96 You want to marry someone without exes, and I mean no ex boyfriend and no ex husband. So looking for a virgin is not enough. Otherwise your life will become damaged after marriage, if you pick an ex who claims to be a virgin! You need to look for early 20s. You need someone who is looking for a husband as opposed to a boyfriend, a woman with standards! A woman making boyfriends is not serious enough for marriage, and has low standards!

You need to make the woman you are marrying understand that she will be treated as a wife, not a girlfriend. She needs to understand that if her standard is to only look for a boyfriend, then she is just not serious enough for you, as she is not serious enough for marriage. In sikhi, women are treated equally, and in 52 hukamnamas of Guru Gobind Singh, Anand ceremony is required to start grihast jeevan. 

Non-marital partners are acceptable in abrahamic traditions/religions such as concubines and slave girls; girlfriend is a modern type of non-marital partner, and in sikhi we do not bring women down to that level!

Also when did you start looking for a wife? We are having so many issues because we start looking for partners so late!

Which subreddit did you post this to? I can speak to the admin if you posted it to r/Sikh !

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Sikh Reddit is pathetic, it’s run by a fat POS. 

It’s natural to want a virgin if you’re a virgin yourself, so I don’t blame u. Especially when you’re religious and following Sikhi, it just feels so wrong to be w/ someone who is not a virgin. 

As a woman it’s easy to find a virgin man b/c any man who tells you he is a virgin is 99% not lying lol. But I understand it is harder to find a virgin woman since ur a man. Since ur in the west it’s gonna be 100% even harder, as only 4% of woman are virgins at marriage in the west. Nowadays there are more virgin men than women.

A lot of women will also lie to get a good quality partner, they know deep down men want a clean partner so they’ll lie. 

Since ur in the west, u have to be very careful. Honestly my best advice to anyone reading this is u just gotta have common sense. Many men don’t, they’re pretty dumb and easily fall in love based on looks and lies. U don’t wanna be a dumb ***** who’s w/ a woman that’s been with the entire city, nor do u wanna be the dude paying this chick alimony, etc (women w/more sexual partners tend to correlate w/higher risk for divorce).

U gotta sus out how she is in her day to day life. Dig into her background. Does she often go out, does she have many male friends, are there any stories about her past. If she has lots of luxury items and what not and is always going out, does she work hard for them by working jobs. If she’s velli and always doing that, that’s sus. A lot of women partake in much more expensive things than men and have lots of things b/c they have some simp or beta orbiter paying them, usually in exchange for some lewd things. The number of women I’ve met thruout the years doing this was insane, like even the ones I thought were angelic ones.

furthermore does she have a history of smoking or doing drugs, think about how old is she? The older she is the less likely she is to be a virgin. Did she go to a uni, what kind of uni did she go to and what did she study? Women acquire their most number of sexual partners during uni. Is she a woman that doesn’t like the fact ur a virgin or isn’t as into u because of that? Red flag because a virgin woman would want a virgin man so she can feel more comfortable. There’s lots of memes that women prefer “Chad men with high body count” b/c it shows that they’re experienced but nah, that’s just b/c the majority of women are not virgins lol. Does she spend all her day on social medias like Instagram or Snapchat or Twitter or whatever? Know that there are many men in her DMs most likely. a woman should be willing to delete her socials for u if she truly loves u. The best person for a relationship is a person with no socials. Another tip is how does she speak and dress around family or outside?. Is her family conservative or liberal? Whenever she does goes out is she usually with her family?

i can write more questions for u to think about but honestly it’ll be depressing for u.

The true reality is you are most likely NOT going to end up with a virgin (the only way to know is if she bleeds ur first night, even the most repulsive and vile of Sikh/Punjabi women don’t pursue hymenoplasties such as Middle eastern women do, so u should be good). You are most likely NOT going to be with a woman who is obsessed with u and loves u deeply, is willing to do anything for u, many men simp for and obey their women these days and not the other way around. You are likely NOT going to end up in a happy marriage, over 6/10 married couples hate their marriage statistically. 

U just gotta keep your hopes up. If u do end up getting married to a witch, there’s not much u can do. Think of ur children and care for them deeply. Be a good man, etc. 

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