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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2013 in Posts

  1. She is just one of the Punjab 'artist' that have degraded the culture of Punjab to filth, the whole lot need to think about what they do and say. Even the older artists glorifying drinking Sharab and equating it to the Punjab like Gurdas Mann and Dharminder sons , smoking and carrying out immoral acts in films. The makers of Sadda Haq were told there was no market for a film that covered serious issues and that Punjabis only liked the nonsense films that are produced. How wrong they were. I am not against good films and songs , but degenerate lyrics and mocking Sikhs by alleged 'Sikhs' are not on. Its sad that 'Hard Kaurs' father was murdered by a Hindu mob in the 1984 Genocide in the Indian City of Kanpur. She should know better It would be good if the current awareness encourages some intelligent culture from the Punjabi community.
    4 points
  2. When a Sikh, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain and to a lesser extent Christian, Jew becomes really religious rehit wise he usually becomes a good person. But the more religious a Muslim becomes the more hateful of non Muslims he becomes. I don't know why. I've interacted with plenty of Muslims who are nice people. But usually they are always non religious types of Muslims.
    3 points
  3. Please try to find time to for your creative side. Otherwise you will lose that touch.
    3 points
  4. What she did and said is without a doubt 100% wrong and I am not condoning it in any way, but I just looked at the comments on her Facebook apology status and so many disgusting comments have been left by people who have 'Singh' in their name. There are many ways to get your opinion across but since when do two wrongs make a right? There are 'Singhs' on Facebook using the most foul swear words, writing immoral things about her mother (and what they would do to her mother), someone (not a Singh) condoning the fact that Hard Kaur's ex-husband was physically abusive to her (that's never acceptable no matter the woman is like). One Singh suggested smashing up her mum's shop in Birmingham. What a joke. What Hard Kaur did and said is gravely wrong, and a public apology on Facebook is not enough for her to wash her hands of this matter. But by people using the most vile swear words and talking in a derogatory way about her and her mother, she is not going to learn anything or repent. As a girl, it's so shameful to read some of the comments these Singhs have left. All of us have mothers, sisters, daughters and just think if they made a mistake we would still not want anyone to talk down to them like that. Instead we would explain the error of their ways to them with love and humility. Another thing is that nowadays when anything happens, it's funny how Joe Public becomes judge and jury of everything. Leave the judging and punishment-giving up to Guru Ji, for only he is worthy of this. As an aside, in the Bible it mentions "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" in reference to the story that a woman who committed adultery was sentenced to death by stoning and Jesus said whoever has not sinned shall cast the first stone and of course all those people present were, in some way or another, sinners and Christians believe it is only Jesus who is free from sin, so only he is worthy to cast the first stone. But he didn't and the woman was forgiven after she repented. Let's not turn this into a debate about Christianity or Jesus, as I follow neither path except the true path of Sikhi, I just wanted to back up the point I was making. Forget that this is a Christian story and just contemplate on the moral of the story, as this moral is applicable to people of all faiths and all mankind. Below are similar references from Gurbani. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, ang 61: ਭੁਲਣ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਸਭੁ ਕੋ ਅਭੁਲੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਕਰਤਾਰੁ ॥ Bhulan Andhar Sabh Ko Abhul Guroo Karathaar || Everyone makes mistakes; only the Guru and the Creator are infallible. Bhagat Ravidas Ji, ang 93: ਜਉ ਪੈ ਹਮ ਨ ਪਾਪ ਕਰੰਤਾ ਅਹੇ ਅਨੰਤਾ ॥ Jo Pai Ham N Paap Karanthaa Ahae Ananthaa || If I did not commit any sins, O Infinite Lord, ਪਤਿਤ ਪਾਵਨ ਨਾਮੁ ਕੈਸੇ ਹੁੰਤਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ Pathith Paavan Naam Kaisae Hunthaa ||1|| Rehaao || How would You have acquired the name, 'Redeemer of sinners'? ||1||Pause||
    2 points
  5. My friend, you're not the only person who has seen India. I've literally been all over India from north south east and west. Seen plenty of Hindu men named Singh, but no Hindu women named Kaur yet you claim there are more Hindu kaurs than Sikh Kaurs. As for Hard Kaur. This is not even her real name. Her name is Taran Dhillon. She only uses this alias because it sounds similar to "Hardcore". If a person is going to use Kaur as she does, the least she could do is not insult Sikhi.
