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****chaupai Sahib Worlwide Jaap?****

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I don’t recall anybody organising a massive prayer syndicate when the panth has been in real dire peril in the past. Maybe the problem being it’s the right kind of Sikhs who are the biggest threat to Sikhi today, I can’t see any amount of prayers changing that. At times it’s commonsense to apply commonsense before asking for divine intervention.

Sorry Warrior but prayers can change anything.

At times its better to use commonsense and not speak...rather than blurting out any old rubbish just because you may not see the point.

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I would like to share with the sangat the power of Chaupai Shaib & THE WARRIOR Paji

Me and my singini had been trying for three years to have a child. We went up and down the uk, spoke to numerous doctors. She even tried surgery and that did not help. In the end the Doctors advised that the next step would be IVF treatment. This had a three year waiting list at our hospital and would cost £2500 - £3000 to do it private within 6 months.

We could no way afford this unless we went in to debt, we told my mother about this and she had a word with Amrithari singni who did a lot of path and devoted her life to gurbani. She told us to do 5 chauipa shiabs a day for 40 days.

We were sceptical to say the least but we started to do them that day, within 14 days she was pregnant!

We continued to do them and we keep doing them. We are ashamed to admit it that we forgot the power of bani........we will never forget again!

This is a true story that me and my wife has been through, we are now having our second child!

This is two people doing Chaupai Shaib.............Now there thousands if not tens of thousands doing Chaupai Shaib Path.........believe......there will be a change!

.....waheguru has a lot of love

Thank you for sharing that Pure, however this is a different cause and a different motivation what you have described I totally believe in and respect and also have come across others who have had very similar experiences. Many here think I’m questioning Bani and Guru, I’m not but it’s easy for them to be critical and try to play this point because they cant comprehend the question. What I’m asking and no one yet has seemed to have answered is what and how will change come? and what would they like to see happen in regards to the purpose of this mass prayer syndicate? In order for it to work the actual thinking and the mentality of people will need to change by miraculous force, how can we pray for such a thing? how can we ask God to change to makeup mentality of people on a massive scale?

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What I’m asking and no one yet has seemed to have answered is what and how will change come? and what would they like to see happen in regards to the purpose of this mass prayer syndicate? In order for it to work the actual thinking and the mentality of people will need to change by miraculous force, how can we pray for such a thing? how can we ask God to change to makeup mentality of people on a massive scale?

Change will come in the form that Guru Sahib wishes, how it comes and when it comes is down to him, all we can do is ask and beg. If we dont ask, perhaps we will never get.

What we would like to see happen, is already happening. The process itself is a result in its own way. What we would like to see is people actually taking an interest in their panth and to help them realise that they are a part of it and that they can do something for the panth. Its about people just spending a few more minutes each day thinking about the panth, about Guru Granth Sahib ji. Its about each of us bringing a small gradual change in our own lives where we start thinking about others and about the bigger picture rather then just ourselves.

The mentality of people is changing, I have friends who never do paath from their own admission, but now they do 1 chaupai sahib daily for the panth. That is a change. Be it small or massive, it is a change and hopefully Vaheguru will bless them further.

As a community that is spread across the world, it is sometimes difficult to think of the 'panth' but this has now helped people from across the globe realise that there are other sikhs in areas outside their own, who do think like them, who do care like they do and who do have love for the panth and guru sahib like they do. Its building love and even building strength of character. Its not even about completing targets, its about getting people involved.

Some people have suggested that we should do other seva for the victims of 84 as well, and I personally 100% agree. Be this financial, legal support, housing etc. But at the same time this gurbani seva also needs to be done. The more we can do the better, of both.

And again if we look at our forefathers whose history we are so proud of, we need to look at their jeevan's as well, how much love they had for gurbani. If we ever wish to emulate them or be anything like them, then we need to read gurbani, simple.

Around 45,000 done now, one day left in this month, lets see if we can hit 50,000. If you aint submitted your numbers yet, get them in :)

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Sant Harnam Singh Jee Rampur Khera Sahib - Prayers for the Khalsa Panth


On the eve of Baisakhi 1976 Baba Ji began a programme of ‘simran’ to uplift the morale of the Khalsa panth. He cancelled all visits away from the gurdwara and if he did have to go, then he would first complete the rigorous programme of simran before leaving. On Baisakhi 1979 he completed his prayers for the panth and prayed at the feet of the great Guru, ”O great Guru! Whatever naam has been recited with your grace over the past three years, please dedicate the benefit of this simran for the entire Khalsa panth. Save the panth from the impending crisis with your guidance and blessing. Have mercy on your disciples.”


The Daily Programme

In those days, he would get up at 2 am and after bathing, engaged himself in simran for an hour. At about 3 am, the remaining sangat would be woken up and whilst the sangat got ready, Baba Ji would engross himself in simran. Next, Nitnem in groups followed by Sukhmani Sahib was recited. Ardas was done in the presence of the entire sangat and the daily hukamnama was taken. After light refreshment, he would return to his simran for another three hours and recite several rosaries of various hymns until 1 pm, when he would come and sit with the sangat to have langar. He would exchange words with the sangat and see to any essential work or meet any outside visitors. Sometimes he would order a devotee to read a historical tale from the texts written by

Bhai Vir Singh. At about 2.30 pm, he would return to his hut and complete the daily routine of meditation of various hymns. At about 6pm he would come out for a while and go for an evening walk. Even during his walk,

he would either recite himself or ask a devotee to recite the prayer of ‘Benati Chaupai’ or ‘Satte’ Balwand ki Vaar’. On his return, the evening prayer of Rehras and Arti was recited in the presence of the great Guru. Then Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji would be put rest. He would take a cup of milk after this. After the sangat had taken langar, everyone would sit around Baba Ji, historical tales of the Guru’s lives were read and discussion of Gurbani would take place. After reciting the bedtime prayer of Sohila, he would retire to bed, where he would engross himself in simran and sleep for a while. Of course, he spent all his life in a similar routine of meditation but between Baisakhi of 1976 and 1979, he did not deviate even a few minutes from his daily schedule.

