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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2012 in all areas

  1. Bhai Sahib, I have never claimed that Gurbani does not apply to Sikhs. However, Gurbani does not reject itself. When Gurbani rejects Vedas it is because Vedas do not offer unity with Waheguru. When you criticize faults of Sikhs, it is not the fault of Gurbani or its principles but lack of properly following Gurmat. Gurbani is revealed and its power is not selective. Its nature does not change. Just as water clears filth, Gurbani cleanses one’s filth of sins regardless of who practices it. Just like air provides life to everyone, Gurbani provides spiritual awakening to everyone. Just like fire does not change its nature of burning, Gurbani does not change its nature of burning sins. All are welcome to practice it. I refuse to accept any notion that Gurbani practice without any love is fruitless. How can one have true love without practicing Gurbani first? Bhai Vir Singh Ji and Bhai Randhir Singh Ji have written in their books that Naam abhiyaas starts with mechanical repetition using tongue and slowly it starts to go down in throat, then in breaths and eventually submerges into every pore. As mind gets cleaned, it starts to get filled with love. Those who never get serious about achieving Waheguru will never get there but Gurbani practice is never fruitless. I personally started Gurbani practice with a viewpoint of achieving miraculous powers so I could use them for my own benefit. As some miracles started to happen, I started to feel more and more love for Gurbani and I stopped wishing for any worldly things. Of course, I sometimes ask for worldly things but this is not my objective of following Sikhi. Those who remain entangled with materialistic things use up their kamayee and they never make any effort for progress but this is not the fault of Gurbani nor is naam simran wrong. The fault lies with selfish and egoistic attitude of the so-called Sikhs who treat Gurmat like a business. I have seen many who practice Gurmat for some worldly things and when they get them, they stop practicing Gurmat. This proves that Gurbani practice works and it is not fruitless. I understand your point that Sikhs need to shed their worldly thinking and adopt Gurmat in all seriousness. External rehat by itself is fruitless and ritualistic which is why Gurbani does not focus much on it. Any external rehat that has connection with the inner self is approved in Gurmat. This is why Gurbani or Gurmantar repetition even for the sake of worldly achievement does not go wasted. However, the devotee must be making an effort to follow Gurmat properly once he achieves his objectives. If he does not then it is his fault. On the other hand, practice of vedas is purely ritualistic and external. It has no connection to the inner purification whatsoever nor is it fruitful. It keeps one tied to the Brahaminic system which is why it is rejected in its entirety. Gurbani is clear that one can read vedas for four yugs but his inner filth will not be washed away. Gurbani on the other hand does just that because it is revealed and one with Waheguru. I also understand your point about Sikhs being too stuck in their jathas. I have gone through this personally but again only Sikhs are to be blamed for this. Most Sikhs do not understand and follow Gurmat. My advice would be to seek sangat of elder gursikhs. I have found it to be better than sangat of my own age. I have also experienced the fact that more simran you do more sangat will be provided to you. In other words, your sangat will be based on your own avastha. So do more simran so that Guru Sahib puts you in touch with same type of Sikhs. However, I personally feel that you are stuck in some mindset that prevents you from making progress. I could be wrong but your posts sometimes do make it apparent but I rather not write it here and leave it to you to discover it. This jatha mentality is plain garbage and will eventually end. Only Khalsa shall remain. What I write is my understanding and I do not claim to be 100% correct. I am willing to change my mind if proven wrong. After all, learning Gurmat is our goal. Guru Rakha
    3 points
  2. Because Gurbani is not contradictory. Dhur Ki Bani cannot be rejecting its own teachings. Whenever Gurmantar is mentioned, it refers to being obtained from Satguru. It is also referred to as Naam. Whereas mantras of vedas are rejected along with tantra and jantra. You can study Gurbani to find this fact yourself. Gurbani says: ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਦੀਓ ਗੁਰਿ ਮੰਤ੍ਰੁ ॥ ਮਿਟੇ ਵਿਸੂਰੇ ਉਤਰੀ ਚਿੰਤ ॥੨॥ ਗੁਰ ਮੰਤ੍ਰੜਾ ਚਿਤਾਰਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਦੁਖੁ ਨ ਥੀਵਈ ॥੨॥ This means reciting Gurmantar is a mandatory. Sure, Gurmantar is a mantar but it is given by Guru and it is revealed. This is what makes it different. Mantras rejected in Gurbani do not refer to Gurmantar as it will amount to Guru Sahib rejecting His own teaching. Mantras that are rejected are written in Vedas not in Quran and Bible. Gurbani says: ਪੰਡਿਤ ਮੈਲੁ ਨ ਚੁਕਈ ਜੇ ਵੇਦ ਪੜੈ ਜੁਗ ਚਾਰਿ ॥ Filth of mind/sins cannot be washed away by reading Vedas. However, it is washed by Naam. ਭਰੀਐ ਮਤਿ ਪਾਪਾ ਕੈ ਸੰਗਿ ॥ ਓਹੁ ਧੋਪੈ ਨਾਵੈ ਕੈ ਰੰਗਿ ॥ It proves that Naam or Gurmantar has the power that Vedas do not. Vedas are not revealed nor do they have Naam which is only obtained from Satguru. Also, Vedas do not assume a personal God. Different mantras invoke different deities. A bird has no gyan of God and it cannot obtain Naam from Satguru. Attaining God is only possible in human birth. A child doing simran in the womb does not mean it recites Gurmantar. There are different kinds of simran and all are not equal. They have their own benefits but highest of all is Gurmantar. If you still insist that mantras in Vedas are not rejected then provide your evidence. You will be insinuating that Gurbani contradicts itself. Further, it will imply that Guru Gobind Singh Ji rejected the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib. “Tuhi Tuhi” is not a mantar in itself. Guru Nanak Dev Ji became vismaadi by saying “tera tera” but the word itself is not a mantar. So what exactly are you implying? That a bird says tuhi tuhi and cannot attain Waheguru but Guru Gobind Singh Ji said it and obtained immense bliss? Guru Sahib worshipped Waheguru but a bird does not know God. Reciters of Vedas do not know God. Vedas do not even preach monotheism. One needs a priest to recite such mantras and only a selected few are taught their recitation. Once again, read the entire shabad first before jumping to false conclusions. It talks about ritualism and their futility. First line rejects physical suffering, second ritualistic recitation of mantras (not Gurmantar), third rejects breathing techniques and last immolation and applying ashes on the body. All these are empty rituals and external in nature. It is foolish and pure manmat to use a pankti rejecting futile rituals and apply it to Gurmat principles. Missionaries are misusing Gurbani the say way to reject Naam Simran and Amrit Vela. Sikhs these days have stopped doing any veechar of Gurbani and resorted to misusing Gurbani to reject Gurmat while defending falsehood of other religions. This is why panth is not progressing. I cannot spend too much time on arguing over this. You need to study Gurbani first. Bhai Gurdas Ji says: ਧ੍ਰਿਗ ਜਿਹਬਾ ਗੁਰ ਸਬਦ ਵਿਣੁ ਹੋਰ ਮੰਤ੍ਰ ਸਿਮਰਣੀ॥ Fie on that tongue, which remembers mantras other than the Guru-mantra. (Bhai Gurdas, Vaar 27, Pauri 10)
    3 points
  3. Amazing video with a great message. If this video goes viral all over India, imagine what an impact it will have on the psyche of Indians in general. Love how they approached this subject.
    2 points
  4. Fateh.... Once again this issue can be easily resolved by reading our (son much forgotten) rehat maryada. (see abtract taken from: http://www.sgpc.net/rehat_maryada/section_three_chap_five.html CHAPTER V Kirtan (Devotional Hymns Singing by a Group or an Indvidual) Article VI <a name="article6" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: arial; font-size: small; "> a) Only a Sikh may perform Kirtan in a congregation. b) Kirtan means singing the scriptural compositions in traditional musical measures. c) In the congragation, Kirtan only of Gurbani (Guru Granth's or Guru Gobind Singh's hymns) and, for its elaboration, of the compositions of Bhai Gurdas and Bhai Nand Lal, may be performed. d) It is improper, while singing hymns to rhythmic folk tunes or to traditional musical measures, or in team singing, to induct into them improvised and extraneous refrains. Only a line from the hymn should be made a refrain. Hope this clarifies. Fateh .. . .
    2 points
  5. Your problem is that you think supporting here equates whatever you're saying. Quit insulting her by making it out that Singhs are forcing her to keep her kesh. She did it on her own by hukam of Deshmesh Pita.
    2 points
  6. Anyone read the book yet? What's the context of the use of the Sikh family? It seems Rowling has tried to do a good thing but some of our people simply haven't a clue. They probably want the Sikh family in the book to ride around on horses, shouting jakaare and save the day, and then have everyone else in the book convert to Sikhi and live happily ever after. Decent literature is complex, it isn't easy or comfortable at the best of times. Characters need to challenge the reader; sometimes they have to be written in a way which best conveys the intention of the author to make an argument which supports their themes, plot, etc. It doesn't mean every single person in the real world who shares the religion or background of such a character is the same. Rowling talks about the positives of the Sikh faith in terms of gender equality, etc.; God forbid she encounters certain sections of this website. A few hours reading about how some modern-day practitioners of Sikhi differ from the untouchable, pure theory it is SUPPOSED to represent I reckon she'd regret including anything Sikh-related in her book. Again, we seem to be going the way of the stereotypical, irate mullah whenever something like this crops up. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks even the Akal Takhat jathedars are leant upon to make statements on such trivial issues to give Sikhs a bad name in the western world. Yet whenever occurs something which gravely affects the core of Sikhi and Sikh sentiments then it takes them days to utter a word.
    2 points
  7. so wht at least he made an effort.....
    2 points
  8. The tukh quoted simply states that parrot repetition alone of a gurmantar is not what it is all about. There is no point naam japping if your mind is not in it. If it is simplt uttering without any vibration of the shabad within, then you are wasting your time!!!