    2 points
  6. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa !!Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh !! Waheguru Ji - a sort sakhi One day Guru Gobind Singh Ji maharaj asked for his horse which was duly brought from the stables. The Sikhs gathered around as Guru Ji checked the horse. Guru Ji grabbed the reigns of the hose ready to mount. Guru Ji said "Can any Sikh recite Guru Granth Sahib Ji before I sit on the horse?" The Sikhs looked around in puzzlement, how can you recite the whole of Guru Granth Sahib Ji in the time it takes to get up and sit on a horse. Guru Ji put his charan on the stirrup and was ready to mount the horse "Can anyone recite Guru Granth Sahib Ji before I get up and sit on Neela?" One Sikh stepped forward, with folded hands he said "Sahib Ji with your grace I will try" As Guru Ji mounted the horse the Sikh said "Ek-oan-kaar" and Guru Ji sat on the horse. Sahib Ji was very pleased and blessed the Singh. "You have understood the essence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji," the whole of the granth is an expansion of this fundemental Sikh concept. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa !!Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh !!
    1 point
  7. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Guru Roop Sangat Jeo, Bhai Gurinder Singh Mann Ji [uK] have done wonderful seva of formatting all the five articles on Sri Charitropakhyan into one beautiful file. Kindly download the attached pdf and please, please, please have a read and/or distribute it around. We need awareness in the panth.. please lets all play our role, no matter how big or small, in defending the honour of our Sri Guruji's pious Bani. Thanks! Gurfateh! SriCharitropakhyan.pdf Useful Links: http://www.sridasamgranth.com http://www.sridasam.org http://www.patshahi10.org http://www.searchgurbani.com http://www.nihangsingh.org http://www.santsipahi.org http://sikh-reality.blogspot.com http://sikhscriptures2english.blogspot.com http://khojee.wordpress.com http://www.scribd.com/khojee-wordpress-com http://www.scribd.com/mokhamsingh http://www.scribd.com/_pjs_ http://www.ik13.com
    1 point
  8. https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/hard-kaur-real-name-taran-dhillon-remove-the-suffix-kaur-from-her-stage-name?utm_campaign=share_button_action_box&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsaa Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh, Taran Dhillon, allegedly India's first Female Indian Rapper has been using the suffix of 'Kaur' to her chosen stage name of "Hard-Kaur" for many years and it has been a great shame that she has not been stopped, reprimanded or educated of the deep sacrilege she is performing. "Hard-Kaur" is a pathetic and foolish pun of the term 'hardcore' which can refer to a genre of music, wrestling or even pornography. Although everyone is free to pursue the path they wish and we do not intend to preach to 'Taran Dhillon', it should not be for anyone's liberty to denigrate religious terms and values so grossly. In the Sikh faith the term "Kaur" represents the elated and unique position of the female in the Khalsa Panth. The Sikh Guru's came into the world at a time of great social darkness and brought with them the illuminating force of truth which after centuries of suppression voiced for the rights and opportunities for of all humanity, including women. The Tenth Guru (Enlightener, Master) Sri Guru Gobind Singh created the Khalsa as an order of 'Saint-Soldiers' to combat the vices of the mind as a saint and to defend and uphold the dignity of righteousness as a soldier. Men and women were included into this order indiscriminately, and even the women of the Guru's own family became initiates of the Khalsa. The Guru blessed the adherents of the code of the Khalsa with the suffixes of Singh (for males) and Kaur (for females), eradicating the notion of caste which was contained in the ancestral surnames of the people of India. Kaur means "Princess" and is reserved for the practising and progressing female members of the Sikh faith. It is of great insult that Taran Dhillon who represents and encourages nearly everything that the faith opposes uses this great blessing as part of her stage name. Her shameful behaviour has been highlighted in the Media in