On the Baisakhi of 1978, he heard of the brutal murder by Nirankari’s of the Singh’s in Amritsar. He went immediately to pay

homage and see the dead Singh’s for himself. Deeply pained by the whole incident, he remained to cremate the Singh’s and joined the funeral procession to mourn the loss of the Singh’s with the whole nation. He met with various leaders and returned to the gurdwara with a heavy heart.

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Akhand Paths for the Panth

Sant Baba Mann Singh Pehowa Wale and Sant Baba Mohan Singh Ji Langar Wale, arranged 131313 Sri Akhand Path Sahibs. The sole reasoning behind the programme was for Sarbat da Phalla and for commencement of the 2008 celebrations alongside commemorating our Beloved Guru Sahib Ji’s.

Originally 101 Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji’s were carried out on each Guru Ji’s name, 101 Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji’s were carried out for Chardi Kala of the Khalsa Panth and 101 Sri Akhand Path Sahib Ji’s were carried out for Sarbat Da Bhulla. The programme began at Gurdwara Sachkhand Isher Darbar Pehowa on the 2nd February 2007.

Organisation of the Sri Akhand Path Sahibs started in early 2007. All items required for the Sri Akhand Paths were specifically tailored at Gurdwara Sachkhand Isher Darbar in an organisation plan, which operated day and night. Housing for all Pattis was arranged at Gurdwara Sachkhand Isher Darbar, where all blankets, food, cleaning facilities, rest facilities and other essential requirements were all fully provided. Baba Ji informed all Pattis and Sewadars that if any one was to enter the Darbar Sahib Ji where the Sri Akhand Paths Sahib Ji's were taking place it was an essential requirement they had Keshi Ishnaan.

Sangat from all over the world including various Sant Mahapuraks all joined Baba Ji for the Arambh of 131313 Sri Akhand Path Sahibs. Jathedar of Thakht Sri Damdama Sahib Giani Balwant Singh Ji Nandgarh alongside Jathedar of Thakht Sri Keshgarh Sahib Giani Trilochan Singh Ji also paid respects at the programme. Jathedar Giani Balwant Singh Ji Nandgarh illustrated how the programme arranged by Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji was one of great planning and gratitude towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s Gurgadi Devas Celebration.

101 Sri Akand Path Sahib's are now being carried out every 2 days.

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What I’m asking and no one yet has seemed to have answered is what and how will change come? and what would they like to see happen in regards to the purpose of this mass prayer syndicate? In order for it to work the actual thinking and the mentality of people will need to change by miraculous force, how can we pray for such a thing? how can we ask God to change to makeup mentality of people on a massive scale?

Warrior - Besides the obvious benefits of reciting Gurbani anyway you seem to acknowledge a problem and see a need for the mentality of people to change on a large scale. Do you think you can achieve that?

My personal understanding is that we cannot do anything...

No power to speak, no power to keep silent.

No power to beg, no power to give.

No power to live, no power to die.

No power to rule, with wealth and occult mental powers.

No power to gain intuitive understanding, spiritual wisdom and meditation.

No power to find the way to escape from the world.

He alone has the Power in His Hands. He watches over all.

O Nanak, no one is high or low. ||33||

JapJi Sahib

Therefore, what better action is there for us to do than to humbly fall at the Gurus feet and beg for help.

O God give me Your Hand and protect me. Kindly fulfil all my mind’s desires.

May my mind remain ever attached to Your feet. Treat me as Your own and cherish me. ||1||

Destroy all my enemies. Give me Your Hand and save me.

May my family members live in peace. May my servants and Sikhs live in peace, O God. ||2||

Give me Your Hand and protect me. Destroy all my enemies today.

May my hope be fulfilled. The thirst for repeating Your Name continues to exist. ||3||

May I not forsake You and may I not meditate on anyone else except You. May I obtain from You, whatever gifts I want.

Kindly make my servants as well as my disciples to swim the world ocean. Kindly kill my enemies after singling them out. ||4||

Kindly give me Your Hand and save me. Kindly destroy from within myself the fear of the time of death.

May You ever remain on my side. O God, there is a Sword on Your Banner, protect me. ||5||


First 5 pauree's from Chaupai Sahib

Do not under-estimate the power of Gurbani.


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    • I was searching igurbani.com which gives correct pronunciation of Gurbani. I can’t remember all of it at once. I guess it relies on more practice, like more Sehaj Paths. The meaning becomes clearer. I have noticed slight variants in it. This could be because it’s written in old Punjabi.  
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    • Bro, reciting a shorter Chaupai Sahib is hardly "anti-Dasam". It's fine to argue that the longer Chaupai is more traditional, but the short one isn't anti-Dasam. That's like claiming shorter Rehras is anti-Guru Granth Sahib ji just because there are fewer selections from Guru Granth Sahib. It might not be traditional, but it's not anti-Guru Granth Sahib. I prefer the longer versions, but let's not exaggerate. Every tradition has a slightly different Rehras version. Nanaksar vs Taksal vs Nihangs and so on. The basic template for Rehras is at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib ji. Later, Chaupai Sahib was added and Anand Sahib always follows as the end of a process. Then some sangats added more saloks to start Rehras and others were added at the end. Some additional selections from Dasam Bani were also added, but it wasn't the same ones for every sangat. The important thing is to not hate on each other for these variations.
    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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