    2 points
  9. The pankti in Akal Ustat does not condemn Naam jaap of Gurmantar. Gurbani again and again stresses on obtaining Naam and practicing it. It cannot be rejected by Guru Sahib. Gurbani, however, rejects physical external rituals that are empty from within or devoid of any spirituality. Jaap in the pankti refers to uttering mantras of vedas which Hindus recite to attain some type of reward. Certain mantras in the Vedas (especially Rig Veda) are recited for particular purpose and to a particular deity. Indra is the main deity in the Rig Veda but other deities are also invoked by some mantras. These are purely ritualistic. Further, there is no personal God assumed in the Vedas who should be worshipped. No union is sought with God. Hence, Guru Sahib rejected repetition of such mantras because they are devoid of God’s love or prema bhagti. Anytime in Gurbani or Dasam Granth, repetition of mantras is rejected; it refers to Vedas and Hindu mantras. If you read the rest of the shabad, you will realize that it rejects all external rituals like taap (making the body suffer) and sati (immolation) etc. Repetition of Gurmantar is recommended for many reasons. It is obtained from Satguru. It is Naam. It refers to worshipping One Supreme Reality. It makes the devotee God-oriented and purifies the inner-self. Gurmantar is revealed whereas mantras of Vedas are not revelatory. Practicing Gurmantar is the highest of all deeds and it washes away our filth. Those who do not obtain it from Satguru but still recite it will also obtain bliss and experience peace and tranquility. But they will have to practice more and the benefits will be less. They also will not get salvation or union with Waheguru. Guru Rakha
    2 points
  10. i see no turban.........
    2 points
  11. Why are you asking who'd marry one of us? I think we all know the answer so stop shoving it in our faces. We bibiya are completely aware of the hypocrisy of Singhs, but we place our trust in Maharaj- if He wants to find a high avastha Singh for me to marry, then He will. It's as simple as that. OP. The bhagti suggestion is quite insulting. Hirsutism is not a disease as you make it sound, and bhagti doesnt just cause internal changes unless Vaheguru so wills. You make things sound so simple. I have PCOS. I eat healthy, I'm skinny and I exercise. Still I have excess testosterone levels which have caused facial hair; PCOS is unpredictable and your hormone levels can fluctuate throughout your life for unknown reasons. I may take medicine for it, BUT the medicines DO NOT "treat the cause" as you said- you're oversimplifying everything. They will in most cases suppress the symptoms of pcos only. Ultimately, if a bibi is happy without such medication then that's FINE, its her choice. We do not need to be treated like some diseased beings who need the whole panth's help, or even their opinions.
    2 points
  12. Pasting from GurmatBibek forum as written by Bhai Kulbir Singh ji : http://gurmatbibek.c...ead.php?3,24626
    1 point
  13. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=464597163563813&set=a.203577776332421.47229.149735731716626&type=1&theater Please like it it on facebook. Really this made my day. Waheguru. Read the comments as well, it gives me hope and reaffirms that there is something universal that connects us all deep inside - it proves that we're all lost beings until we recognize who we are and what hurdles separate us from realizing ourselves. Waheguru. I bow down to this fearless Kaur and her reply.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. ^^^lol Hey, you already know the language! Give the other kids a chance!
    1 point
  16. How did I guess that veer Consciousness would say that! haha that video isnt even in a gurdwara or anything. there is no disrespect. I dont hear them doing galth parchar or anything. i cant see whats wrong.
    1 point
  17. Bijla Singh Ji, I am not sure why we have to show the beauty of gurbani by putting vedic mantars down. No Puratan samparda's including taksal does that(Sant hari singh ji Randhawale even said in naam jaap video -any mantar could be used to go through stages- baikhari, madhma, para and pasanti bani stage) ..we do go quite low to show gurbani superiority quite frankly singh it makes us look like protestant/anglican not to mention insecure, paranoia and cheap. Gurbani is paras kala agam agad bodh it does not need to put down vedic mantars down to show its superiority. I would expect such attitude from teja singh bhasuaria who tried to remove all sargun references from gurbani so much so much he start branding everything in divinity as its own by modifying vahiguroo mantar to make it look more nirgun and he called all the other mantars in gurbani such as bij mantar- Ongkar as bhraminvaad. I guess he didn't know sidhant of jaap sahib where maharaj clearly has written nirgun cannot be confined in special mantars/tantars. In nirgun there is no roula of my gurmat mantars is higher than yours..there is only gyan but nothing else as consciouness pointed out nirgun is away from shabad. Shabad is part of subtle element in the universe, shabad cease to exist only thing remains is gyan of nirgun. I think thats where we left off the other sargun and nirgun discussion. I think if it was up to teja singh bhausaria he would have branded panj tats elements of universe as gurmat air, gurmat water, gurmat fire, gurmat earth, gurmat ether in insecurity and paranoia. The above tuk from sri akaal ustat even whole pauri for that matter is not targetting vedic mantars or any mantars for that matter but its targetting individual perception of such such mantar being "khas'- wrapping their head around it by doing robotic naam simran without any emotions. Please see attachment for translations done by pandit narian singh ji only teekakar so far of sri dasam guru granth. It fits perfectly for sikhs of today's time as kirpan fits perfectly in miyan. Lot of sikhs will do khandan of gurbani itself ..will go against gurbani by going against other guru ghars mantars- such as ongkar- bij mantar, satnaam- paraporbla mantar,mala mantra, maha mantar- ik ongkar, mool mantar, mala mantar- japji sahib, gayatri mantar-baba deep singh did 125,000 japs of it and call those who did jaap of them (with sharda and prem) as kachai pilae, dhillaie, manmatiya,bhraminvad, devoid of gurmat etc etc. It's not even worth discussing vedic mantars such aum, ram in this discussion because lot don't even have faith in guru ghar mantars themselves to begin with and claims mantars within gurbani such as ongkar-bijmantar, satnaam-parpoorbla, ikongkar-maha mantar, ikongkar satigurparsad-maha vak, mool mantar as bhraminvaad and reject those who did 125,000 jap of mool mantar such as taksali mahapursh to activate ajapa jap.