recent days where she has been accused of insulting Sri Guru Gobind Singh, mocking the unshorn hair of a Sikh and using foul language which degenerative to womankind. Her music encourages alcoholism and many other social vices which clearly oppose Sikh Ethos. We urge all Sikhs across the globe to sign this petition to raise awareness and demonstrate our disgust at Taran Dhillon who through no means is capable of being referred to as "Kaur". We hope she changes her stage name as soon as possible before the sentiments of the sangat are hurt further, at which stage no one can be held accountable for the consequences. The way she sings, dresses etc is all entirely her choice however the suffix of Kaur belongs to the PANTH and its misuse will not be tolerated. Kaur - ਉਸ ਸਿੰਘਣੀ ਦੀ ਉਪਾਧਿ, ਜਿਸ ਨੇ ਖੰਡੇ ਦਾ ਅਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਛਕਿਆ ਹੈ, ਜੈਸੇ ਪੁਰਖ ਦੇ ਨਾਉਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਿੰਘ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਤੈਸੇ ਸਿੰਘਣੀ ਦੇ ਨਾਉਂ ਨਾਲ ਕੌਰ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਲਾਈਦਾ ਹੈ. ਅਸਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਹ ਸ਼ਬਦ "ਕੁੰਵਿਰ" (ਕੌਰਿ)¹ਹੈ (Mahaan Kosh, Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha)
    1 point
  9. To leave or not to leave, to stay or not to stay. A question which confounded even good old Plato.
    1 point
  10. Generally true but not all muslims become bad after becoming religious it depends what strand of Islam someone is brainwashed into or gets self radicalised into. waaahabi, salafi and sunni are the worst type of muslims and sects of islam that anyone can follow.....they generally tend to give all of islam and muslims a bad name by thinking, acting and behaving like animals due to following the sunnah (which are derived from hadiths stating 3rd hand sayings and traditions of muhammad) literally. shia, sufi, isamali and ahmediya tend to keep themselves to themselves can co-exist with non-muslims relatively well and not harass others to join their religion. Surprisingly the western governments and their secretive military agencies are tolerating and supporting the worst type of muslims to use against the shia majority countries we can see what they done in libya against gadaffi, what they doing in syria against asad, against iran while in bed with salafi wahaabi saudis, sunni bahrani's, sunni omani's, etc. Which shows hows messed up and corrupt the capitalist rothschild zionest run banking financed system is. They create the frankeinstein monster then use that Frankenstein monster to destablise "3rd world non-western regime" nations and take over their lands wealth by putting in their puppet leaders. They did the same thing in India using India kings and their armies to oppress and destory each others kingdoms then the kings oppressed their own people so that the british could rule by proxy.....and to this day this system is in place but run more covertly under freemaonic commonwealth and other secret societies using the guise of democracy.
    1 point
  11. No we're not arguing my friend. I'd genuinely like to know the truth. And so too, I suspect, would the British Home Office. I would suggest then we do 3 things to show people that make abusive comments about Guru ji how we have many ways of dealing with them....and...we will deal with them : 1) Bombard the Home Office with letters and messages informing them of the immigration fraud that has taken place and reminding them that it is their duty to prosecute those that lied during the immigration process. 2) As hard core regularly performs in Dubai and Dubai has the harshest punishment on earth for drug possession, we should send letters to the Dubai authorities getting them ready for her next visit. 3) Let the Sikh organisations in Punjab know that we demand they carry on with their criminal prosecution of hard core and not accept the lame half-hearted apology she made. Drug addicts sometimes think they are invincible, particularly when they've engaged in a cetain behaviour for many years without any comeback. One day though, their whole world comes crashing down. Hard core's moment of abusing Sikhs and our Guru wil be her epiphany moment. It will become the moment she was brought back down to reality from her high and forced to explain the deeds she has done in life.
