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Choosing Peer Groups?

singhsaab kamal

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When we refer to friends, peers, colleagues, aquaitenances etc are they really to be categorised as "sangat"? I still think you can differentiate between the above and indivdiuals who you feel are "sangat".

We have to have daily interactation with people whom we are miles apart from in spritual and moral thinking. But at the end of the day you know your bond with them is pretty weak because there is no common Guru. Our Guru is what bonds us and forms our real Sangat, the rest of the aquitances, mates, relatives are just worldly bonds who will come and go.

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Don't defame an entire religion based on those people who do actively go out and mass-convert people.BUT, you are right, SOME muslims are VERY dedicated to their religion and we can learn something from them.
In fact I started out by saying that hanging out with Muslims makes you a stronger Sikh, so I don't see where you read defaming Muslims in my post. I didn't say ALL are after you to convert you. In fact I have had Muslim flatmates as well, and they were happy to stay with me because by Gurujee's grace I don't smoke or drink, and neither did they. We shared a lot of similar stuff in terms of religion. Ofcourse certain "inevitable" differences exist, but we kept those aside. Their dedication to get up without fail for their pre-sunrise prayers is something we need to learn. The zeal with which they follow their faith without questioning is another fact we need to look at.
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Fateh ji

I get wot ur sayin. The whole "stay away from muslims" thing seems to have spread everywhere. Aslong as you trust them then bas thats it. I have 2 bets friends. To be honest my muslim best friend encourages me to go to the gurdwara and go the kirtans more than my sikh friend. Its cuz they share the same passion for religion... Ok they belive in Islam but aslong as they dont force you into beliving anything then take their passion and make ur sikhi stronger. Someitmes apne bandhe that call them selves "sikh" can be the worst, smoking, dating and drinking. So dont base your opinions on religion.

I hope i helped


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Fateh ji

I get wot ur sayin. The whole "stay away from muslims" thing seems to have spread everywhere. Aslong as you trust them then bas thats it. I have 2 bets friends. To be honest my muslim best friend encourages me to go to the gurdwara and go the kirtans more than my sikh friend. Its cuz they share the same passion for religion... Ok they belive in Islam but aslong as they dont force you into beliving anything then take their passion and make ur sikhi stronger. Someitmes apne bandhe that call them selves "sikh" can be the worst, smoking, dating and drinking. So dont base your opinions on religion.

I hope i helped


:lol: :@:@ :lol: :lol:

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plus i thought of sumfin else.... aslong as you know who u r den it doesnt really make a diffrence if you hang round wiv goreh or muslims, its only at skl hunna so basicli just hang round wiv ppl you like, people who u cn talk to n stuff =] wacko.gifgrin.gif


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