    1 point
  18. Public enquiry now into the failings of the Police, CPS and Social Services in their negligence to protect 'children' from Pakistani grooming gangs. This should be a Judge led enquiry and ALL participants made to swear under oath. The Police failed to serve and protect. The CPS are meant to prosecute if there is enough evidence and also if a case is in the public interest. The Social Services provided no services to the children. Enough is enough the Police, CPS and Social Services need to be in the dock to answer for their failings. A public apology to Shere Panjab is in order after all they brought the issue up of grooming over a generation ago.
    1 point
  19. Thanks for posting the maryada veer. I won't dis-regard the maryada from sri akaal takth sahib. I am all up for maryada and enforcement through all across the board rather than pick and choose points because it suit our tribal beleifs. Lets first start "enforcing" raag kirtan as traditional measure all across the board as point b) Kirtan means singing the scriptural compositions in traditional musical measures- clearly mentions kirtan has to be sung in raag instead of having up in arms regarding the video above. I am not saying according to maryada you posted above the video right..but lets get to that afterwards as we still have lot of home cleaning to do- why don't we start off with addressing the issue 80% of kirtan in the panth is non raag therefore going contary to maryada.
    1 point
  20. Instead of joining everyone here coming together and supporting this Bibi, you felt the need to create Vaad Vivaad for no reason. If not trying to find faults in this Bibi, you thought "hey, let's finding faults in her supporters". Seriously what do people get by creating Vaad Vivaad? You don't know anyone here personally. You are not an Antarjaami, you don't know what is in the hearts of others. So please do kirpa by not making assumptions about others here. As the saying goes "if you don't know me, then don't judge me".
    1 point
  21. Bhai Sahib, I did not say that you call faults in Gurbani. I simply pointed out the fact that if Sikhs fail to take full advantage of naam simran then it is their fault. But the shabad under discussion rejects the jaap itself which means it cannot apply to Gurmantar. Let’s take a look at it again: ਜਾਪ ਕੇ ਕੀਏ ਤੇ ਜੋ ਪੈ ਪਾਯਤ ਅਜਾਪ ਦੇਵ This means that God cannot be obtained by doing jaap. How can a true Sikh claim that it applies to Gurmantar? It is ridiculous. Let’s assume that a person wants to become one with Waheguru. So what should he do? According to Gurbani, jaap of Gurmantar is fruitful but jaap of mantras of Vedas is fruitless. Jaap of Gurmantar requires one to keep full rehat and adhere to Gurmat principles. One can do jaap of vedas with a view of attaining salvation but he won’t be successful. On the other hand, the same person can do jaap of Gurmantar with same devotion and be successful. So when you point out the fact that Sikhs have made Gurbani practice a business, it is their own fault which is why they are not getting the full results. On the other hand, practice of vedas is fruitless regardless of one’s devotion. If one does not want to attain salvation or union with Waheguru then he will never get it. If he wants some worldly things from Gurbani then that’s what he will get. But practice of vedas will get him nothing. This is what makes Gurbani recitation different because it is fruitful according to one’s wishes. ਗੁਰਮੰਤ੍ਰ ਦਾ ਜਾਪ ਕੀਤਿਆਂ ਪ੍ਰਮਾਤਮਾ ਜਰੂਰ ਮਿਲੇਗਾ ਪਰ ਜੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਦੀ ਇਹ ਭਾਵਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ ਤਾਂ । ਪਰ ਵੇਦ ਮੰਤ੍ਰਾਂ ਦਾ ਜਾਪ ਕੀਤਿਆਂ ਪ੍ਰਮਾਤਮਾ ਕਦੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਮਿਲੇਗਾ ਭਾਂਵੇਂ ਜਿੰਨੀ ਮਰਜੀ ਭਾਵਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ । Therefore, Akal Ustat is not rejecting jaap of Gurmantar because it has the power of uniting with Waheguru. Jaap of Gurmantar starts off with mechanical repetition and eventually it becomes automatic. More of its practice elevates one spiritually but Vedic mantras do not have this power. Those who keep bare minimum rehat do not see the results because they are not doing enough simran. Consider a pure white cloth stained with grease. If one uses a glass of water every day to clean it, it will take him many years to completely clean the cloth. But if one uses buckets of water, the results will come much quicker. This is the difference between some Sikhs doing the bare minimum and not seeing results and some constantly engaged in simran and become pooran