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Ban On Short Hair Marriages


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This is not a ban on going to Gurudwara for hair cut people. It is only for marriage. As for the threat of going to court. Bring it on. See what the court does. Courts never do any justice for Kesadhris anyways. We only look to Akal Takht. Ya another point is that it is only in a state where there aren't many Sikhs. Those threatening to join christianity and others are free to. I don't blame those who were brough up in a family where no one kept their hair. I will only blame them if they don't try to learn and try to correct. Unfortunately, many know that hair are important but don't give a damn. All they care about is fitting into the corrupted society. Guys, the society is corrupted. Morally corrupted. That is why we hear of clubs and dirty movies.


If you don't blame people like me who have been brought up in family that cuts their hair but am trying my best to learn more about Sikhi, whether is be taking Sikhism courses at univeristy, or being involved with the SSA and just learning new things on this forum that's a good thing. But if the ban is passed, then what if im not amritdhari by the time i get married and I'm not allowed to get married at the Gurudwara. Let's say i do everything an amritdhari does but the only thing differentiating us is the fact that that person took amrit? Is this ban only for those that dont LOOK amritdhari or those that aren't amritdhari at all. Because i mean there are those that aren't amritdhari and look like it or even are amritdhari and do things that are totally non-Sikhi that even me as a mona considers really wrong if i were amritdhari.

I know some of you are going to say well you should become amritdhari then what r u waiting for. Well thats wat i love about sikhi, that it doesnt impose itself on anyone and anyone is free to go at their own pace. Because of my disadvantage that i couldn't learn about religion sooner i don't think anyone should say i'm not allowed to have a sikhi wedding just because im learning slower.

That's like saying a child with a disability has no right to have a proper education and we should just institutionalize them.

If we can give disabled children their rights then why cant we give ourown people the rights they deserve? Why set different rules for people? Why not do things like teach those that are in a way "disabled" religion wise.

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Buddy, you need to learn to grow up. You claim to be an amritdhari and you say things like this against other people. If you think we 'got what we deserve' im sure you'll 'get what you deserve' when you face Guru Ji and you have to repent for that remark and supporting the division of Sikhi instead of helping your brothers/sisters onto the right path. Anyway, i shouldn't be judging you, i'll leave that to GuruJi.
eh yo princess tell me where i said im amritdhari, im a monaa hair cut shave kinda guy i.e the one who doesnt deserve anand karaj!!!!!!!! sooo now what
Anyway, i shouldn't be judging you, i'll leave that to GuruJi.[/

you judge me and then say hmm i shouldnt judge you lol you contradicted yourself AND made up info on me being amritdhari HENCE your whole post is basless hahahah <_< nice try tho hahahhaa...u dont have to be amritdhari to post here ehhh

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Buddy, you need to learn to grow up. You claim to be an amritdhari and you say things like this against other people. If you think we 'got what we deserve' im sure you'll 'get what you deserve' when you face Guru Ji and you have to repent for that remark and supporting the division of Sikhi instead of helping your brothers/sisters onto the right path. Anyway, i shouldn't be judging you, i'll leave that to GuruJi.

eh yo princess tell me where i said im amritdhari, im a monaa hair cut shave kinda guy i.e the one who doesnt deserve anand karaj!!!!!!!! sooo now what

Anyway, i shouldn't be judging you, i'll leave that to GuruJi.[/
you judge me and then say hmm i shouldnt judge you lol you contradicted yourself AND made up info on me being amritdhari HENCE your whole post is basless hahahah :wub: nice try tho hahahhaa...u dont have to be amritdhari to post here ehhh


<_< Okay maybe you shoudve said you were a "mona" and if you don't want to get married at the Gurudwara thats fine with me.

Ya i feel pretty stupid now. blush.gif Anyway i realized after that i contradicted myself and i was supossed to write sorry for judging you only Guru Ji can judge you

but anyway that doesnt make my posts "wrong"

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naw dont feel bad haha i was just provoking sum1 to take a shot at me haha i did deserve it lolz this is what happens when u have too much free time hahaha

i dont even wanna be married no.gif but if i have to then it would be in a gurdwara....n i guess id take amrit for it...like what good do lavan do to a mona .....its not even marridge then...it doesnt effect them like fine Gurbani does alot but when u dont acknowledge it or understand it what is it? background noise and your dad pokes you on que to get up do a walk around pose for a pik then sit again?????

atleast white ppl have there vows n actully knowingly contribute to the ceremony

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On the topic of youth trimming their hair for fashion and so called "blending into mainstream"

I think the dicision is a good step towards halting the intrusion of the sikh image that has been happening in recent years. As long as it does not cause some sort of a division between members of the community.

