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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2022 in Posts

  1. Videos like this must be nightmare fuel for dallysingh101.
    2 points
  2. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Das will try to upload shabads every day. Bhul Chuk Maf ?
    1 point
  3. In a few years, there will be Western Sikhs who'll defend this ^^^ as a natural and necessary component of progressiveness. Once something begins to be spoken of in an accepting manner, no matter how heinous, certain Sikh sheep won't hesitate to cheerlead for its perpetuation as a norm. The Slippery Slope was never a fallacy.
    1 point
  4. I rather like this world to end if folks are okk with things like above. Whoever author is, he/she needs a good chittar.
    1 point
  5. In honour for the Rani and our new King, Raja Charles III
    1 point
  6. Slightly old news timesnownews site Bhangra Pa-lice: California cops called on Punjabi wedding after noise complaint join dance - Watch Cops in California responded to a complaint about loud music coming from a Punjabi pre-wedding party in Tracy but took all attendees by surprise when they joined in for a dance. Manpreet Toor's family had organised a Jaggo ceremony ahead of family member Mandiver and fiancee Raman's wedding when the unusual incident happened. Neighbours of Manpreet alerted the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office about loud noise coming from the pre-wedding party. Manpreet did turn the volume down eventually but not before two deputies from JCSO tried their hands and legs at the dance. All nervous attendees at the party were left surprised to see such an unusual interaction play out.
    1 point
  7. Shalom Sri Akal... I mean, Sat Sri Akal, fellow Sikh brothers and sisters. ?
    1 point
  8. Did he just admit to the fact that his crew and his family make 5hit up and pass it off as history? This is what they call "chutzpah." Complete and absolute confidence. This is real power: the ability and the hubris to know you control the narrative of history. Maybe they are God's Chosen People? ?
    1 point
  9. If you want to subvert a society, you manipulate the women. Women as individuals are shrewd and cunning but collectively they can be sheep like. Men are quite simple and straightforward in general but collectively but we tend to pick up on the general subversive tactics that are being imposed on society. It is natural male instinct to protect their families from this kind of gandh. This is the type of bakwas happens in a gynocentric society.
    1 point
  10. This is exactly what Proactive mentioned regarding Lord Singh on the Remembrance Day thread.
    1 point
  11. This has been going on for decades. Another one of their tactics is to promote and isolate attractive ethnic birds amongst their own, inflating their egos and essentially delivering them to whiteboys.
    1 point
  12. During this particular lockdown I have been watching more terrestrial TV with the commercials. There is a lot more black representation in commercials for various products. From a cultural point of view, there has been a bigger push.
    1 point
  13. Interestingly, Sikh Awareness Society were quite active on twitter exposing groomers. They have been very quiet in the last couple of years. I suspect that they have been told to keep quiet or all they have been shadow banned.
    1 point
  14. The President of the US has put her pronouns in her twitter profile. Is this what the US electorate voted for?
    1 point
  15. What a right winger would say is that they are more charitable and they will help people in their communities (they are for small government), is that not how our daswandh kind of works, however if someone can explain how it does, it would be much appreciated. Does daswandh go directly to help our sangat or non-Sikhs as well? The danger I guess would be if you help others through your taxes, it is taken from you by the central government and it is spent on welfare and people don't go back to work and get dependent on welfare and this lasts for generations. Some of those right wingers would be greedy and say, " That's my money I earned it, why should I pay for these lazy bums" and others would say, "I want to see where my tax money goes to, is it going in the right places?" As a Sikh, is it better to uplift others so that they can lift themselves and get themselves back on track or have these downtrodden to become dependent on you and lose their work ethic?
    1 point
  16. but then again you think the current administration are sane and truthful ? I don't blame her noting down the false claims made and by whom as it indicates people wh do not have a grip on their job title or role . I mean a doctored new york times headline was passed around by Trump's head of communication this morning and was only deleted after the newspaper replied stating that the paper had never run such a title or story about Gore claiming victory preemptively in 2000 (thus trying to steal the win) . I think the old boys club have totally become besharam in their lying barefacedly t the public and we will still see them try to overturn the popular vote through the courts.