Gursikhs. Doing 7 banis is the minimum and like using a glass of water. While it does do its part of cleaning the mind, it is not enough to wash off filth of countless births. Those who want only worldly things use up their kamayee and those who practice Gurbani every day but don’t keep rehat are accumulating filth at the same time. The key is to keep rehat and then do simran. It is most fruitful this way. We both agree that Gurbani has its power and is always fruitful. It all depends on one’s mindset. Then how can the rejection of Akal Ustat apply to Gurmantar jaap. I agree it can be applied to Sikhs but not to the practice of Gurmantar jaap itself. Vedas have no power and keep people entangled in maya regardless of one’s wishes. This is why comparing Gurbani with Vedas is wrong and Gurbani rejection of mantar, tantar and jantar does not apply to Gurbani itself but to Vedas and Hindu rituals. Its application can be applied to Sikhs doing wrong things under the name of naam simran but naam simran itself can never be wrong. Hence, mechanically repeating Gurmantar while keeping all rehat is fully endorsed by Gurbani. I can post myriads of panktis if one requests. Guru Rakha
    1 point
  22. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan sang Gurbani. Don't see anyone complaining about him
    1 point
  23. Sikhs who criticize her and her supporters are just doing so to justify their own weaknesses and hide their insecurities.
    1 point
  24. Makkar, Badal and Co could make the Sikhs look very stupid here if the book is actually talking up Sikhs. The book is going to sell in millions due to JK Rowlings Harry Potter series and any wrong statements from the Sikhs will get a lot of negative publicity.i.e Like the Salman Rushdie Fatwah from Iran. As people have stated the main problems and threats facing the Sikhs are not even mentioned by Makkar and Badal, so is this a deliberate attempt by their employers to make Sikhs look bad world wide?
    1 point
  25. Besharam. They don't care if people are dying of hunger, need medicine and need Sikhi parchar in Punjab, but if a book comes out that they don't understand the depth behind they try to get some PR by saying "haaaaaan jiiii assiiii taaaaan eeeehss boooook nu condemnn kardee aahh!!!!" Act karde jivein book condemn karke ik vadi jang lardke agaye... -.- My thoughts exactly when seeing the article.
    1 point
  26. Any mantra/ repetition (tuhee in the case of the tuk) of any word is time bound this also applies when saying waheguru in the mind or out loud. The Gurmat way is to discover the anhad shabad, which is always there for everyone regardless of religion (na roop na rang na rekh etc). Anhad shabad is not a sound or word it is the ajap, which would apply to the tuk you posted earlier. ਜਾਪ ਕੇ ਕੀਏ ਤੇ ਜੋ ਪੈ ਪਾਯਤ ਅਜਾਪ ਦੇਵ ਪੂਦਨਾ ਸਦੀਵ ਤੁਹੀਂ ਤੁਹੀਂ ਉਚਰਤ ਹੈਂ ॥ One who discovers this anhad shabad will discover the Lord there will be no death, amrit is found here and death to the shabad occurs. But one who hasn't found the nirgun quality of the shabad has not found naam. Some people limit naam so much that they only call repeating waheguru with 'love' naam but this is incorrect. They also say that it removes the sins and over time you'll become sinless. This is wrong Naam is so powerful that it removes all sins instantly and you become one with God. If you are doing naam and haven't realised the Lord then it is not the 'right' naam. More shabad veechar needs to be done. When you discover anhad shabad (unstruck/ No shabad) you'll be the Lord himself - no sin or anything can touch you. This occurs instantly beyond time. Gurbani is 100% correct. Naam in gurbani means God himself there is a big difference between someone reciting God's name and God himself. ir hir nwmu jpy AwrwDy ivic AgnI hir jip jIivAw ] har har naam japaeaaraadhhae vich aganee har jap jeeviaa || Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and meditating on it within the fire of the womb, your life is sustained by dwelling on the Naam. The naam here is clearly Gurmat naam i.e. anhad shabad, which is the Lord himself. Not a repetition of his name- because a baby cannot repeat God's name. NAAM in gurbani is the highest - it never implies to something else other than god. The same naam the baby has that has been forgotten needs to be discovered again.
    1 point
  27. Beautifully written and thanks for sharing your personal experience and advice.
    1 point
  28. Salam Bibi Ji, is there any reason you actually reveal the name of your sikh boyfreind on the forum while hiding yours ? I am curious to know.
