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ok fair enough people shouldnt threaten u in PM. the whole thing about burning the house down with u inside is rong. U know it aint gonna actually happen lol its just net talk. but it shundt be excused. its not the right actions of a sikh to threaten on pm, but having said this why did u call him an <banned word filter activated> 2 begin with??? its not right for some1 2 call soem1 an <banned word filter activated> also.

u both in the rong. we cannot assert our superioority on sum1 because it creates anger in the minds of people. we have to talk to them with love and respect then we can accomplish our goals even if people differ in opinion.

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i'm reminded of 4 dayz ago.. where we got a message from admins that tha site was gonna shut down... all the posts deleted n wha not... some peepz had a frenzy... buh.. i also posted on that same thread that MAYBE we need a fresh start...

my own opinion on makin this forum a GOOD place to be?

1. REMOVE gupt section - (at least for the time being) most of the ruckus started once the gupt section was brought about... until we can find a way to properly monitor and clean up the gupt section, we shud have it removed.. (either temporarily or permanently)

2. PERHAPS completely wipe out SS... all da threads... everytin.. start fresh... we have SO many useless topics on here.. it'd be hard to delete them one by one... tha's tha more drastic change.. buh sumtimes change is good... i personally feel dat it wud be in the best interest to start fresh....

i dun wanna go so far as havin to have every post/thread approved before posting.. buh if things continue how they are now, we prolly will have to end up doin dat... eventually it will lead to da shuttin down of SS ...

i encourage all to give their opinions on how to make SS a better place to LEARN... nah only dat, it shud be a good place for sangat to get together...

Blessed Love!!

Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!!

i agree 100%

but admin should go further.

GET RID OF THE PM FUNCTION!!! its nothing but trouble

delete all posts, start again

get rid of gupt section

moderate all posts before approval

once you have banned a member, dont let someone with the same IP sign up to the forum!!!

ok, reading that back its a lot of work for admin. but its got to be done!

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i agree 100%

but admin should go further.

GET RID OF THE PM FUNCTION!!! its nothing but trouble

delete all posts, start again

get rid of gupt section

moderate all posts before approval

once you have banned a member, dont let someone with the same IP sign up to the forum!!!

ok, reading that back its a lot of work for admin. but its got to be done!

Sounds like a good way forward!

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the pm funcion is good, for continuing topics further for a debate or even general talk.

somethings that cannot be discussed on main can be discussed on pm. sometimes when u discuss things on main people start crying or go mad in general. so pm is usefull.

IF admin bans people then its just trying to silence a voice.

approving topics before they are put up may mean some topics dont even get put up.

sikhsangat.com is a place where we can discuss controversial topics with different views. we have 2 know that our view isnt the only view out there.

If there is som1 wiser then we can learn a lesson.

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the pm funcion is good, for continuing topics further for a debate or even general talk.

somethings that cannot be discussed on main can be discussed on pm. sometimes when u discuss things on main people start crying or go mad in general. so pm is usefull.

IF admin bans people then its just trying to silence a voice.

approving topics before they are put up may mean some topics dont even get put up.

sikhsangat.com is a place where we can discuss controversial topics with different views. we have 2 know that our view isnt the only view out there.

If there is som1 wiser then we can learn a lesson.

when you look at it like that...

maybe admin could check pm's of people under moderation (if thats possible)

or take that privilege away from those who abuse it

banning people may be silencing a vioce, but if that vioce is abusive, rude etc it needs to be done

maybe we jus need stricter moderation

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agreed.. it wud'n be bannin sum1 cuz of their opinion.. it wud be bannin due to the their abusive nature...

i dun tink PM shud be taken out... i's good to ask questions.. some people aren't comfortable askin question in public, or might need some more info on sometin, or mite need some help wit sumtin etc.... so pm function CAN be a useful tool... if used properly...

havin to approve all topics/posts MIGHT be an extra step we should stay away from rite now... it can get a lil frustrating.. n there might be certain people who will feel dat there is a bias opinion on allowin or dis-allowin posts... if there are threads that go against SS policies.. then they will be deleted n put into the closed section, along wit MOD/ADMIN notes..

ne other suggestions?

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SIkh sadh sangat jio, I didn't want to add a reply but just could help it. What are ya'll upto, I mean; whats going on in here, if someone makes a mistake of abusing and threatening, let him be that way, how long can one hold anger and hate within.

I understand the PM's that were sent to some of you were harsh in their wordings and should'n't have been that way but can't you just forgive and don't bother conflicting, after all its an apna whose a little side tracked. Anger and hatred would only lead to dejection among everyone.

All you Sikhi-conversant ones, need to help others like me to be a better Sikh. We all need to forget our internal conflicts and think as one global panth. I am shocked and surprised at the amount of hatred in this forum. It's been just a few weeks I joined this forum, and was hoping to learn for the enriched Sikh Sangat but I am at loss to understand why are ya'll stuck up with these issues.

Meri benti hai jio, plzz keep ur self-image one the side, else people like myself will have to find another platform to clear up their concerns.

Bhul chul maaf...

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also note though, singh, that many of those abusers are 'repeat offenders'... so... where to draw the line?... if sum1 is talkin smack to u over pm .. tha's one thing.. buh threatenin u n ur family n wha not, tha's another...

this is a predominently YOUTH forum... most of us are here to learn.. jus like at school, there's no room for threats... same ting wit here... this is also a school.. a place of learnin..

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