    1 point
  12. I have lived in many different states of India..... Excluding punjab.... But I have never seen any non sikh having kaur surname.. Once when I was awarded for best artist by state government...my name was highlighted in news paper..... Instead of mentioning Gurpreet kaur they did mistake of mentioning Gurpreet Gaur..... GAUR IS HINDU SURNAME....BUT KAUR NOPES....
    1 point
  13. I have lots o Jatt / Rajput friends who use Singh as middle-name, but yet to find a female from any non-Sikh community who use "Kaur" as middle-name, and I have travelled and lived in India from NORTH TO SOUTH, WEST TO EAST. But, I believe the topic of discussion is Hard-Core. I am new to this topic, is there a Video of what all she did???
    1 point
  14. I think we both may have missed her point. I thought she was calling me "papa."
    1 point
  15. true, but I blame her parents for her upbringing, they should have given her some ਸ਼ਿੱਤਰ when she was a child.
    1 point
  16. When I was studying for A-levels, I was putting in around 12 hours per day in three hour chunks. Exam technique is important and you need to practice this skill. Do not let nerves get the best of you. Before even touching the paper, I would recite mool mantar paath. When doing the exam, the first thing I did was look through the whole paper to make sure there were no nasty surprises and it allowed me to focus my time appropriately eg spend more time on sections with higher marks. The second thing I would do is do all the easy questions that I could answer quickly. If there were any essay/lengthy answer sections, I'd make an essay plan of things I wanted to cover before writing so I didn't get writers block. If there were any times when I got stuck, I'd close my eyes for a few seconds, recite Waheguru a few times and then have another look at the question. Finally, I would spend the last 15-20 mins of an exam reading through my answers, making sure I filled the appropriate sections, didn't make any silly mistakes or miss out and questions. You can only give your best. An exam is an artificial condition and you need to practice this stuff. In my 12-hour revision sessions, I would sit three exams and mark them (took 3h each) and then spend 3h looking at what I did right/wrong and then made sure I learnt it. Good exam technique will help you through life.
    1 point
  17. Gurpreet, I would suggest you to start reading deeper into Sikhi. You are in the phase where you learn alot but superficially, mostly what is generally thought but not necessarily true. Such as 'Sikhi teaches all religions lead to god' (No, not true ) 'Hindu and Muslim Bhagats Bani is contained in SGGS'. And many such other things. First thing, always remember 'Panth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji is same as that of Guru Gobind Singh Ji'. No teaching of the other 9 Gurus was either contradictory or new to the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. I am saying this because I saw you say 'starting from Guru Arjan Dev ji....till now sikhs have given many shaheedis....." Tradition of Shahadat goes back to the times of Guru Nanak too. I was at the same stage at your age... Waheguru willing you will discover more and more and realise that Sikhi is the only beautiful, unflawed and logical path.
    1 point
  18. Everyone should watch three stages of Jihad..!! It will open your eyes..actually don't mind Sufism or Shia sect in Islam flourishing as they are more attached to marfat and hakikat(mystic) level of the dharam but not hostile/anti social cults like sharia sunnis, wahabis.. 70% of islam is full of fascist sunni ideology..sooner sunni idealogy is uprooted better it is for humanity. Guru Maharaj and Sikhi have always stood against fascist Aurangzeb type sharia islam....!!!!