    1 point
  29. Boy, are we desperate for some positive media coverage or what!
    1 point
  30. i noticed this too, Sikhi is coming thru on bigscale now, and it feels sooo good, but a shame its coming out the wrong way, from the killings and lives going...I think Sikhi is going to be recognised more now, and people will start looking towards sikhi ways and wanting to become like that, as how long can technology, fashion, being cool, money, paisaa paisaaa, go on for? People will get bored and fed up that they will want to come into Sikhi or learn more about it...and go back to the old days ways of living.
    1 point
  31. Sounds silly but try communicating with your parents more, you'll be amazed at how much you pick up. Eventually you'll even start thinking in punjabi instead of english lol you'll be like how do you say x word in english might sound silly now but watch it happen. Also make it a "rule" at home that no matter what only punjabi is spoken, yes you'll struggle first but later it'll become natural. English isn't our first language in most cases but look how we picked it up as youngsters same way if punjabi is spoken around us regardless of understanding the language you'll pick it up over time. Best of luck little bro
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh, Veerjeo you don't need to buy premium membership for downloading any book, not for the ones that are on Sikhsangat's Scribd page at least. Just create a free account there and download whatever you want :happy2: i've also uploaded above books on Google Docs in case you're unable to download from Scribd for some reason jeo 1. Colloquial Panjabi - https://docs.google....dW91ekVwZWhMV28 2. Introduction to Punjabi Language - https://docs.google....cnJWWlhHLTc0TUU 3. Punjabi Primer - https://docs.google....S1pZZndiY2V0b1k 4. Punjabi Reader Level 1 - https://docs.google....QWo5ejNPTlVteEk 5. Punjabi Reader Level 2 - https://docs.google....ZTJiMmJNVmlBRnM Dhanvaad! :happy2: Gurfateh!
    1 point
  34. Maybe you're in luck?? I've had a bit of experience teaching a nonPanjabi speaking relative Panjabi/Gurmukhi , although the focus has been on the alphabet rather than speaking (so far). I've also got a best friend who is an esol teacher whose shown me good strategies for teaching languages. I presume that you must have some basic vocabulary (i.e. you probably know at least a few Panjabi words), which gives you an advantage. You also have everyday access to fluent Panjabi speakers which is a BIG PLUS. You're probably struggling most with syntax - or the order of words in a sentence at this stage? So focus on that Here goes: First things first - Fall in love with the idea of you speaking/reading/writing Panjabi. You must REALLY want it, from deep within yourself. At the very start acknowledge that there will be times that you will have ups and downs - and that you will persevere regardless of these. So lets jump right in!! We are going to start by having you learn about 15/20 words. Learn them 5 a week if needed, but LEARN THEM PROPERLY, so they are committed to your mind. To teach you the basic syntax (i.e. order of words in a sentence), let's focus on kitchen related stuff. So here are your word lists: Objects: Chah - tea Pani - water Dudh - milk Kursee - chair Pateela - pot Doing actions/verbs: Rakh - place/put Paa - pour/place Khaa - eat Pee - drink Baet - sit Sit - throw Positions: Vich - in Naal - with/alongside of Uppur or Utey - on top of/over Haitaan/Thullay - beneath/below/under Pichay - behind Once you know these, words we can start putting them together in sentences. Learning them shouldn't take you long. Get help from your family if needed.
    1 point
  35. I'm speechless. Wish I had her inner strength.
    1 point
  36. This is a VERY, VERY important point. Also, Sikhs should be aware that they might mix a few non-Panthic Singhs to get arrested to show them off as being panthic. While most of the people being arrested are panthic, just to attack Sikhs in a psychological method, they probably add a few non-Panthic sold out Sikhs that they tip off before hand.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Don't listen to people if they don't know the whole situation. Given if it was an accident, then you should forgive him as Sikhs are humble and aren't blindly proud of their own identity, but instead honor and actions that define the identity. If it was on purpose, get a few Sikh friends and approach him saying you want to talk to him in a a respectful but firm manner and say you want to clear up what happened that day to ensure it doesn't happen again. If it was on accident, falling of the dastar during sports activities is unpleasant and should be avoided, but if it happens despite all precautions you've taken then what can you do?
    1 point
  39. Speak for yourself, mate. :biggrin2: Just kidding... I'm not a frequenter of Sachkhand as you might be able to tell from my posts.
    1 point
  40. If Krishna isn't in Sachkhand then he must be in one of the other realms, therefore does that mean he is stuck in Churasi Lakh Joon? I remember reading that someone can only escape the cycle of life and death when Sachkhand is reached. Oh my.....it can't be.....he can't be......SACHIN TENDULKAR.....can he??!? It makes sense! Tendulkar is worshipped like a deity in India! Oh how the pieces have fallen together! No wonder Tendulkar has a handy swing when he's really an incarnation of Vishnu. A bit of a cheater if you ask me.