Another possible culprit in the slow assimilation of the sikh youth is the many singers (bhangra or not) that are often seen with trimmed hair and uncovered head. This includes the popular Jaswinder Singh Bains and manak e, just to name a few. Many sikh youth look up to these so-called idols and try to imatate their image. I know this because i have seen many music videos showing these young sikh singers (you can tell by their big shiny khanda around their neck) who claim their faithfull but their image proves other wise. Of course their are singers who follow the sikh dress code and don't slip up. However, to those who do:

What are you trying to prove? Is looking less like a sikh "Cool"?


I'm especially upset with Jaswinder Singh Bains. Flashing his big khanda and not covering his head often. As well as trimming his beard. Shame on you Jassy b, shame on you...

This is a little off topic, but i felt i had to shout it out.

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Waheguru jee ka khalsa waheguru jee kee fateh

Well I agree with the Idea of doing organized parchar is better solution for issues like this.

Well these punjabi singers are really big problem for sikhi in Punjab. Most of youth are attracted towards these singers and the bollywood movies and they simply follow them.

One more point here to be noticed that ideally anand karaj should be perform before 12.00 hrs but in India a big chunk of anand karajs are performed after 12.00 hrs. Well here we can make rules that anand karaj will only be perform before 12.00 hrs not later than that.

During the anand karaj cermoney , the granthi singh & other parcharaks should inspire / motivate sangat and the couple for a sikhi jeevan. Generally the granti singh jee read laavans and did not explain the meaings hence the sangat is totally unaware abt the real message coming out of anand karaj.

Rest guru sahib kirpa karan jee.

bhulla chukka dee maufai

waheguru jee ka khalsa waheguru jee kee fateh

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dear Singh veerji...

you brought up the example of Baba jarnail singh ji...about he didn't make rules....he was ONE brahmgiyani who did things the way he felt were needed at the time...


on the other hand...and this is a heads up for everyone saying monas can get married in anand karaj...and saying that amritdharis are looking down or judging...

BHAI SAHIB BHAI RANDHIR SINGH JI...one of the only singhs to ever get siropas from all five takts used to STRICTLY enforce this rule...there are even stories where he refused to attend the wedding of a close relative if they were not amritdhari cuz he felt it to be insulting to guru ji...

and having talked to people from bhai sahib's time...they'll tell you that he was very loving and non-judgemental...but at the same time he was very strict in his asools...there's nothing wrong with that....

i'm not saying one gurmukh is right or one is wrong...i give equal respect to all these brahmgiyanis...i think it's important to realize that if we try to give example of a brahmgiyani to backup what we say...there will almost always be an example of another brahmgiyani that did things differently...doesn't bring any of them lower or higher...they are all great bhagats of guru ji...

our points should be based on some solid logic...

now..this is addressed to sony bhen, jas veera, and princess bhen...

i think you're looking at this from the view that not allowing it = looking down on the monas or judging them....and i originally thought that too...

but having thought about it..i don't think it has anythiing to do with looking down on anyone....it's simply that rules do exist in sikhi and it's about enforcing them...

for example...there's a rule..that when we do bhog of langar....it must be done by an amritdhari singh/singhni with a kirpaan and he/she must do ardas in front of guru ji...

now that doesn't mean that non-amritdharis are looked down upon..it doesn't mean that non-amritdharis are dirty or anything...it's simply a rule that needs to be followed...

will some non-amritdharis feel wierd about it?..yes of course they will..that's where it's our job as amritdharis to explain with love to them that it's nothing to do with being lower ...and noone is judging them...they can do other sevas...

likewise...if we actually read the 4 lavaan...and reflect...we'll realize that the lavaan is more of a commitment to guru ji and not so much to your spouse...

that said..

what sense is it for someone who cuts their hair to make a commitment to guru ji knowing that they have no intention of doing that.....that makes the whole ceremony a joke...a big fat stupid joke......