    1 point
  19. I take a different approach to this matter. We have every right to be offended by her childish/offensive act but lets seek clarification on her intent- may be she was under influence of drugs..Lets try to see this from all angles. Even worst criminal on this planet deserve a fair trial, deserve to give their side and besides our own sikh faith have classic examples in our history -shows an potential of sinner turned saint even goodness takes over..worst sinners becoming saints by guru maharaj grace- kauda rakshash (cannibal demon), sajjan thug (theif), gangka papan (past /former kanjirir turned into saint). We need to practice more restraint and be more collective, grounded, focused, calm in our response when pursuing such matters , not just because its politically correct thing to do but our whole faith founded on first principle of "dya" - compassion, here in this thread sadly we have shown anything but dya there are already calls to beat her, hoping she goes to narak etc. If her intent are malicious and she compared sri guru gobind singh ji with someone to offend, she will get her share of bad karams, she will pay for it in her unique way but vahiguroo ji is not only garab gajinan (destroyer of ego and destroyer of sinner but also embodiment of dya- compassion) if offender repents and feel remorse for her actions she will forgiven in maharaj darbar as Guru Sada Bakshanda hai !! Sure we can pursue legal means if worst comes to worst but first thing to do is to seek this matter sensibly to find out her intent and try her to integrate back into our sikh society. And those who call her w hore , kanjiri and other labels just remember this, when tables are turned- we are all w hores in our own way when we seek worldly materials over guru maharaj love, bhagti-naam, gyan and seva..!!
    1 point
  20. She is writing her own bad karma, she will hurt herself.
    1 point
  21. She is filled with haumai... What she said about Dashmesh Pita was wrong and actions should be taken against her.. :pissed: As far as hurting Sikhs in her concert, I think she did good.. If you are Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh and you have darha prakash and then you go these filthy concerts, you are entitled to be humiliated.... Bhul chuk Maar Karnaji
    1 point
  22. Her father was a proper Sikh who was killed by Hindus in India. After he died she and her mother came to England and managed to get citizenship on the back of the fact that their lives as Sikhs were not safe in Hindu India. As soon as mother and daughter got British citizenship they showed their true colours. So you , me everybody.....absolutely everybody...has been taken for a ride by Hard Kaur. We, the British Sikhs.....the British govt....and now the Indians. The woman is besharm personified. And....as she can never be regarded as a British Sikh or even Punjabi because she isn't in any sense of the word, she is actually a good example of the state of Punjabis in India these days. Their morals and ethics are nothing like the established Sikhs of the UK, Canada or America. Like I said before, lets hope this FIR arrest request is carried through.
    1 point
  23. By that logic Punjabi Sikhs would be 5H2O Sikhs, because Punjabi = from Punjab, and Punjab = land of 5 rivers, and river = water, and water = H2O, therefore Punjabi = 5H2O.
    1 point
  24. organic formula :lol2: 3 molecule of hydroxide ion :biggrin2: :cool2:
    1 point
  25. "Singh" and "Kaur" are the "last names"...... "Khalsa" is the name of the "panth" BTW ............3HO seems like a name of some chemical formula ....why can't they just call themselves sikhs...why 3HO? 3HO acts like this maybe to attract more whites from America etc to follow them by misinterpreting sikhi to their lifestyle......for some kind of purpose.......
    1 point
  26. Honey Singh banana enhe?? Ehnu koi samjhalo...honey na bane...oh waise maar khanda firda public to enhu te chak le jaiga koi.....
    1 point
  27. I agree. I'm not against anyone having different beliefs. However, misrepresentation of Sikhi shouldn't be classed as merely a 'different belief'. Ironically they purport to follow the same Guru and yet are vastly different. This makes no sense. Their as bad as the various baba dera's in India. Misrepresenting Sikhi is a serious problem. The masses sadly have no idea what Sikhi is about. It's such misunderstandings which are easily perpetuated through communities that ultimately leave the kaum being divided. A divided kaum is a weak kaum.