    1 point
  41. Veerji, you are purposefully misinterpreting Sant Gurbachan Singh Jee. Listen to 1:18 of that video where Sant Gurbachan Singh Jee is clearly saying that Namdev, Kabir Jee got Mukti by the Kirpa of Guru Nanak Dev Jee! Sant Jee is not basing his story on Giani Gian Singh. If you can understand basic Punjabi, he is saying Giani Gian Singh "ALSO WRITES"(Giani Gian Singh ne vi likhya hai) meaning he is using that to further strengthen HIS point that the Bhagats were Sikhs of Guru Nanak Dev Jee. Now if this statement of Sant Jee is going to offend Kabir Panthis or Ravidasias I could care less. Sant Gurbachan Singh Jee was a pooran Mahapurkh who didn't care about being PC. We are not even 1% equal to his vidya. If you want to continue with your new age Max arthur macouliff influenced beliefs then by all means continue. I am personally happy believing in Puraatan Sikhi.
    1 point
  42. Veerji, please listen to that video carefully, there is no talk of reincarnation of the Bhagats or something else. Sant Gurbachan Singh Bhindranwalay are clearly saying that Ramanand and the other bhagats got the sikhya of Nirgun Sargun etka only after meeting with Guru Nanak Dev Jee. If you still choose to not listen to Sant Jee and instead misinterpret his words as you did in the Sri Chand thread than not much more can be said. But fact remains that the Bhagats Sahibaan were Bhagats of Satgur Nanak Dev Jee.
    1 point
  43. Listen to this N30 Singh Jee and Chatanga Jee Sant Gurbachan Singh Jee Bhindranwalay is saying that all the Bhagats whose bani is in SGGSJ met and became Sikhs of Guru Nanak Dev Jee! Now are you going to say Sant Jee is also protestant or Bhasouria?? Sabh te vadda Satgur Nanak!!!!
    1 point
  44. If you read dasam granth sahib Guru sahib gives a message that offspring of king Rama indulged in war over material possesions and finally were destroyed and left with only 20 villages. Though Guru Nanak sahib was from same dynasty( Dyansty does not mean family), he gavea message of meditation to his followers and his followers are flourshing. So the message is clear that caste has no significance.It is to follow path shown by Guru sahiban.
    1 point
  45. Has been discussed before and Gurbani tells us that Krishna could not escape Kaal. Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh ji Maharaj in his Katha of Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj says a Sikh needs to escape Krishna. Many of these new generation Sikhs are confused and can`t find the balance here. So they end up making some loud comments that hold no truth and then end up worshipping at Devis and Devta feet. They read Shiv in Gurbani and they end up bowing at Shiva feet. They lack the understanding of Gurbani on this complex topic.
    1 point
  46. Singho read this if you are offended by the video. The Singh clears up why he made the video and what his message is with the video. Why make this video? Firstly, because it's funny. The Sikh community takes itself too seriously sometimes. It should take itself seriously. It really should. But, to what extent? The Khalsa Panth is the ultimate brotherhood. Amrit is thicker than blood, yeah? And there are few healthy brotherhoods in this world that survive without humour. Granted, insane Gurmukhs can be beyond that. Unfortunately, we're not all insane Gurmukhs, and things like humour solidify and keep us aware of that brotherhood. Jathebandhis are not our brotherhoods. I can't stress this enough. That being said, I love various Jathebandhis and think that each of them brings something unique and beautiful to the Panth. I do not think the best way to live is without Jathebandhis. But, Jathebandhis aren't our brotherhoods. The Panth is our brotherhood. Nothing is greater than that. Jathebandhis are simply our personal feelings in that brotherhood. If two brothers in a family are PC users, and two Mac users, it doesn't mean that one pair are any more brothers than the other two. They're all still brothers at the end of the day. So yes! Live a little! Laugh! Let's not separate our fun from Sikhi. Let's realize that Sikhi IS our fun, or else we wouldn't be living it. A lot of people got that, though. A lot of people realized we should be able to laugh and find humour in our own existence. The thing that bothered me about the positive reception was that many people found humour in other representation of other Jathebandhis, but not their own. There were Singhs that said to me "The video was great, but you were a little harsh on the [insert Jathebandhi of Singh here]." Before I go further, let's do a little character analysis. There were four characters: The Taksali, The Akhand Keertanee, The Nihang, and The Missionary. First thing I'd like to point out is that I could have easily gotten four different people to act out these parts. Indeed, it would have made my job easier. I prefer to be behind the camera, anyway. Getting one person (myself) to represent all four characters was not only convenient, but a conscious choice. Asides from the Missionary because the get up was a tad more theatrical than the others as it was open to more interpretation, I think that if it was the first time anyone had seen me in any of those different variations of baanaa, I would have looked like any one of those Jathebandhis. That's all it was. Same person, different outfit. That's all I had to do to belong to a different group of people. The only thing that differentiated the characters asides from their actions, was their clothing. They were literally all the same person. There are two main ways to live, I've found. You can either live by your definition of yourself, or you can live and let yourself be defined. Fanboys, I think, live by their definitions of themselves. They set their limitations and parameters and act within them. Now, back to people laughing at others and not themselves. When writing and editing this skit, I consciously tried to group similar action of different Jathebandhis together. That way, if one ever found oneself laughing at the other Jathebandhis but not their