    1 point
  17. Well said paaji.. Being in the present is like talking with GOD... Praising GOD I really like your point about humans interaction with no attention or other intention.. It is true, we don't feel the connection then... This trap of future and Past is never ending.. Once we are living in this very moment, we find peace.. I learn so much from Bhai Satpal Singh ji's videos.. He is doing an amazing job.. I got very helpful answers and my doubts are clear.. I have learned a lot about being present and connecting with Waheguru.. THANKS A LOT SANGAT JI
    1 point
  18. Having had pets... Notice how the animal gives you complete attention in the moment, for them it is natural . When humans do that too, you remember it (babies are good at it )..but when humans are interacting with you and their mind is on something else or have other intentions behind the interaction ...there is no connection. Bhai Satpal Singh of Nanak Naam puts it well in his videos, that when you are in the 'present' interacting with someone/something else that is also in the 'present' ..it is like God is talking to God...so you experience God
    1 point
  19. Penji, sounds like the underying issue is how mother in law feels about animals, seems like has some fixed view point and feels uncomfortable and challenged with your alternative view point. Love for animals, nature and gods creation isnt bad. They are more content, living naturally and in His Hukam. Amazing.
    1 point
  20. A hyena probably would. Have you seen The Lion King? Very untrustworthy IMO. ?
    1 point
  21. Animals won't betray you like humans would...
    1 point
  22. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh It is perfectly fine to love animals.In the puratan times the Singhs would keep horses with them and Guru Sahib had his eagle too.If we put animals below us we will start to get Hankar that Humans are everything and that we are the highest and this is wrong.We should treat everything alive as beings of Vaheguru Sahib Ji.However what your mother said is partially correct.Do not get too engrossed into taking care of Animals that you forget everything else.Do take care of the Animal but while doing it do simran or moolmantar Nanak Satgur Bhaettiai Pooree Hovai Jugath O Nanak, meeting the True Guru,one comes to know the perfect way. Hasandhia Khaelandhia Painandhia Khaavandhia Vichae Hovai Mukath While laughing,playing,dressing and eating,he is liberated. (Ang 522) Bhul Chuk Maf ??
    1 point
  23. I mean before SGPC, the Akali Nihangs used to do jhatka in front of Akal Takht/Bunga (admin please don't get annoyed just stating history!!!). But I guess in a way ordering meat in is still kind of shameless since it isn't parshad like jhatka!
    1 point
  24. sgpc was filled with high quality people at the start but very soon those folks were sidelined and the dhongi sikh brigade turned up to rip off golak for GOI and Punjab sarkar to bank roll antisikh outfits and activities . Used to be you had to be rehitvaan gursikhs to lead jathey and look after gurdwarey but now we just have bhekhi sikhs who have no sharam in ordering meat to eat in sgpc offices in gurdwara complex, the recent raagi protest was because the head granthi was not of calibre to even know raags suitable for what time or even proper maryada of hazoori raagis and their rights to select gurshabads they will perform . the problem is letting lesser sikhs masquerade as experts in all spheres of sikhi life. parchaariks and satkar committees should be formed and armed with full skillsets .
    1 point
  25. Selection vs election. Voting where everyone has a vote and easily be manipulated by bribes, bussing in ur relatives and friends to vote. While the panj are selected. But if we implement selection in gurudwara committees that will also create problems. Ppl will nominate figureheads or weaklungs they can control. Factions will again develop backing up different candidates. The thing is being one of the panj isnt really desired. No power no benefits. Masa labde amrit sinchaar laye. While committe chair is desired. So even selection process will get corrupted. Only way to fix it, is to join in and fight. But bhai jagraj singh of basics of sikhi tried with Tera Panth Vesai party. And it was a failure due to dirty politics. The opposite party i think sher or was it baaj printed horrible allegations on the female members. And most of the youth dropped out of the party, couldnt handle it. So good people have to stand up but it requires too much effort. So the selfish ppl keep standing in elections as they have skin in the game and are willing to fight tooth and nail for it. Like they say, the only way evil can win is if good ppl do nothing.
    1 point
  26. Nah. We need our ppl to be better. And to choose better leaders. Cuz any institution and type of government can be corrupted in the hands of selfish ppl. We had masands. Knowledgeable scholars who spent whole life and for generations serving gurudware. That failed. So then we had SGPC. which we fought to create and give shaheedian for. And now we hate it. We had akaali party. Same thing. Now taksaals going that route. Ppl r starting to hate it. I mean even a parchaar and education movement got corrupted. The missionaries. In kulyug.everything gets rotten and corrupt. Theres no fool proof. Only thing we can do is be vigilant that our institutions arent going downhill. Instead of scraping them n restarting
    1 point
  27. Come on being on the committee helps you get access to local politicians and you get sweet deals with the bank's who get the gurdwara bank accounts / give the loans for building funds. Committee members shun all this for the interests of the sangat, honest guvna
    1 point
  28. Honestly my brothers, none of us will ever know cause we weren't there. It's all like Chinese whispers.. In my opinion, I feel Guru Hargobind was at least 6'5 because of his 2 swords length & weight.. Guru Gobind Singh was at least 6'8 because of his Bow (his bow is 6feet) as well as his kirpans/talwar and khanda were also long and heavy.
