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I Dnt Wana Go To The Mosque!

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You're not expected to bow to anything in the mosque.

You will not come across any statutes.

The only time you might be expected to do anything is when they pray facing the kaba.

You can go and it might even be good to show the muslims in your class that attending a religious place of worship is nothing to fear, as they do, but in fact only a school trip!!

For this you must behave confident and of course be ready to either ignore any questions they try to ask you or be ready to challenge them if need be.

If however you do not want to go then its simple as, no one can force you, learn to stand up for yourself in front of a teacher. Your excuse does not have to be that if the muslims dont go then you dont have to. That will mean you are only 'copying' them.

Instead make it clear that you do not feel comfortable going. There is no way they can force you. Learn to be strong.

Its not a case of convincing the teacher, its a case of telling the teacher and then sticking to what you have just said, simple as!!

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Fairly stated..one can watch a movie in order to learn about a religion, but its not the same as being there yourself. What i do not understand is, what will you loose by going to the mosque?

One should be more openminded to these types of oppurtunities. They didnt want to go the Gurdwara, thats fine thats their choice end of story. But now it is your chance to show them that you can still stay true to your faith, whilst learning about their religion and visiting their mosque. As long as they dont try to "convert" you im sure you should be ok.

If its only an intro to islam what more could you learn going there? besides the scent or touch but that doesnt matter. If women have to go through a different door than I do then its somewhere that I dont want to go. When they pray women have to be behind the men. I wouldnt want to support unequality no matter how justified they make it sound.

The same as watching a documetary about what you would do in the mosque.


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I thought I might add that if you do decide to go to the Mosque, it is very unlikely they will ask or expect you to join in the prayers and pray in the way Muslims do. I would be very surprised if they did this.

If they do it would be perfectly acceptable for you to say no and that you are not comfortable with it and you are Sikh and you dont want to do it. There is no reason why it should cause them any offense, and if it does, they are not entitled to feel that way.

people warning you off because you might be converted are making me laugh lol. if you have strong faith then it shouldnt make any difference, but in the end it is what you feel comfortable with that matters. If you dont want to go then dont, but make sure its for the right reasons and not just because some <banned word filter activated> muslims that you know refused to go to the Gurdwara for no good reason.

sikhlionz you post is appreciated I'm glad your experience was positive, as was mine when I went to the Gurdwara :|

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Do not block ur mind by streotypes.

Open ur mind and try to be urself.

Visiting people or their relegious places open up the mind to some new ideas. You can definately learn something new which can change ur perspective.

Donot copy stupids...otherwise u wont be different than them.

Any place where people remember God is sacred.

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I dont think watching a documentry gives the same experience.

I remember back in India cable networks use to relay live recording from local gurudwaras....but sitting in gurudwara and listening to bani is different from watching it on TV.

I think watching a documentry and then going to the place can really help.

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Watch this one also


And watch this.

If you can watch this and not learn enough to not go to the mosque then you have a learning disability.

If you can only learn about what they show in these videos at the mosque then you have a learning disability.

Watching a documetry is just as good as going and learning in a short amount of time. You dont have to go in order to learn from these videos.

Why dont they have a school assembly instead of making them go to the mosque, unless they have a different purpose or reason.

Obviously if I heard a CD or heard in real life is different, but a brief teaching doesnt need to be in person only.

This video is about the Gurdwara in El Sobrante. This is all you would need to know to learn about Sikhs in a brief amount of time.

I show this video to people who want to learn about the Gurdwara and this is good enough. You dont have to take them to El Sobrante for them to learn the same thing as in this video.


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vjkk vjkf

ok we are going on a trip 2 da MOSQUE lol and all da muslims in my class refused to go into the gurdwara. the teachers sed we hv 2 go wa do i do??loll

Muslims are like that, man :| They're really posessive about their faith, believing that no non-Muslim is allowed into their places of worship, and similarly that they will never visist places of worship belonging to other faiths.

But Sikkhs don't have that problem.

Lead by example. Sikkhism was grown to be a tolerant and accepting system whereby no religion was 'evil' or 'wrong' even if their paths were slightly skewed from the Truth in some way.

Stride in with pride and show your fellow Muslims why it rocks to be at peace with the world and why the Sikkh philosophy is so beautiful and all-inclusive :TH:


well if they refused 2 go !!!! :wub:

then u dnt go .. jst act ill couple days be4.. then dnt turn up n say ure nto well

or ure busy or something!!

ehmi hai rabba


I'm sorry, but isn't anger one of the Five Thieves...? :wub:

No-one can make a noble decision when they're under the influence of one of the Five Thieves :TH:

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If you guys say it's ok to go to mosque, what if she has a trip to a mandir?

Now people are gonna say oh u shudnt go tehre, there just worshipping idols, oh look at our history, etc etc

Then where's "Respect all religions, etc"?

Not going there isn't showing disrespect it's showing preference

Many of u say you learned a lot from the mosques, what did you learn? can you list and tell us what you learned?

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