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Last reply by mahanpaapi, -
Last reply by MokhamSingh, -
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I recently revisited this translation I did over a decade ago. I don't think I shared it on this forum. I welcome any proficient Gurmukhi readers to constructively critique the translation: I found this text fascinating. It’s an extract from an old rehatnama which is commonly referred to as the Chaupa Singh rehatnama today. The form is which this document reaches us today is not without its own complexities (like many/most Sikh manuscripts of older provenance). The stark contradictions in various rehat instructions within strongly suggest interpolations so, in its current form, it appears to be the work of more than one hand. That being said there is still a very str…
Last reply by dallysingh101, -
- 3 replies
Version with commentary [My commentary is the blue coloured text and the translation is the black text. The making of Sikh history – literally. I guess a good as place as any to start this, would be with a brief explanation of why I feel the text translated below is worthy of people’s attention. When I first read it, the piece struck me as being akin to Dr. Who’s famous tardis, and by this I simply mean that it’s deceptively meagre outwardly appearance disguises the extent of what it contains inside. I’m assuming that many, if not most, of the young Sikhs who may end up reading these words (assuming any do!), would not have previously …
Last reply by dallysingh101, -
- 0 replies
Can anybody help me find more about sant sujan singh ji his death on 1 jan 1970 ? And sangat singh ji who also gave his life for him if there is some information or old newspaper of delhi of 2 jan 1970 plse share if u have any info regarding
Last reply by Ishwar, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Just wondering how sikhi parallels to the gods believed to exist by great minds such as einstein. Does sikhi concept of god the same as the one thought of by Baruch Spinoza??
Last reply by HirdeyRahi, -
- 2 replies
Looking for the English version, iknow I can download the pdf, but want the actual book. If anyone has one for sale , can you pm me. Thank you.
Last reply by dallysingh101, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by dharamyudh, -
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- 870 views @dallysingh101 The Sikh warriors through the ages: From Sahib Kaur to Hari Singh Nalwa Written By Manraj Grewal Sharma | Chandigarh | May 28, 2022 10:48:33 am How the Sikh military tradition was formed and how it changed over 200 years. This is the subject of Gurinder Singh Mann’s forthcoming book – ‘The rise of the Sikh soldier: The Sikh warrior through the ages, 1700-1900’. Mann, a London-based historan and director of Sikh Museum Initiative in the United Kingdom, says the reason the book is special is because it doesn’t limit …
Last reply by Premi5, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I remember I went to a Sukhmani Sahib paat some months before lockdown, and the paati started reading kabyo baach benti and went straight to swaiya without reading Kripa kari hum jagmata. So is it rude to interrupt the paati with the rest of Kabyo Baach Chaupai Sahib, or maybe even is it rude to not interrupt, ie rude to stay quiet? I am just thinking for if this happens at another family gathering in a house. Not asking for a big gurdwara programme, for that need a jatha of Singhs/sikhs to interrupt lol!
Last reply by ipledgeblue, -
- 14 replies
Waheguru ji, this might be my first question on here, but I always feel weird skipping 85% of Anand Sahib during rehraas. Is it okay to include those 34 pauris when I do rehraas? (I have done this a few times before). I am aware that several sampardayi include more and more dasam bani, but chhota anand sahib is something every dal and sampardayi agrees on (as far as this agianee is aware of) so I am not sure whether it is okay for me to bring this up or do on a personal basis either.
Last reply by ipledgeblue, -
18th Generation of Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev Sahib Ji Maharaj, Sheikh Zahoor Ahmed 1 2
by dharamyudh- 13 replies
Last reply by dharamyudh, -
- 4 replies
For a very long time now I have been trying to play a shaan on my vaja just like the one Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji Rara Sahib Wale used to play in his diwaans but I find it extremely difficult to do so. I wanted to ask if anyone knows how to or knows anyone that can, or anyone that might be able to play their own by listening to it and then making a video tutorial of it. It's a really hard task, I'm not that experienced with harmonium anyway. By the way there is one guy that I know of that plays the shaan EXACTLY 100% just like Maharaj, he is the son of Bhai Ajit Singh Swindon and sits alongside him and plays it at the beginning of their diwaans. I once approached him a…
Last reply by Piggyslayyer, -
- 5 replies
Sadh Sangat Jee Waheguru jee ka khalsa, Waheguru jee kee fateh __________________________________________________ MIRACLE DURING WORLD WAR II Bhai Ranjit Singh Kaki Pind, Jalandhar In 1964, when some of the holy weapons of Guru Gobind Singh were brought back from England, an Englishman, in complete Sikh form accompanied the weapons. The Englishman was asked by someone the reason for his adopting the Sikh form. Was it due to respect for the weapons or was there any other reason? The explanation given by him at Gurudwara Bangla Sahib is being reproduced for the benefit of the readers. " My name was A. David. I happened to be commanding a Sikh Regiment during World…
Last reply by Singh1989, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Any ideas when the modern version of the Anand Karaj became the norm or where it started from? From my understanding, puratan Sikh weddings consisted of doing Laavan around a Havan. In fact, my great grandmother actually got married according to this custom.
Last reply by Singh1989,