    1 point
  29. true the body reacts as if you've had sweets and still pumps out insulin ,with some that's why having diet drinks are not a good idea as they cause carb bingeing a little later after consumption ...the other reason is there are either carcinogenic or neurotoxic (Michael J Fox and the cast of that sit com he did drank diet pepsi on tap, seven people came down with 'parkinsons'like symptoms)
    1 point
  30. If you drink milk then it contains lactose. Anything that ends with -ose is a sugar, like fructose. However anything that is processed from milk into something like cheese or yoghurt will not push up your sugar levels. If you want to help with sugar levels, it is important to left heavy things as well doing cardio. By building muscle, you create hypertrophy (muscle growth) . This means you have more cells to store the sugar you create when you consume food. This means that there is less pressure on your insulin production.
    1 point
  31. Thanks for that. I eat yoghurt now and then. Really need to step up the training though. Will try and do more cycling and swimming. Plus cut down on portion sizes.
    1 point
  32. Very interesting That is certainly food for thought. I always thought Diet drink were safe. I dont drink fizzy drinks to much, but on the occasions I do. I always drink Diet/zero cans. But will try to reduce even these now.
    1 point
  33. As part of a low carb/sugar diet don't touch 'diet' drinks with sugar substitutes. There is plenty of research that they mess up your body even more. They trigger your body to expect 'sugar' (so the body releases hormones and mechanisms to process that sugar) but when the body doesn't find the sugar the feedback loop gets broken and then you seek 'proper' sugar to compensate. To avoid diabetes (type 2) you need to match your calories to your activity (if overweight lose weight), also avoid Carbs (substitute for low carb alternatives i.e. potatoes for things like Celeriac ). Carb/Starchy foods are broken down into sugar by the body and modern 'wheats', 'rices' etc have been bred for high energy yields. If you get Type2 the only way to reverse it is to radically drop your calorie intake over a prolonged period of time, this will reset the body (once again lots of medical literature on how 'fasting' can reverse type2)
    1 point
  34. Canada is different to the UK in one major respect. It is not £1.5tn in debt to big global financial firms/other governments. Politicians in the UK can do very little as they have no money to spend and what money they can spend has to be in line with what their lenders agree too (if the politicians decide to say decrease spend on HS2 and divert that to the NHS they will basically push up the cost of their borrowing/default on borrowing covenants). The UK government has a credit rating which it has to maintain otherwise politicians can't borrow money (and keep themselves in office). Thats why politics is a waste of time, unless you want to make changes on a low level like reducing plastic bag use. Politicians are their for ego, and the higher you go the more you realise how powerless you are. If you want to change Britain, become a billionaire and then use that money to buy politicians/gang up with other billionairres/firms to tell the government what to do.
    1 point
  35. What do you think people from India think when they come over here to stay around December 25th? They would find it weird that all these 'sikhs' are running around like fools trying to get 'presents' for people then feasting on the birth day of Jesus....isn't that weird? Or how about around 'easter' time when 'sikhs' buy easter eggs for the kids. If you live in a hindu majority country, where the hindus run things its more than likely that 'sikhs' will out of their own ego (want to be part of the dominant group) or miseducation will get involved with Hindu traditions. No doubt in time (well they already kiss up to those in power) of established sikhs in places like Dubair, soon they'll be celebrating 'eid' because its the thing to do there.
    1 point
  36. but geographically it's easy to class people as hindu. It's when we get to using the corrupted colonial definition of hindu being a follower of hindu"ism", then it's hard to class people as hindu, but everyone is boxed into this corrupted generic term, even sikhs can be boxed in as well and that is problematic due to so many incompatibilities. During the days of Bhagats Kabir, Ravi Dass, and the 10 Gurus - there was no such thing as HINDUISM", regardless of brahmin influences or not. Hinduism just did not exist back then, just a few centuries back.
    1 point
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