    1 point
  28. Do 2 sukhmani sahib in night time for 40 days. Use the following vidhi (method): 1. Do the paaths before dawn and after dusk meaning in the time of twinkling stars. 2.Take a bath, wear clean clothes. 3. Do the paath for 40 days 4. Dont bring meat or alcohol or egg atleast for this 40 days period. 5. After paaths do ardaas You will 100% see a difference and new warmth of joy within you provided you are following the method properly
    1 point
  29. Now i came to know the necessity to remain quiet in these things. But i thought to reveal it which obviously was my wrong decision. But one thing i want to tell is that truth will remain truth no matter you accept it or deny it. You accept it because of your previous good karmas and you deny it because of your previous bad karmas. This is the creation of akaal purakh and that beloved akaal purakh waheguru ji resides in the heart of his worshippers .He plays, fights, loves,laughs and talks with his bhagats.And such true worshippers of waheguru cares of no one whether you accept them or you beat them with stones and humilate them because they are above these things and have only one demand in the bottom most part of their heart: MERA RUSSE NA KALGIYAN VAALA JAGG BHAAVEN RUSSDA FIIRE
    1 point
  30. I agree that Kesh is very important in Sikhi. But I still find Keshdhari Sikhs dancing and swaying their hips to Gurbani is very disrespectful. "Ades Tisai Ades, Aad Aneel Anad Anahat Jug Jug Eko Ves" This Gurbani Pangati glorifies Waheguru Ji. The meaning of this pangti goes much beyond the understanding of most of us on this forum. I find this beadbi. I can't believe some people are saying this is okay. And some people are comparing this to Kesh when the two are on opposite ends. This isn't about kesh. This thread wasn't even about the 3HO practices. In fact if Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj were here in deh saroop, would they accept such things? I understand that the so called Punjabi Sikhs also contribute in beadbi. We aren't a sharia religion but dancing to Gurbani is just plain wrong. Someone needs to do better parchar to the 3HO Sikhs. In the video, the lady is saying "people say Gurdwaras are boring, but if everyone did kirtan like this then Gurdwara wouldn't be boring" Gurdwara Sahib isn't a place for amusement, you don't need to have "fun" like that there. You need to connect with Guru Sahib. Do seva and read Gurbani. When people sway their hips to Gurbani are they understanding the meaning of the pangti? Do they even know what they're saying? Sikhi is far more deeper than this. Also, instead of bashing on the 3HO Sikhs, we need to figure out how to do parchar to them. How to teach them how our Guru Sahibs lived Sikhi. How mahan Sants have lived Sikhi. By being humble. By understanding the reality behind worldly pleasures. In fact several Punjabis despite having haircuts understand the reality of Sikhi. They know how to keep maryada of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. They understand that real Sikhi is how Sant Isher Singh ji used to live or how Sant Jarnail Singh Ji used to live. Yes Punjabi Sikhs do plenty harm as well. As someone above stated, when our womenfolk dance to dirty punjabi songs Honey Singh stuff its wrong. But Gurbani is pavitar. Gurbani is more pavitar than a Sikh. Because Guru Ji is greater than a Sikh. So if a Sikh cuts their hair, yes thats bad. But it is not comprable to mocking Gurbani. Who says a Mona can't sit on Tabiya? I know of many people, some very very close to me, who read much more bani than a lot of us. But they haven't taken amrit. I know of many people who read so much bani and they do rol in Akhand Paths. So where does it say a haircut person can't sit on Tabiya? Someone might be keeping Kesh but committing crimes yet they have the permission to sit on Tabiya but someone who has a hair cut but is trying to get into Sikhi trying to get close to Guru sahib reads a lot of bani cannot sit on Tabiya.... Bhul Chuk Maaf
    1 point
  31. Sikhi values and gay sexuality are not compatible. If you want to be gay by all means be gay and lesbian but dont try to claim you are Sikhs and they are one and the same. If we as a community go down this road of accepting gays as Sikhs then the case can be made for other sexual abnormalities such as pedophiles and animal sex lovers... you at sarbat believe in equality for all.... then how can anyone discriminate against those abnormal and sexual deviant people? you cant unless you want to be hypocrites. Bottom line is Sikh scriptures clearly state a man marries a woman explicitly and does not state the case for man can marry a man or woman marry a woman. So case closed sarbat gay Sikhs who number probably just a dozen individuals vs 800,000 strong Sikh community making it a non-issue for Sikhs we got more imrportant issues as a community to deal with. Sarbat gays really needs to grow up and stop trying to meddle in Sikh religious matters.
    1 point
  32. Before laughing read the puratan 100 Sakhi kept in London Museum. Donot Read things which are manipulated by Akalis and SGPC
    1 point
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