that said...

i also feel that the rule isn't going to work...cuz you got to look at intentions of people too....

for example...if someone who cuts their hair wants to have anand karaj...fine...i'd say sure...on ONE condition...and that would be...for them to make some sort of promise in front of guru ji...to make some step to move toward sikhi....maybe stop cutting their hair...or do seva in langar...or do paat....but it should be something concrete that they will promise to do..this would show that at least they have some sharam and are humble and do want follow guru ji's guidance...on the other hand...if some couple refused to even make that much of a promise, it would clearly signal that they have no piyar for sikhi and hence just making anand karaj a RITUAL...and guru ji was against rituals....and if anand karaj is used as a ritual, then really it is no better than hindus doing havan and thiraths, or muslims going on hajj


the actual action of doing havan, thiraths or hajj isn't the ritual...it's the MINDLESSNESS of it...i have muslim friends who find deep spiritual meaning when they went on hajj...for them it wasn't a ritual....on the other hand.i have muslim friends that went on hajj but the other days of the year don't even go to mosque...for them it's a ritual....i have hindu friends who go to hindu weddings and the whole time are thinking "when is this pandit gonna stop talking this sanskrit i don't understand...how many times do i have put oil on the lamp..how many things do i have to draw in chalk"...for them it's a ritual......and it's perfectly alright to add anand karaj to this list for people who don't have love for sikhi....

i explained this for two reasons...one to clarify that i do respect hinduism and islam...just not people aimlessly conducting rituals...and two...to prove that non-amritdharis who aren't aiming to move forward in sikhi having anand karaj is a ritual...

so here's how the argument follows

1. Conducting ceremonies mindlessly, aimlessly...is rituals..

2. non-amritdharis (keshdari/hair cuts) who take anand karaj with no INTENTIONS to move forward in sikhi..who cannot give ANY commitment are then doing anand karaj aimlessly, mindlessly....they aren't doing anand karaj becasue they love guru ji..they are doing it cuz of parents, family, society...


3. these people are conducting rituals.

second part of the argument.

4. Sikhi forbids any kinds of rituals.

5. anand karaj of people not inclined towards sikhi at all is a ritual.


6. according to statement 4 and 5, anand karaj of these people is fobidden.

there...that is the argument presented...i don't believe there is any judgement in that whatsoever...only logic....might be flawed logic..but thats for you guys to figure out and call me out on....i'll leave that for you...hehe...(who knows this might actually be a stimulating debate instead of emotional bantering)

looking forward to replies.....

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dear Singh veerji...

you brought up the example of Baba jarnail singh ji...about he didn't make rules....he was ONE brahmgiyani who did things the way he felt were needed at the time...


on the other hand...and this is a heads up for everyone saying monas can get married in anand karaj...and saying that amritdharis are looking down or judging...

BHAI SAHIB BHAI RANDHIR SINGH JI...one of the only singhs to ever get siropas from all five takts used to STRICTLY enforce this rule...there are even stories where he refused to attend the wedding of a close relative if they were not amritdhari cuz he felt it to be insulting to guru ji...

and having talked to people from bhai sahib's time...they'll tell you that he was very loving and non-judgemental...but at the same time he was very strict in his asools...there's nothing wrong with that....


so here's how the argument follows

1. Conducting ceremonies mindlessly, aimlessly...is rituals..

2. non-amritdharis (keshdari/hair cuts) who take anand karaj with no INTENTIONS to move forward in sikhi..who cannot give ANY commitment are then doing anand karaj aimlessly, mindlessly....they aren't doing anand karaj becasue they love guru ji..they are doing it cuz of parents, family, society...


3. these people are conducting rituals.

second part of the argument.

4. Sikhi forbids any kinds of rituals.

5. anand karaj of people not inclined towards sikhi at all is a ritual.


6. according to statement 4 and 5, anand karaj of these people is fobidden.

there...that is the argument presented...i don't believe there is any judgement in that whatsoever...only logic....might be flawed logic..but thats for you guys to figure out and call me out on....i'll leave that for you...hehe...(who knows this might actually be a stimulating debate instead of emotional bantering)

looking forward to replies.....


Im at your feet singh... for once i think i understand something and would rather listen to someone more wiser... <_<

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