own, all they had to do was look at the clips of their own Jatha surrounding the clips they found humourous. They would realize that what they were ridiculing of others, was parallel to exactly what others were ridiculing of them. Some people went to the extent of being offended by the video, and letting me know about it. More power to them. I'm happy that they had the passion to stand up for what they felt was righteous. What bothered me though was that no one ever stood up for a Jathebandhi that wasn't their own. No Taksali felt that I went too far on the AKJ humour, no AKJ felt I gave the Nihangs too hard of a time, so on and so forth. If someone was offended, it's because I went too far on their own Jathebandhi. AND OBVIOUSLY I HAD A SECRET AGENDA AGAINST THEIR JATHA, RIGHT?!?! I tried to show the overarching ridiculousness by the inclusion of the Missionary character. That character was by and far the most ridiculous, and that wasn't simply for humour's sake (WHAT?! THERE WERE OTHER REASONS?! HOEE NEE SAKDAA! I so fahnee). The attitude of the Missionary character on the "hoee nee sakdaa" lines was stubborn and ridiculous. That was simply a universal truth. The Missionary character was not really a Missionary character at all. Missionaries vary greatly across the spectrum, just like other Jathebandhis, in what they believe and their approach towards Sikhi. The Missionary character should really be labeled the Skeptic. I figured everyone, regardless of their personal beliefs, could see the ridiculousness of that character. What I wanted to show was that while that character was saying the most ridiculousness, the driving force behind it was simply as ridiculous as the other characters. Just because we may agree more so with what the other characters were doing, doesn't mean their intention was any better. I think the only thing left to cover is what the characters actually did. For the MOST PART, no one was doing anything wrong. It was just the obviously showy approach they were all taking towards what they were doing that made it all humourous. Keeping sucham like the Taksali character is a great thing. To keep ultimate cleanliness because you're constantly serving humanity, and you're keeping your mind that your body is the house of your soul which is a part of Parmatma, and that you want everything to be absolutely perfect for the King of Kings Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Maharaj is a phenomenally wonderful concept. The problem becomes when you're stopping yourself from doing seva because it may make you unclean. The problem becomes when you're more obsessed about getting clean enough to go into darbar, rather than seeing your Guru. Having an undying love for keertan like the Akhand Keertanee character is a beautiful thing. Gurbani keertan is the most supreme force in this world. The problem is when you become more obsessed with which keertanees are doing the keertan, rather than the Gurbani that is being recited. Living an awesomely mastana jeevan like a Nihang Singh because you've sold your life to Guru Sahib is absolutely amazing. The problem is when you become more concerned with learning the longest jakara possible, instead learning the most amount of bani. Being constantly aware of external attacks on Sikhi and having enough faith in your Guru that you're willing to question everything in the world like the Missionary is extremely admirable. The problem is when you lose the faith in your Guru, and place the faith in your own mind. These actions are really the ultimate manifestation of love. The acts themselves are not righteous. They driving forces behind them make them what they are. If that wasn't true, this wouldn't be a comedy video. I have been blessed over the years with a wide variety of sangat. I also have the privilege of living in BC, where Jathebandhi lines are so blurred that they barely exist. That's the only reason I felt comfortable with my intent in making this video. If I felt that any part of this video was malicious or irresponsible, I probably wouldn't have been able to bring myself to post it. That's another thing I quickly wanted to touch on. After I made this video (but not as a result of), there was a sudden rise in Sikh-related humour on Facebook with the creation of the pages "Sikh Memes," "Singh Memes," and "Khalsa Memes." I was PUMPED about this. I thought it was going to be a further promotion of this "let us laugh at ourselves" mentality. But what I saw was horrible and hurtful. People weren't making fun of themselves, but others. And when there is a sense of "other" how can there be One God? I was very turned off after seeing the kind of garbage people were posting on those pages. It was filled with carelessness and malicious attacks. Humour isn't to harm, it's to project and promote positivity. I really hope that in the future, there will be a greater attention paid to intent when we discuss Sikh humour. What you're really seeing in this video asides from my critique of fanboys, is a critique of myself. The ultimate fanboy. I'm the guy that washes his feet in the sink when there's nowhere else to do it! I'm the guy that memorizes the long jakaray! I'm the guy that considers his own belief system superior to everyone else's! And if you don't believe that, you DEFINITELY better believe that I'm the guy that runs home to listen to Dulla Jee on the broadcast! So here I stand in front of you. Begging you to see past the seeming facetiousness and look at the actual intent. If you enjoyed the video before, please enjoy it responsibly now. That's right. I just turned this into Sikh alcohol. Wow. That took a while to write. I hope that it doesn't all go in vain. Peace and love.
    1 point
  47. I have a puratan kirpan from about 1920s which came with a worn out leather mian and leather gatra.
    1 point
  48. well in Maharaj jis time all the hilts (myaaans) were made out of leather and wood combo - u can still see the leather on Guru Gobind Singh jis shield at anandpur sahib!
    1 point
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